
(作者:小编时间:2015-01-31 07:00:52)


ladies and gentlemen :

welcome to “watermelon health club”,we feel so honorinvite you being here to attend our opening ceremony , thank you.

today is an important day for us to celebrate together .in modern society, people have more and more pressure. in order to relieve those pressure, strengthen the physical fitness and improve life quality,“watermelon health club” begins to run business today.

i am **, general manager of “watermelon health club”.our club’s gist is: coming with me, your health is at your fingertips.

here, not only can you get a healthy body, but also the method to obtain

health.you can follow our professional staff, through a variety of indoor and outdoor activities, to achievethe purpose of effective fitness .

then, i will introduce all departments of the club and the responsiblepersonofeachdepartment.

ms ** is the training manager of club, responsible for the overall work of training,** is climbing coach,** is swimming coach,** is martial arts coach,** is yoga instructor,** is riding instructor, they are professional teachers, can scientifically guide you to realize the objective of health through exercising.

mr **is the club's manager of human resources. if you think you have

expertise in terms of fitness and is willing to serve as a coach in the club, please get in touch with him.

ms ** is responsible for the financial department and marketing department. today, the club also opened a headquarters and two divisions, headquarters is located in xi'an, one division in beijing, the other in new york. if you want to invest in watermelon health club , or would like to participate in our fitness activities, please get in touch with her.

mr ** is in charge of supervision department, if you are not satisfied with our club, please connect with him.finally, welcome to join our club.

as the first day of practice, you will get a silver member qualification, can enjoy a discount of 10% off . if you put forward a proposal for the club, and the proposal is adopted , we will upgrade you to gold card members, which can enjoy a discount of 30% off

ok ,that’s all, please go to the financial department for registration and payment . for specific questions, please contact the department heads. thank you.



欢迎辞 welcoming speech

ladies and gentlemen,

following the increasing rapidity of our communications with countries abroad, china is having a large number of visitors from different countries. today, we feel very much honored to have [prof. martin. wilson] with us. [prof. martin. wilson] is well known to the world for his achievements in the field of [mathematics].

first of all, let me, on behalf of all present here, extend our warm welcome and cordial greetings to our distinguished guest.

now let us invite [prof. wilson] to give us a lecture.






i am peter, sales manager of the company.

first of all, i would like to take this opportunity to welcome you to our company.

as you are aware that our company is the one of the leading companies. i know you will be proud of you being a member of our company. it is always my great concern to keep the business going. we can never rest on our

laurels. we need to set new goals for ourselves all the time. as you are equipped with new knowledge, new thoughts and new insights, make full use of them while they are still fresh in your minds.

work hard, not only for our company but also for yourself, that's the only way for you and our company keep growing.

again i would like to welcome you and from today on, let's strive for development.







the chinese entrepreneur diaspora

although the wcec is only 20 years old, it honours a centuries-old phenomenon. way back in the 2nd century b.c., during the han dynasty,

chinese envoys explored the western regions – the central asian lands far west of china, and traders opened the silk road to trade with rome. later, from the song dynasty a thousand years ago, overseas chinese communities sprung up all over southeast asia. in the last two centuries, chinese emigrated to every continent in the world, often to work as labourers in plantations, railroads, or mines.

wherever they went, chinese communities thrived. they shared a culture of hard work and thrift, and focused on preserving family ties and educating their children. many worked their way up from poor beginnings to become successful businessmen. they may not have had good family backgrounds, or much education, but they had native ability and drive, keen business instincts and the resilience to overcome setbacks. often, prominent businessmen became community leaders and philanthropists, helping to organise the local community and contributing to society in many ways.

this was especially true in southeast asia, where chinese communities got together to support one another in areas where colonial governments were unable to assist. for instance, in singapore, successful businessmen like tan kah kee, lee kong chian and tan tock seng set up schools, hospitals and other public institutions which remain till this day. the same happened in many other countries.

although chinese settled down around the world, their identities, family ties and loyalties often remained with china. they not only supported families back home, but also political causes in china. for instance, overseas chinese played an important part in the 1911 chinese revolution. in the last years of the qing dynasty, chinese communities and businesses all around the pacific rim, as far away as hawaii and san francisco, supported sun yat sen and the tong meng hui. they set up offices around the world and donated funds to the uprisings. some overseas chinese returned to china to fight the hated manchus and were martyred. these included chinese from singapore, whose contributions and those of the singaporean chinese community will be displayed in the sun yat sen villa when it re-opens on saturday. in the sino-japan war too, overseas

chinese communities raised funds and rallied to support the motherland, which for them was china.

