
(作者:1059211045@qq.com时间:2020-04-09 05:01:45)



recently, the liberal education project at zhongshan university has attracted great attention. the 35 freshmen taking part in this project will follow a general curriculum providing broad learning in multiple disciplines rather than the usual in depth study of one particular major. they may benefit a great deal by broadening their knowledge, but will they lose out when it comes to job hunting in four years’ time? give your opinion about this liberal education project.

honorable judges, ladies and gentlemen! i’m happy to have the chance to speak here. i would like to share my opinion with you on the topic “the liberal education project at zhongshan university.”

recently, this liberal education project has attracted great attention all over china. some people believe the project will benefit the students involved greatly. however, others raise their eyebrows because they fear that the students will lose out in the job market. in my opinion, this project should be regarded as a blessing rather than a curse. there are tow arguments i would like to make to support my point of view.

firstly, attending the project, the students lay a solid foundation for their further study and research. as the chinese saying goes “there is no separation among liberal arts, history and philosophy.” only when students comprehensively study all three subjects, could they obtain a solid foundation for their future accomplishments in the study of human science. i remember, one of my friends majored in liberal arts and minored in history as an undergraduate student. however, after four year’s study, he found he was especially interested in medieval history, which he specialized in later for his master’s degree. recently, he confided to me that he feels he is at a disadvantage in pursuing his further studies because he has not studied philosophy as an undergraduate student and philosophy, particularly historical materialism is one of the key tools for analyzing past events. therefore i believe, as dose he, that if he had taken part in this project, he would have benefited enormously.

secondly, the project provides the students with an edge for competing in the job market. nowadays, to be recruited by a well-known company, university students have to pass many rounds of tests and interviews, which aim at testing students’ all-round abilities. therefore, i firmly believe, the students, who have extensively studied liberal arts, history and philosophy, will stand out in the tests and attract the attention of any employer. in the modern world, companies need their employees to be versatile, to keep pace with the rapid change of business. so, with their interdisciplinary educational background, the graduates from the project will soon become extremely competent employees capable of tackling any issue that may occur in their future career.

in conclusion, i would say, taking part in the project will provide the students with a better academic life and career prospects. it is my belief that we should view the project as a beneficial and encouraging educational reform.

thank you for your time.


china’s greatest contribution to global harmony and prosperity over the next 25


honorable judges, ladies and gentlemen, it is my great pleasure to speak here today. i would like to share my opinion with you on the topic china’s greatest contribution to global economy and harmony over the next 25 years.

when i saw this topic for the first time, one thing flashed into my mind was a song called “chinese language” which is sung by a famous female band and in this song, there is one sentence in its lyrics, like, “all the world is leaning chinese”. therefore i want to say, the essence of china’s long history, chinese culture will exert a very influential effect to global harmony and prosperity over the next 25 years. i would like to divide chinese culture into three levels, chinese language, chinese educational theory and chinese traditions.

firstly, chinese language will contribute enormously to the prosperity of the world’s economy. a few months ago, i went to beijing with my girlfriend to have a sightseeing there. in the airplane flying to beijing, i encountered a foreign student from germany and he studied chinese as a postgraduate student in dalian northeast financial and economic university. we talked a lot, in chinese, related to her life in dalian, her major and even chinese phonetic symbols. when i asked her why did you decide to study chinese in this country, she told me that when she was an undergraduate student, her major was international trade and because china had become a big economy in the world, it would be very important to learn chinese to be a businessperson in the future. therefore, i believe, due to china’s economic status in the world, chinese language would become a very important factor for the world’s economic prosperity.

secondly, chinese educational theory is one of the most effective means to create harmonious relationship between human beings. china has a very long history and china’s educational theory has benefited chinese people enormously. i would like to take confucius as an example. confucius emphasized a lot on the harmonious relations between people. he even thought the relationship between teachers and students should be as good as the relationship between father and son. therefore, even many years after he died, his students still compiled “lunyu” the most famous book derived from confucius’ quotations. so i would say if china’s educational theory could be accepted by the world, it will benefited the world’s harmonious relationship between human beings greatly

thirdly, chinese tradition will provide an extremely positive effect to form a harmonious character of human beings. i would like to take myself as an example. when i was yang, i did not have a pretty handwriting and i often lost temper to my friends. so, my parent decided to let me study calligraphy. in the first few days, i experienced a lot of failures and committed some mistakes. however, i gradually learnt to be patient and my handwriting also became better. therefore, i would say if chinese tradition could be accepted by the world gradually, it will benefit the world

greatly for forming human being’s sound and harmonious character.

