
(作者:wojiaosb时间:2021-11-05 05:02:06)



您好!工作辛苦了!首先向您致以最诚挚的谢意,感谢您在百忙之中翻阅我的自荐信。我是西北农林科技大学植物保护学院2014届农药学专业的应届硕士毕业生王宁。素闻贵校任人唯贤,宽松的工作环境、和谐的人际关系和温馨的工作氛围令我神往。所以,怀着一颗激动的心和满腔热情,我向您走近! 我的信心来自多年学习和生活的积淀: 良好的品格作风 学习上认真刻苦、勤奋好学,生活上乐观、待人热情、性格开朗的我,有着诚恳严谨求实、踏实肯干、吃苦耐劳的工作作风和较强的团队协作精神。 扎实的专业知识 四年本科和三年研究生的踏实学习使我获益匪浅。本科期间,我全面学习了植物保护专业各方面的知识, 研究生阶段则系统深入地学习了天然产物化学、天然产物农药、农药学原理、农药毒理学等专业方面的课程,成绩优秀,具有了扎实的专业基础知识;先后从事 “丙烷脒合成工艺优化研究” 、“丙烷脒杀菌作用机理研究”以及农药生物测定、田间药效试验等工作,锻炼了专业技能;同时,我学会了操作高压液相色谱仪、红外光谱仪、气相色谱仪、紫外光谱仪等大型仪器;发表一级期刊论文1篇,具备了较强的科研能力。 广阔的知识体系 英语和计算机是现代社会必备的工具。本科期间辅修了计算机专业课程,可以熟练运用word、 excel、 powerpoint、photoshop等软件;硕士期间,一直从事西北农林科技大学无公害农药研究服务中心网站和无公害农药论坛的制作和维护工作。同时,英语“读、写、听、说、译”能力较强,已顺利通过陕西省非英语专业硕士研究生英语统考(get)和全国大学英语六级考试(cet-6),具备了阅读英文专业书籍和运用专业术语的能力。 丰富的社会经验 我以“自己管理自己,自己培养自己,自己提高自己,自己养活自己”为标准,认真学习知识,从各方面严格要求自己。在校期间,我连续7年从事学生干部工作,有意识的锻炼和提高自己的工作和组织能力,组织并参加了学校及院上的各项活动,培养了我严谨求实、踏实肯干、吃苦耐劳的工作作风和较强的团队协作精神,组织管理、协作共事和独立工作的能力也得到进一步的提高。同时,我还多次参加学校、班级组织的社会调查,做兼职家教,这些都丰富了我的社会经验。研究生期间还参加了“三下乡”服务队,深入陕西渭南进行社会调查,并完成了一系列科研工作。 我渴望能够有一个舞台来展示自己的能力和知识,我将全力以赴为之奋斗,同团队一起进步,共创辉煌! 诚挚祝愿贵校事业锦上添花,热切希望能够为贵校的事业添砖加瓦。恳切的等待贵校的回音!



















dear school leadership:


the hard work! first of all, to you my most sincere thanks, thank you for your busy schedule to read my自荐信.

i am the northwest agriculture and forestry university of science and technology institute of plant protection pesticide science xx session of this year's master li jie graduates. su-wen school meritocracy and relaxed working environment and harmonious

interpersonal relationships and a warm atmosphere of the work i am fascinated. therefore, with a warm heart and emotion, i approached to you!

my confidence comes from years of accumulated learning and life:good character seriously hard style of learning, studious, life optimism, others warm, cheerful personality, i have a sincere

rigorous truth-seeking, pragmatic work hard, work hard style and a strong spirit of teamwork.

solid expertise

four-year undergraduate and graduate students for three years, i benefited from practical learning. undergraduate period, i fully

studied all aspects of plant protection professional knowledge, post-graduate stage of the system in depth study of the natural products chemistry, natural product pesticides, principles of pesticides, pesticide toxicology and other professional courses and the results excellent, with a solid the basis of professional knowledge; has

engaged in "synthesis optimization propamidine research",

"propamidine mechanism of bactericidal action", as well as pesticide biometrics, such as field trial work and training of professional skills; the same time, i learned how to operate high-pressure liquid chromatography, infrared spectroscopy, gas chromatography, uv

spectroscopy and other large equipment; a journal published a paper with a strong research capability.

broad knowledge

english and computer is an essential tool of modern society. during the undergraduate minor in computer science courses can be skilled to use word, excel, powerpoint, photoshop and other software; master's degree during the north-west has been engaged in agriculture, forestry, pollution-free pesticides university of science and technology research and services center web site