over time, the sense of identity of overseas chinese communities has changed. the international context has altered. in an age of nation states, overseas chinese are citizens of the countries they belong to, and see

themselves as such; their national loyalties take precedence over ethnic identities. thus singaporean chinese, after decades of nation-building and living in a multi-cultural society, see themselves as singaporeans first, and ethnic chinese second. singaporean chinese have become quite different from chinese from china or other countries. as a result, new immigrants or foreign workers who are ethnic chinese but who are new to singapore take a while to adjust to our norms.but one thing remains unchanged – many ethnic chinese are still successful entrepreneurs, and we are happy to welcome many of you here to this convention.

new global environment, new chinese enterprise, new impetus

the global environment is continuing to evolve. china’s rapid growth and transformation will continue for many more years. in the three decades since deng xiaoping launched his policy of reform and liberalisation in 1978, china has lifted more than 600 million of its people out of poverty, and become the second-largest economy in the world with a gdp of us$5 trillion. china’s role in the world will continue to grow.

as china’s economy develops, new chinese enterprises are emerging. more are becoming large established companies with significant international operations. for instance, the number of chinese companies in the fortune global 500 list has increased from 12 to 61 in the last 10 years. other chinese

companies may not be as international, but they dominate their domestic markets, such as baidu.com in china. many other small chinese companies are starting up, hoping to one day join the ranks of successful mncs.

chinese entrepreneurs have played an important role in china’s modernisation and development. ethnic chinese capital from around the world provided initial investments for new industries. overseas chinese linked up international chinese businesses with contacts in china, perhaps in their ancestral provinces or cities. in the process, they both drew upon and built up guanxi with their fellow chinese around the world.

us faces major fiscal difficulties and bitter political gridlock. the eu’s debt crisis reflects deep structural problems regarding the future of the eurozone. japan’s economic weakness and political problems continue to hamper its development. the large international trade and fiscal imbalances that contributed to the global economic crisis have not gone away.

but not everything is doom and gloom. notwithstanding their present difficulties, the us, eu and japan are powerful economies, with sophisticated technology, advanced r&d and large markets. it will take china many years to catch up with them, and they will remain major players on the global economy for a long time to come.

in southeast asia, asean member countries are enjoying steady growth. they are conscious of the competition posed by china and india, and are enhancing their competitiveness through regional integration among asean countries, as well as free trade agreements with their main trading partners. with a combined population of 500 million people and a growing middle-class, asean countries offer many opportunities for businesses.

in addition, new technologies are creating new opportunities. they are fundamentally altering the business landscape and restructuring jobs and entire industries. they have increased connectivity, shrunk global supply chains and opened new markets. it is a dynamic environment, which favours nimble and creative companies. entrepreneurship will be at a premium.

all entrepreneurs know that the best opportunities are found in the most difficult situations. thus, it is all the more important for entrepreneurs to stay optimistic, discern hidden possibilities and pursue their business ideas passionately. your success will not only benefit yourselves, but will help to rejuvenate economies and create a brighter future for everyone.

within this new environment, singapore will continue to seek to stand out as a key node in the global marketplace. entrepreneurs and companies can take advantage of our cultural diversity, world-class business infrastructure and connections as a global-asia hub to grow and prosper. we aim to make singapore a useful partner to chinese entrepreneurs all around the world and succeed together with all of you.

environment? i offer three suggestions – enhancing links, modernising companies, and strengthening communities.

firstly, chinese entrepreneurs can continue enhancing their links with one another. chinese entrepreneurs are located all over the world, from us and australia to africa and latin america, and have adapted to their respective local contexts. at the same time, they maintain ties with other chinese entrepreneurs around the world by their common cultures and values. this global network is a strategic resource for chinese entrepreneurs everywhere, as it is for other

diasporas which have been successful in business, such as the jews and sindhis.however, chinese entrepreneurs cannot rely on guanxi alone for success. in china itself, guanxi has been particularly important. but as china opens up more to the world, and as more chinese travel and operate overseas, they will have a wider choice of partners and networks to work with, be it for funding, business collaborations or access to new markets. this is already happening. hence, chinese entrepreneurs have to upgrade themselves and raise their game to remain useful and to keep their market positions.

