
(作者:毛毛妈妈lucj时间:2018-02-23 10:04:10)











我是师专外语系的一名学生,经过大学的学习和锻炼,我将2014年7月完成大专学业,真正步入社会,开始人生路上的新一段征程。 在投身社会之际,为了找到适合自己且有兴趣的工作,更好地发挥的才能,实现自己的人生价值,谨向各位领导作一自我推荐。

现将自己的情况简要介绍如下:作为一名英语教育专业的大学生,我热爱我的专业并为其投入了巨大的热情和精力. 在几年的学习生活中,本人在几年中系统学习了教育学、心理学、普通心理学、美术、幼儿教育心理学、小学教育研究方法等课程。我正处于人生中精力充沛的时期,我渴望在更广阔的天地里展露自己的才能,我不满足与现有的知识水平,期望在实践中得到锻炼和提高,因此我希望能够加入你们的单位.我会踏踏实实的做好属于自己的一份工作,竭尽全力的在工作中取得好的成绩.我相信经过自己的勤奋和努力,一定会做出应有的贡献.

感谢您在百忙之中所给与我的关注,愿贵单位事业蒸蒸日上,屡创佳绩,祝您的事业白尺竿头,更进一步!我相信领导一定会是伯乐,能在人才 之海中用自己不同寻常的眼光找到自己需要的千里之马!





the quality of art is a comprehensive art level and ability in the category of internal knowledge and external manifestations of coordinated unification. for example, in dance, music, painting, literature and other art of people they have and art related ability, can be called art quality. art education is refers through the method and content of specific, to change the quality of art education. the fine arts education is the art function for the meaning of art education activities, is to edify sentiment, improve people's artistic accomplishment and other aspects of the function, play a unique function. therefore the university art teacher should train students from art to learn basic skills and basic quality of the students, pay attention to the synchronous development of artistic quality and artistic accomplishment, entrusted with the responsibility of its overall quality development.

一 艺术素质要培养的内容

artistic quality to cultivate content


( a ) the artistic quality of moral cultivation


art education is not only limited to some form of skills training, but also from the content point of view is not only includes the categories of painting, music,

dance and other narrow. as the rich ethnic characteristics, local characteristics of folk art, due to the different times, different nationalities, different cultural backgrounds of the people, their way of thinking, values, aesthetic emotion, artistic conception, and even the entire social fashion, customs, temperament are more or less the difference, the art will also show their trait. but as the artistic whole, part of the culture of a portion of their sodium content of

humanities quality education of people, not only make the art education is more extensive . at the same time to really carry forward the fine traditional culture, inheritance and dissemination of national culture, to set up the national image and cultivate love home, love, patriotism has influence character by environment, in reality value, also has the convenient conditions from the aspects of teaching, and improve the implementation of art education.


( two ) the cultivation of aesthetic concept art quality

视觉艺术,主要包括绘画、雕塑、工艺、建筑等,它又称造型艺术,因它以可视的图型为基础,占有一定的空间,故属空间艺术。视觉艺术作用于人的是形状和色彩这两个因素。 听觉艺术也称为时间的艺术,它只能听而看不到,主要是指音乐这一艺术,它影响人的因素是声音、音响。音乐这种特殊的语言与所要表现的对象不可能有本质上的联系,因而它不可能像视觉艺术一样描绘出具体的事物形象出来,只能表达一些不确切的情感含义。但音响是一种物理运动,自从有了人类就有了音乐的存在,它是人类语言的一种,因此,任何有感觉的人都会对音乐的音响而有所反应、有所感知,音乐是表达人类情感最直接、最细致的一种艺术。可见,艺术作品影响人、感染人的过程,也就是教育人的过程,这一过程是受教育者认识美的过程,是在不断的审美过程中完成的教育。艺术教育是提高人的审美意识的重要手段之一。