in conclusion, china’s culture, especially chinese language, chinese educational theory and chinese tradition, will contribute greatly to the world’s prosperity and harmony.

thank you for your time.




will chinese people’s increase of living standards contribute to the establishment of a bridge between west and east?



honorable judges, ladies and gentlemen! i am happy to have the chance to speak here. today, i would like to share my opinion with you on the topic “will chinese people’s increase of living standards promote the establishment of a bridge between the west and east?”


when i saw this topic for the first time, one thing that flashed in my mind is the fact that many confucius institutions have been opened up all around the world. therefore i firmly believe that the increase of chinese people’s financial well-being will contribute a lot to the establishment of the bridge between the west and east. there are three arguments i would like to make to support my point of view.


firstly, i would like to say, the increasing of chinese people’s financial well-being will give an opportunity to the people from the west and east to communicate with each other. i would like to take myself as an example. when i graduated from my university, i met a foreigner as a foreign teacher in a school and from that time on, we become very good friends. and even now, he has already come back to his native country. we still keep touch with each other and the way for us to keep touch is by phone. so, i would like to say, if there were no increasing of chinese people’s financial well-being, i would have no chance to talk to such a person and have such a good friend.


and secondly, i want to say, with the development of chinese people’s financial well-being, the culture of the two countries of the west and east will communicate a lot. like i said, these days, a lot of confucius institutions have been opened up all around the world and a lot of foreigners want to learn chinese. i knew a foreigner when, a few days ago, i came to beijing with my girl friend to have a tour. and that foreigner was a student in one of dalian’s universities to learn chinese. his chinese was really fantastic. the reason why he wanted to spend a lot of time in studying chinese is because he thinks in the future chinese people will be more wealthy and there would be a very good chance for him to earn money from china. and therefore i would say the increasing of chinese people’s financial well-being indeed gives an edge for chinese people to exchange cultures with other people from other countries.


and thirdly, i want to say, with the increasing of chinese people’s status, chinese government has to communicate with the outside world to buy things to meet the need of chinese people, such as airplane. with the development of chinese economy, more and more people are rich and have the ability to go to someplace by plane and chinese government have to contact the american government to get the support of its factory to get planes.


so, in conclusion, i would say, the increase of chinese people’s financial status will increase the opportunity for the exchange between people, the culture and the relationship between the governments.


thank you!



judge:your arguments are interesting. however i would like to ask you to extend it a little. how would you better balance the income levels within china?


contestant:i beg your pardon?


judge:how would you balance or distribute the income between chinese people? 评委:你如何平衡或者说分配不同中国人之间的收入差距?

contestant:you mean some chinese people are rich and (judge:very rich) some chinese people are poor (judge:very poor).


judge:how would you make that more equal?




thanks for your question.


i think this is a reality for all of the societies in the world. and one thing i think chinese people should do is chinese government should play a role to promote the people in the poor condition to have more chances to have a good job.


and secondly, the chinese government should also pay more money to establish more educational institutions to educate the people who would not have too much knowledge to learn new things to have more opportunities to find a good job.


and thirdly, i also want to say, chinese government should also use its tax method to levy more tax on the richer generation or the richer level to make the poor level have more money.


that is my answer.



一. 活动的目的及意义:


二. 主题:和谐·权益

三. 活动组织单位:经管学院学生会权益部

四. 活动时间:2014年11月6日下午两点

五. 活动地点:十教115

六. 选手须知:

1. 各参赛选手必须提前30分钟到场,抽签决定比赛顺序并依次上台演讲,无故迟到,不到者淘汰,比赛时间选手不得在场内大声喧哗,不得无故提前退场,否则淘汰。

2. 比赛采用立式脱稿演讲,每人演讲控制在5分钟之内(其中包括自我介绍1分钟,演讲内容4分钟)演讲内容必须脱稿。

3. 选手必须遵守比赛的相关规则,按时抽签,比赛,无故不到者视为自动弃权。

4. 选手必须自始至终参加听取其他选手演讲,遵守会场纪律,不起哄,不喝倒彩,做文明观众,对每一位选手的比赛都予以掌声鼓励。

5. 现场问答:选手选择题号,根据问题做即兴演讲(演讲1分钟以内)

