
(作者:茉莉清茶时间:2020-11-24 17:26:12)





When I was very small, I always looked forward to the coming of ChristmasDay, because it meant that I would have presents early in the morning.It wassuch an exciting thing for me.My mother told me that if I was doing well in theyear, the Santa Claus would give me bonus.I believed in it and I actedpolitely.I got my present every Christmas morning and I was so proud of myself.Now I have grown up and realize the truth of Santa Claus.I am so thankful of myparents, as they make up the story and help me to be an excellent kid.



Christmas is also known as Christmas, translated as "Christ mass", westerntraditional festival, every year in December 25th.Mass is a kind of churchservice.Christmas is a religious festival, because regard it as to cele/patethe birth of Jesus, named "christmas".

Most of the Catholic Church will be first in the 24, Christmas Eve, i.e.,the early morning of December 25 at midnight mass, and some Christian will beheld caroling and on December 25 to cele/pate Christmas; Christian another/panch of Orthodox Christmas cele/pation in the annual January 7.

Christmas is a public holiday in the western world and in many otherregions, such as Hongkong, Macao, Malaysia, and Singapore in Asia.The Bibleactually did not record the date of birth of Jesus, Christmas is a public.


大部分的天主教教堂都会先在24日的平安夜,亦即12月25日凌晨举行子夜弥撒,而一些基 督教会则会举行报佳音,然后在12月25日庆祝圣诞节;基督教的另一大分支——东正教的圣诞节庆则在每年的1月7日。



It was Christmas Day yesterday.We had a Christmas party at school.Manyfriends of mine came to the party.After we saidMerry Christmas, we began tosing Christmas songs, such as Edelweiss, andso on.Then we told some Christmasstories, such as Christmas Father.Then I danced and laughted with my friends.We all had a good time.When the party came to the end,we said Happy New Year toeach other.

Christmas is a Christian holiday held on December 25 which cele/pates thebirth of Jesus Christ.Eastern Orthodox Churches, which use the Julian Calendarto determine feast days, cele/pate on January 7 by the GREgorian Calendar.Bothdates are merely traditional and neither is thought to be the ACTual birthdateof Jesus.Christ‘s birth, or nativity, is said to fulfill Old Testamentprophecies concerning the coming of a messiah, or savior.

The word Christmas is derived Middle English Christemasse and from OldEnglish Cristes msse.It is a contrACTion meaning Christ‘s mass.The name of theholiday is often shortened to Xmas because Roman letter X resembles the GREekletter Χ (chi), an ab/peviation for Christ .

In Western countries, Christmas has become the most economicallysignificant holiday of the year.The popularity of Christmas can be traced inpart to its status as a winter festival.

Many cultures have their most important holiday in winter because there isless agricultural work to do at this time.Examples of winter festivals that arebelieved by some to have influenced Christmas include the pre-Christianfestivals of Yule and SATurnalia.

In Western culture, the holiday is charACTerized by the exchange of giftsamong friends and family members, some of the gifts being attributed to SantaClaus (also known as Father Christmas, Saint Nicholas, and Father Frost).However, various local and regional Christmas traditions are still practiced,despite the widespread influence of American, /pitish and Australian Christmasmotifs disseminated by film, popular literature, television, and othermedia.


圣诞节是12月25日举行的基 督教节日,庆祝Jesus Christ的诞生。东正教,用JulianCalendar来决定节日,在公历1月7日庆祝。这两个日期都只是传统的和不被认为是Jesus实际出生日期。耶稣基督的诞生,或耶稣降生,据说是旧约预言中关于弥赛亚或救世主到来的预言。

圣诞节这个词是来自中世纪英语Christemasse和古英语Cristes中小企业。它是一个收缩的意思是基督的弥撒。这个节日的名字往往是缩短到圣诞节,因为罗马字母X类似于希腊字母Χ(CHI),缩写为基 督的缘故。





Christmas Day is very popular around the world, when that day comes, we cansee the Christmas products sell everywhere, though Christmas Day is notoriginating from China, in our country, more and more people spend that day.Aforeigner pointed out that Christmas meant to be grateful for them, while forChinese people, it was just a day for cele/pating.To me, Christmas indeed meansa day to have fun.  When I was small, I did not have the concept of Christmas,because in my mind, I only knew Chinese traditional festivals, I liked SpringFestival best, I could get a lot of money from parents.When I went to highschool, all of my friends would talk about Christmas Day when the day was near,so I started to know it.Almost every young people like Christmas, but if youask them what the meaning of the day, less of them can answer.

The meaning of Christmas Day is to remind people of Jesus’s birth, it is soimportant for the western people, but for me, I only want to have fun, everyoneis cele/pating it, so I join them, being happy, that’s enough for me.





Dear Santa claus:


My name is Yifan, Christmas is coming, I wish you a merry christmas! Iwould like to get a gift like the "viaduct" this year! My mom and dad told methat you would meet my requirements, right? I promise: I will take good care ofyou gave me the gift, and after the play, I will own the good to clean up theirown toys, no need to help me.So, you will continue to give me a gift next year,right?

OK, just write it, I'm looking forward to the coming of Christmas.I wishyou a happy day!



Love you all