visual art, including painting, sculpture, architecture, process, it is also called art, because it is based on the visual patterns, occupy a certain space, so the space art. visual art works on people is the two factors that shape and color. the sense of hearing art also known as the art of time, it can only hear but not see, mainly refers to the music art, its influence factors is sound, the sound. the object of this special music language and to demonstrate the might not have essential connection, so it may not like the visual arts describe image out of concrete, can only express some inaccurate emotional meaning. but the

sound is a physical exercise, since human beings have the existence of music, it is a kind of human language, therefore, any feeling of the people will respond, be aware of musical acoustics, music is a kind of art to express human

emotions is the most direct, the most detailed. visible, works of art influence people, infection process, also is the process of education, it is the educated to understand beauty, is completed in the aesthetic process of continuous education. art education is one of important means to improve people's aesthetic consciousness.


( three ) the artistic quality of thinking training


the artistic quality education in addition to the aesthetic function, cultivation of image thinking is another main function. art is emotional psychological activity, is the artist through non - representational means to express his inner world. because it is not representational art, therefore, his creation must be based on the imagination as a psychological basis, by the association and imagination into full play, create a rich artistic image, as the education of art, through continuous training of perception, the two creation of art appreciation, has become more abundant, the by sensory stimulation to the process controlled by reason, is affected by the process of art emotion, art is constantly to the

brain thinking provides a productive process. thinking of the brain, an object of attention to more is changeable movement state, the attention is more focused, more in depth, pay attention to convert the object itself, is to give a provision of attention. " art can arouse fantasy, pioneering the development of ideas, the formation of moral principles, broaden their horizons, because the ideological position, give a person with ideal ", which is the former soviet union to art education exposition.

二 提高大学生艺术素质的途径

two ways to improve the artistic quality of university students


( a ) contact the actual life of students, pay attention to students' emotional experience, improve the quality of the humanities


art education is to cultivate the students' artistic accomplishment is the core content of the art education activities. from the social point of view,

emphasizing the humanistic value of art education, cultivate good sense of social responsibility, respect for the personality development of students,

reflect the harmony between people and society; from a personal point of view, through the art education is to cultivate students' ability of operation, ability to appreciate and explore the innovation ability.


( two ) through the strengthening of the artistic accomplishments of students, arouse their aesthetic


art classes in university, we should combine students physiological and

psychological development characteristics and culture degree, make full use of vivid teaching material with a stage, the continuity of works of art, the intrinsic value of deep excavation works of art, pay attention to the study of art and its cultural origin, enhance personal artistic accomplishment, stimulate students' aesthetic taste.


( three ) the integration of art and other resources, to promote the development of students' comprehensive quality


art education, is an organic part of the development of comprehensive quality of students, as we begin our art education teaching, this feature should give full consideration to the art of. modern society needs innovative talents and

exploring spirit and the creation ability, promote the interdisciplinary integration of relevant content conforms to the modern education idea, comply with the development of the times, but also the university art education teaching reform and development direction of. therefore, to promote the integration of subject is an effective way to strengthen the education resources, is the only way which must be passed to promote college students' comprehensive quality development. based on the broad social background, enjoy the profound

traditional culture of our country, by art education as a bridge, guide students through a comprehensive and exploratory learning some of the art ontology knowledge and knowledge content, and gradually establish a teaching and learning in the arts as the main body and the related contents in combination with other disciplines, guiding students to learn in different in the context of multi-angle exploration, mining knowledge, so as to promote knowledge and skills of each subject mastery, internal rules and external trends to enable students to fully understand the characteristics of fine arts disciplines, in a relatively short period of time the art performance of the diversity and the

development of art, thus to cultivate the ability of students' inquiry ability and comprehensive solution to the problem.


in short, the art teachers must pay attention to the basic knowledge of the students' art learning and basic skills of learning, pay attention to artistic influence of art education on students' personality and sentiment influence character by environment, which is to cultivate high-quality talents to adapt to the social development demand, also is the modern art education teaching efficiency.
