6. 参加决赛的选手自带至少10名亲友团。
























































1. 演讲时间限定:5分30秒。5分钟到的时候会有提醒,5分30秒结束后选手应立即停止演讲比赛当日会有计时员限制时间。超时者视情况对其最终分数进行调整。

2. 选手在演讲时要有背景ppt,内容应该与其主题相关。ppt张数不限。在比赛当中需要求一名同班同学配合放映ppt。


3. 选手比赛当天可以拿稿上台演讲,但是,请尽量脱稿演讲,同时在演讲当中可以配有肢体语言或者与台下的交流。

4. 当天的着装自定,建议穿白衬衫和毛背心。

5. 各位演讲者可以邀请本班同学在上台演讲前为其助威,如喊口号等。

6. 比赛顺序暂定为由一到八班轮流演讲。

7. 比赛当天采用立式话筒,选手可以携带文件夹。

8. 比赛当日的评委有年级各位老师组成。

9. 评分标准:满分:10分

1) 演讲稿 40%

2) ppt制作,包括其内容切合主题等 10%

3) 口才,包括演讲方式,演讲者的语调,对场下气氛的调动等等 35%

4) 演讲者的仪态,相当于印象分 15%



10. 比赛结果会在下周一的升旗仪式公布并颁奖。






对于议论文形式的即兴演讲话题来说,不能够随性而为,一般要求演讲者思路清晰,在即兴演讲前必须构建好演讲的整个框架结构。优秀的选手通常采用总—分一总的结构,即提出论点——支持论点——总结论点。现以第十一届全国英语演讲比赛冠军曹丰的即兴演讲话题为例,他的题目是:nowinthe age oftheinternet,readingbooks does not seem∞important a8 it once was.do you think people call learn as much on the interuetas they can by reading books?which method do you prefer?他是这样开头的:“actually.i don’t agreewiththefirst sentence ofthistopic:‘intheage ofthe intemet,reading books is not a8 important as it was once”’.接下来分析原因,最后做出总结:“sointhisage ofinteruet,inthis age ofmodern—ization,in this age of civilization,why do you have to force someone to choosebetween]nternetandbooks?ipreferusingboth ofthem.”






演讲者一开始就提出一个或几个令人出乎意料的问题,能够迅速地唤起听众的兴趣和注意力,引发人们的深思,自然地激发听众的参与意识,缩短与听众的距离。采用设问开头的方式,关键在于问题要提得好,提得恰当。提问的信息要与后面阐述的问题联系紧密,能巧妙而自然地引出演讲的主体内容。第三届全国英语演讲比赛冠军梁励敏在演讲“are buses better than cars?”时这样开头:is not owning aprivate eara dreamthat is deeply rooted in any chinese for years time?isn’t it true that in devel—oped countries,ears have already become all indispensable part of everyone’slife?i think we are all familiar with the scene in the western movies when thewhole family goes out on a car trip.when the parents sit at the front and thechildren at the back.and isn’t that indeed avery harmonious picture?这一连串的发问能紧紧抓住听众。


在演讲的开始引用名人名言、诗句等,以提出问题或论证自己的观点。例如第十二届全国英语演讲比赛冠军的即兴演讲是这样开头的:“when i am dead,my dearest,sing no sad songs for me.plant thou no roses at my head,no shady cypretree.be the green graabove mewith showers and dewdrops wet.and,if thou wilt,remember.and,if thou wilt,forget.’’她引用这首诗来说明“死亡并不恐怖,对于很多人来说死亡是美好的”。


以一个故事,一则新闻或自己的一次经历引出演讲的主题,容易吸引听众的注意力,激发听众的兴趣。用故事开头,需要做到叙事简明扼要,所用事例要有针对性,所叙事情要与中心论题密切相关。最后还要回到主题上来,对所述故事进行升华j如第十二届全国英语演讲比赛季军杨赫在即兴演讲“what is self-esteem?how should you improve yourself-esteem?”中这样说到:“in traditional chinese classics,there was a man,who was starved to death who still refused to take the food that was offered tohim,using some rude words.in modern w÷stem literature,there is a woman,named jane eyre,who refused to marry edward rochester,when he lookeddown upon her.what do they have in common?why do we respect them somuch?that is because of their strong self-esteem.’’