(http://) and non - forum pesticide pollution

(http://bbs.greenpesticide.com) production and maintenance. at the same time, english "reading, writing, listening, speaking,

translation of" ability, in shaanxi province has been successfully adopted by non-english majors graduate english test (get) and the national college english test 6 (cet-6), have read the english

professional books and the ability to use professional terminology.rich social experience

i would like to "manage their own, their own culture, their own to improve their own to support themselves," as the standard, conscientiously study and knowledge of all aspects of the strict demands on themselves. while studying at the school for 7 years i am engaged in the work of student leaders, conscious of the exercise and

to improve their work and organizational capacity, organized and participated in schools and homes on the activities, to develop my rigorous truth-seeking, pragmatic work hard, hard work style and strong team spirit, organization and management, collaborative

working and the ability to work independently be further raised. at the same time, i also attended many schools and classes organized by the social survey, part-time tutor, which are rich in experience in my community. graduate students also participated in during the "three rural areas," service, in-depth social survey of weinan in shaanxi province, and completed a series of research activities.i'm looking forward to have a stage to display their abilities and knowledge, i will go all out fighting, with the team progress, and create brilliant!

sincere wishes for your school cause icing on the cake, very much hope that the cause of building blocks for your school. earnestly waiting for the echo of your school!




dear school leadership:


the hard work! first of all, to you my most sincere thanks, thank you for your busy schedule to read my自荐信.

i am the northwest agriculture and forestry university of science and technology institute of plant protection pesticide science 2014 session of this year's master li jie graduates. su-wen school meritocracy and relaxed working environment and harmonious interpersonal relationships and a warm atmosphere of the work i am fascinated. therefore, with a warm heart and emotion, i approached to you!

my confidence comes from years of accumulated learning and life:

good character seriously hard style of learning, studious, life optimism, others warm, cheerful personality, i have a sincere rigorous truth-seeking, pragmatic work hard, work hard style and a strong spirit of teamwork.

solid expertise

four-year undergraduate and graduate students for three years, i benefited from practical learning. undergraduate period, i fully studied all aspects of plant protection professional knowledge, post-graduate stage of the system in depth study of the natural products chemistry, natural product pesticides, principles of pesticides, pesticide toxicology and other professional courses and the results excellent, with a solid the basis of professional knowledge; has engaged in "synthesis optimization propamidine research", "propamidine mechanism of bactericidal action", as well as pesticide biometrics, such as field trial work and training of professional skills; the same time, i learned how to operate high-pressure liquid chromatography, infrared spectroscopy, gas chromatography, uv spectroscopy and other large equipment; a journal published a paper with a strong research capability.

broad knowledge

english and computer is an essential tool of modern society. during the undergraduate minor in computer science courses can be skilled to use word, excel, powerpoint, photoshop and other software; master's degree during the north-west has been engaged in agriculture, forestry, pollution-free pesticides university of science and technology research and services center web site (http://www.greenpesticide.com) and non - forum pesticide pollution (http://bbs.greenpesticide.com) production and maintenance. at the same time, english "reading, writing, listening, speaking, translation of" ability, in shaanxi province has been successfully adopted by non-english majors graduate english test (get) and the national college english test 6 (cet-6), have read the english professional books and the ability to use professional terminology.

rich social experience

i would like to "manage their own, their own culture, their own to improve their own to support themselves," as the standard, conscientiously study and knowledge of all aspects of the strict demands on themselves. while studying at the school for 7 years i am engaged in the work of student leaders, conscious of the exercise and to improve their work and organizational capacity, organized and participated in schools and homes on the activities, to develop my rigorous truth-seeking, pragmatic work hard, hard work style and strong team spirit, organization and management, collaborative working and the ability to work independently be further raised. at the same time, i also attended many schools and classes organized by the social survey, part-time tutor, which are rich in experience in my community. graduate students also participated in during the "three rural areas," service, in-depth social survey of weinan in shaanxi province, and completed a series of research activities.

i'm looking forward to have a stage to display their abilities and knowledge, i will go all out fighting, with the team progress, and create brilliant!

sincere wishes for your school cause icing on the cake, very much hope that the cause of building blocks for your school. earnestly waiting for the echo of your school!






我是电子科技大学微电子与固体电子学院材料科学与工程专业应届毕业生。在此临近毕业之际,我希望能得到贵单位的赏识与栽培。为了发挥自己的才能,特向贵单位自荐。 四年的大学学习,三年的硕士研究,使我掌握了深厚的专业知识,我热爱我的专业并为其投入了巨大的热情和精力。并阅读了课外很多相关书籍来充实自己的专业知识。我具备了较强的英语听、说、读写能力。熟练掌握了计算机的基本理论与应用技术,以优秀的成绩通过全国计算机二级考试。在英语方面,通过国家英语六级,通过toeic考试,达到职业英语水平四级。此外,我积极投身社团和学生会等学生组织为同学服务,表现出色,贡献突出。曾先后获得校级“优秀学生干部”、“优秀共产党员”、“优秀毕业生”等称号。 “长风破浪会有时,直挂云帆济沧海”,我真诚地希望贵公司能给我一个发展的平台,我会好好珍惜它,并全力以赴,为实现自己的人生价值而奋斗,为贵公司的发展贡献力量。