secondly, chinese entrepreneurs should strive to build modern and professional businesses. many chinese companies start out as family-owned enterprises, but such a basis for a business has its limits. relying on family members makes it difficult to scale the business, for example to manage subsidiaries or overseas offices. succession is often an issue, beyond the founding generation. it also makes it hard to compete against global businesses that hire and promote the best talent from all over the world, regardless of family ties.

beyond a certain point as companies grow and expand, the family structure no longer works. these businesses have to adopt a more systematic and professional structure, including hiring talent from around the world, appointing them to key positions and establishing a more institutionalised hr system. sometimes the founders are reluctant to do so as they fear “losing control” over their business, but this is a necessary step for the company to compete internationally and be truly world-class.

one company which has made this leap is huawei technologies. founded in 1988, huawei’s founders realised that to succeed, huawei would have to

benchmark its processes and systems to world-class companies. it hired ibm consulting to revamp its hr, it, finance and r&d systems when it began to internationalise, and learnt western management systems to enhance its competitiveness. today, huawei is a fortune global 500 company. that is the way to go.

finally, chinese entrepreneurs should strengthen links with their local communities. they should go beyond merely growing the business, to share their success with the communities they belong to, and contribute to the societies that enabled them to succeed. in today’s globalised world, when the gap between winners and losers is wider, having a social conscience is particularly important, both for individuals and for firms. successful entrepreneurs and businesses which help others through philanthropy or community work will enhance their standing with the local community, and help gain them goodwill that is crucial for the long term.


conventions like the wcec are very useful to exploring these issues. i am glad that several of these topics will be discussed at the convention’s plenaries and learning journeys. beyond these sessions, i also hope that participants will make use of every opportunity to interact informally, strengthen their networks and pursue new business opportunities with one another.

i wish all participants a fruitful convention, and i now declare the 11th world chinese entrepreneurs convention open.


speech & toast (i)

1.on behalf of all of your american guests, i wish to thank you for the incomparable hospitality

for which chinese people are justly famous throughout the world.


2.mr. prime minister, i wish to thank you for your very gracious and eloquent remarks.总理先生,我要非常感谢您热情而雄辩的讲话。

3.i am honored to address this distinguished audience today.


4. on behalf of the 55,000 merill lynch employees in 45 countries(请你继续关注好范文网:WwW.HaoWORD.COM) around the world, i am

honored to accept the marco polo award. i would also like to thank mr. edwin kwoh, chairman of the volunteers of american china project, and mr. liu ming, chairman of the marco polo award, for joining us in the celebration.


5.may china and merill lynch continues to grow strong together.


6.last year, i was personally honored to host president jiang during his trip to the united states.

yesterday, i had the pleasure of meeting with president jiang once again.



7.it’s a pleasure to be back in beijing, and an honor to address the world petroleum conference.我很高兴重访北京,并很荣幸在世界石油大会上讲话。

8.i am pleased to join the honorable mayor of beijing, our partners, the beijing municipal

government information infrastructure office, and the china information highway corporation, as well as other dignities here today for the exciting event. i am also honored to be part of an event that is milestone for e-commerce in china



9. boeing, as china’s premier supplier of jetliners and long-term partner in aviation, is

committed to the development of aviation industry and looks forward to expanding our partnership during the next millennium.


10. on behalf of compaq, i want to wish the beijing bookcenter great success in this new



11. it is a great honor for me to be here today to announce compaq’s commitment to the china’s

youth information online project.


12. it is an honor for me to welcome you today to a very special occasion - the celebration of

siemens’ 150 anniversary.


13. i take great pleasure to welcome you and thank you for attending tonight’s dinner in

recognition of the hard work that all parties concerned have contributed to the dezhou power plant project. on behalf of general electric company and ge power systems, i thank china huaneng group and china national technical import & export corporation for their support and efforts that have led to the achievement of significant milestones towards the success of the dezhou project.


14. finally, please allow me to propose a toast to the good working relationship between ge and

huaneng and to the success of the dezhou project.


15. it’s a great pleasure for me to address this distinguished group of political leader s of the

people’s republic of china and business people from all over the world.


16. i am proud and honored to represent my company in making a small contribution.


17. i would now like to ask president wang dazhong to accept this check for rmb 500,000 on

behalf of tsinghua university. i also want to take this opportunity to personally recognize president wang for his continued academic leadership.