总结法就是以简洁的语言扼要地概括前面所讲述的内容,以便给听众留下一个完整、清晰而深刻的印象。这种结尾能够概括和点化主旨,起到提醒、强调的作用。大多数选手在即兴演讲时都是以这种方式结尾的。第十二届全国英语演讲比赛第四名黎志敏演讲时这样结尾“in conclusion.1 want to say that we only have one earth and we should spareno effort to make our earth a better place and to steer our earth forthe better.”


这种方式以强烈的情感,听众提出希望,以达到鼓舞斗志,促其行动的目的。第十二届全国英语演讲比赛第九名邓凯琪在演讲“the mainbenefits and problems of globalization”时这样结尾“ladies and gentlemen,don’t let globalization affect how you see our culture.but then use this opportunity,use this chance to treasure our culture even more,because it is facingthe challenges of globalization.”这种结尾的方式是演讲者用深刻的认识和独到的见解向听众提希望、发号召,能使听众,精神为之一振,具有动人情、促人行的作用。


通过引用名言、警句、谚语、格言、诗句等作为结尾,不仅使语言表达得精炼、生动、富有节奏和韵律,而且还可以使演讲的内容丰富充实,具有启发性并增加感召力。第十三届全国英语演讲比赛第六名孙怡在演讲“share with us your understanding of‘either you’re somebody or youain’t nobody”’时这样结尾“1 want to end my speech with one of michaeljordan’s famous words.it s not how hard you push yourselfor your way;it'8something in you.you think you have to finish it.”用名言式结尾,能给演讲者的思想提供有力的证明增加演讲的可信度,显得更加优美、含蓄,睿智大气,具有较强的说服力和鼓舞作用。


以问句结尾有两种表现形式,一是提出问题引人深思,二是以反问的方式作总结。第九届全国英语演讲比赛冠军洪哗在演讲“should therebe limits on how we display our love in public?what do you think is the bestway to expreyour feelings in public?”时这样结尾:“and the best scene inmy mind to show our love in public,is that we lay on the graland in mycampus,and i read a part of jane eyre to him,and he read a part of olivertwist to me.don’t you think it is a romantic scene for the young lovers toshow their love to each other?”


第七届全国英语演讲比赛“最具潜力选手奖”获得者张勇被问及“should cohege students be allowed to get married?”时,这样答道:“thankyou for your question and i think it’s really a good question to show how fast the society is developing.istill remember that last year the contestant number twenty-four,also today’shost,were asked about a question that what qualities you look for in aboyfriend.and only a year later here iⅲasked:should college students beallowed to get married?i think the society is really developing.”他的随机应变带来的幽默博得了阵阵掌声与笑声。





演讲者必须积累一定的词汇量,这样就不会在拿到即兴演讲题目之后因为不认识其中某个单词而导致全军覆没,或者在反复表达同一个内容上由于词汇贫乏而使用同一个单词,使人产生厌倦的感觉。例如形容一个人生气、愤怒,避免重复使用angry,可以用be pissed off,beburned up等词来替换。又如在表达“喜欢”的时候,可以用be keen on,be into,be mad about,be passionate about,be fond of,be partial to等来替换like和love.其次,还要积累各个方面的相关词汇。例如:当谈到环境问题,可能会用到土流失、沙漠化、排放物、可持续发展等等,这就需要掌握它们的英语表达(water loand soil erosion,desertification,emission,sustainable development)。谈到如何解决交通问题时,高架桥、地铁、轻轨、行人、交通规则、遵守、高峰时间等这些词汇也是必不可少的(viaduct,metro,light rail,pedestrian,traffic regulation,abide by,rush hour)。再次,背诵一些实用的句型。在“表达越来越多的人意识到..时”,可以采用“thereis agrowing awarenessthat.”这比起我们常用的“moreand more people realize that.”要好的多。此外,谚语和格言的积累也是十分必要的。学生如果能够每天记忆三两句谚语,长期坚持,烂熟于胸,定能由量变上升到质变,在特定的语言环境中会脱口而出,收到贴切、生动、幽默、风趣等意想不到的语言效果。






