
(作者:钟青时间:2023-07-02 08:14:42)



not的意思 篇一

adv. 不,[用以表示否定、否认、拒绝、禁止等]不是,几乎不,未必,没有[用于否定后面的词或短语]

not词组 |习惯用语 篇二

so as not to vt. 以便不(未到。.。的程度)

if not for 要不是;若非

not a thing 没东西;什么都没有

be not in 不在家

not用法 篇三


not的基本意思是“不,没有”,通常用于否定句中,位于动词be、have/has或情态动词之后,或与之一起构成缩写形式; 如:isn't, don't, won't等。

在美国口语中常用ain't代替am not/are not/is not/has not/have not。



I'm not really sure.我不太清楚。

It's not your fault.不是你的错。

We are not teachers.我们不是老师。

not用法例句 篇四

1、Success is not guaranteed. It is not handed to you. Success is earned.


2、Do not wait for good things to happen to you. You need to walk towards happiness.


3、The happiest are not those who own all the best things, but those who can appreciate the beauty of life.


not英语例句库 篇五

1.He did not stir, not look up.他没有动, 也没有抬头。

2.Not arrogant with victory, not dishearten with setback.例句〗胜利了不要骄傲,失败了不要~。

3.Do not kiaugh with something you could not do,OK?不要再为,无奈的事情,而烦心了。好吗,?

4.Do not have marrier, can you bring ring not?没结婚的人,可以安环不?

5.Do not reproach yourself, it was not your fault.不要责备你自己,这不是你的过错。

6.Not restricted to a particular zone or region; not local.非局部地区的,非本地的:不局限于某个特别的地带或地区的;非本地的。好评(0

7.If has not noticed , esthesia would not produce strong outsight 。如果没有注意,感知就不会产生强烈观察力。

8.Do not meddle in things that do not concern you.别参与和自己无关的事。

9.Not one singer forgot a word, not a pianist faulted.没有一个歌唱家忘掉过歌词, 没有一个钢琴家弹错过。

10.I'm not stringing you—I'll eat my shirt if it's not true.我不骗你。如果不是真的,我就把衬衫吞下去。

11.Soames checked his instinctive “Not particular”--he would not chaffer with this alien.索米斯抑制着那句“无所谓”的口头禅没有说--跟这个外国家伙犯不着噜苏。

12.What the eye does not see, the heart does not grieve over.眼不见, 心不烦。

13.Although she did not reciprocate his feelings, she did not discourage him.尽管她没有回应他的感情,她也没有使他丧失信心。

14.If you can not have children of your own, why not consider adoption?假如你自己不能生育, 何不考虑过继一个呢?

15.Be not just to excess, and be not overwise, lest you be ruined.不要过于正义,也不要自作聪明,免得自趋灭亡。

16.It noted that mycoprotein is not a mushroom, which is a common food.该小组指出菌蛋白并不是一种蘑菇(一种普通的食物)。

17.Don't be so inquisitive; I'm not telling you what I've promised not to say.“别这么好管闲事了,我不会告诉你我允诺不讲的事。”

18.If there are not starving,poortith and war in the world.Peace not far away us.当世界再没有饥饿,贫穷,战争。和平离我们还远吗?

19.I was not fishing for compliments 。我不是在沽名钓誉。

20.The meat is not cooked enough.这肉未烧到火候。