18. president wang, i would like to take this opportunity to present a small token of ford motor

company’s appreciation for your tireless efforts on behalf of global knowledge. president wang, please accept this symbol of tsinghua university, a token of ford motor company’s appreciation for your efforts.


19. it’s a personal pleasure and a great honor to be with all of you, and to join the distinguished

representative from the ministry of information industry. we applaud you “golden trade” initiative, and look forward to continuing to work closely with mii in the future.


20. i cannot thank your president enough or you enough for your kind reception of my health, and

of my poor remarks. but, believe me, i do thank you with the utmost fervor of which my soul is capable.


21. i am obliged to my friend dr. clarke for the complimentary terms in which he has presented

me to you.


22. i may be permitted at the outset, to speak a little about…


23. in this spirit, i ask all of you present to join me in raising your glasses to chairman mao, to

prime minister zhou, and to the friendship of the chinese people and american people.

本着这种精神,我请各位同我一起举杯 ,为毛主席,为周总理,为中美两国人民的友谊干杯!

24. finally, permit to thank the government of the people’s republic of china for providing me

with this opportunity to present the elephant in the midst of this large gathering.


25. i wish to thank you, mr. premier, for accepting my invitation to share your evening with my

colleagues and me, and for honoring canada with your presence. i’m happy that this phase of my visit should conclude in such a congenial atmosphere.


26. i wish to extend, on behalf of the chinese government and people, my warm welcome to all

of you who come here for the fortune global forum 2014 sponsored by aol time warner. 我谨代表中国政府和人民,向前来参加美国在线时代华纳集团举办的“2014《财富》全球论坛”的朋友们表示热烈的欢迎。

27. i wish all the success to this summit.


28. let’s make concerted efforts to ensure a successful conclusion of this meeting.


29. dear colleagues,

ladies and gentlemen,

i am so glad to have you with us in shanghai in this golden autumn for a review of all the agenda items of the apec ministerial meeting. allow me to extend, on behalf of the chinese government, our warm welcome to all of you.

i hope that we will not only produce practical results but also inject fresh vigor to apec development in its second decade and work out a blueprint for its future development.

i am sure that i can count on you for your support to china in chairing this meeting. i hope that you will demonstrate a practical, flexible and cooperative spirit in the coming two days. i believe that with your close collaboration, this meeting will be a great success.






message on the occasion of the international women’s day

of the unesco director-general, irina bokova

8 march 2014

international women’s day was first honoured one hundred years ago in a handful of european countries. since then, the celebrationhas become global, and much has been achieved. the2014 international women’s dayis an opportunity to celebrate achievements and mobilize against the challenges that remain.

there is no room for complacency. less than 40 percent of countries provide girls and boys with equal access to education. had we reached gender parity in primary education in 2014, there would have been an additional 3.6 million girls in school. disparities have increased at the secondary level in africa over the last decade. only 29 percent of

researchers in the world today are women. two-thirds of the world’s 796 million illiterate adults are women.

the impact is serious. inequality costs lives in terms of child mortality. it

blights lives in terms of poverty and marginalization. and it slights lives in terms of opportunities for growth and development.

gender equality is a red thread weaving through all unesco activities to promote international cooperation in education, the sciences, culture, communication and information. we seek to promote basic human rightsin order to transform our societies and lay the foundations for equitable and sustainable human development.

this year’s international women’s day is inspired by the theme of

‘equal access to education, training and science and technology: pathway to decent work for women.’ this goes to the heart of unesco’s mission. we work to strengthen the bridges between education, training, science and technology and the labour market in order to promote equal opportunity to decent employment. this starts early, with quality

education for all girls and young women from the primary to the tertiary level. it continues with vocational training and education for women who have not acquired basic skills. it proceeds with creating positive role models and career tracks – especially in such areas as science and technology.

these goals guide unesco’s work in leading the education for all initiative. they inspire our partnership with l’oreal to promote women in scientific research. they explain our work in pakistan to support income generation for women after the floods of 2014 and to increase literacy among women in afghanistan.

unesco is geared up to do much more – to work with official and private sector partners to provide system-wide policy support

forgovernments, to enhance nonformal education and to open learning opportunities for adult women. unesco has real leadership in these areas, and we will make the most of this.

without basic skills, decent work has become a distant dream for too many women. the worlds of science and technology – so important for our lives today – remain beyond the reach of most. human rights are being violated. tremendous talents are being lost. this international

women’s’ day is a chance for us all to address these challenges. in times of economic difficulty, there is no better investment.
