
(作者:黄豆苗22时间:2020-07-10 05:03:14)





王:诶,应老师,“数学节”我可是第一次听说啊,它都有些什么活动呢? 应:这次的活动可丰富啦,我们可是准备了不少的游戏哦。比如展板介绍,“我是估计小能手”,“巧移小棒大比拼”,“速算24点”,“九宫格”等等,保准让你玩得目不暇接。


应:“数学节”的目的就在于让同学们“玩趣味游戏,学数学知识”。 王:哦,学习数学知识还可以玩趣味游戏吗?这可真神奇!






三 学生代表发言同学们。





应:数可以估,也可以算,你看二年级的小朋友正在巧移小棒,不亦乐乎呢! (二年级段表演)













男:good morning,teachers, boys and girls..


男:today, we joy in the mood, take part in the opening of the first english festival of fengyu primary school. first of all , welcome miss xiao to give an opening speech.

:今天,我们共聚在此参加丰裕中心小学首届英语节的开幕,首先 ,欢迎肖校长致开幕辞。

男:english is becoming more and more important in our daily life. in our school , all the teachers and students love english very much .today , we’ll show you our enthusiasm and interest for english . i hope you’ll enjoy it .


男:english chants are popular in our school and in our life. today, pupils from grade three and grade four want to show their chants to all the guests. let’s enjoy it .


男:please listen to the songs from grade three and grade six.



这刚好是我们首届英语节的口号:happy english ,happy life !快乐英语,快乐生活!(带领学生说会这句口号。)

男:thank you for the students. ok, the opening of the first english festival of fengyu primary school is over. we wish success of english festival.


男、女:thank you! thank you very much!


the opening speech of english festival

dear teachers and students :

good morning !

it’s my great honor to be here to give all of you a speech on the arrangement for the fourth english festival of our school.

english is the most widely used language in the world. learning english is certainly important. the english festivalis the best chance for us to exchange our study result.

our english festival will be held from dec. 14 to dec 26. our slogan is “happy english, happy life”. there are many activitiesduring the english festival,such as an english calligraphy compete,make english cards, watch an english cartoon, learn to sing an english song and so on.

so boys and girls,come on!i’m sure that the activities would be more wonderful with your participation.

now in the end, i wish our english festival great success. that’s all. thank you.




在2014年即将结束新的一年即将来临之际,我们迎来了学校第四届英语节, 在为期两周的英语节里,我们将开展丰富多彩的英语竞赛活动,让大家在轻松愉快的活动中学习英语、享受英语。

许多同学总是问老师:“ 我们是中国人,为什么要学习英语呢?英语真的那么重要吗?” 同学们,听了老师在澳大利亚的经历你就会有答案了。还记得5.12汶川大地震吗?那时我在异国他乡,报纸上,电视上,网络上到处都有关于国内灾情的报导,当时我们一起去的中国人都在澳洲大学里为国内的受灾群众募捐,假如我们看不懂英语听不懂英语不会说英语,我们怎么能帮助国内的灾民呢?可就在那段时间,可恶的法轮功非法组织却在国外大肆散布谣言,诬蔑中国政府惨无人道,这时身边的外国老师和朋友都疑惑的问我事实的真相是什么,我义正言辞地告诉他们:“中国政府十分关注民生,急老百姓所急,想老百姓所想,十三亿中国人民都拥护它,中国政府是一个爱人民的好政府。”同学们,假如我们不会英语,我们怎么去向外国人说明真相,粉碎法轮功非法组织的谣言呢?所以,让我们从现在开始,认真学习英语,学好英语,用英语告诉世界各国人民,中华民族是一个多么团结、多么友善、多么伟大的名族!

最后, 预祝我校第四届英语节取得圆满成功!


ladies and gentlemen:

good afternoon.

frist,let’s appreciate a song called “my love”which is sang by grils(boys/students)from class 9.

beautiful voice tell us the truth ou love completely.how cathy it is! next,let’s enter the fairy world to remind ourselves of the past.look, the sonw white which is acted by class 8 is coming.we grew up at a moment.when we enjoy those classical stories again,the scences of our childhood walk back and foth our minds.then,we are going to go into a big big world.welcome class 3!

the unforgettable song shows the big love in the big world to us.now ,it is the portry declamation by class 3,called”life is a present”.

life is truly a gift.let’s share it together.after,the students in

class 6 will bring us a classical song,” right here waiting”the high-pitched singing voice shows us around the classical. next,we’ll go back to the fairy world again.here is a short play called three littile pigs from class 3.

how cute the three little pigs are! do you find something through the lovely story?a series of english songs

to carry on the classic ,show the gloss of the superstar again.next,some students of class 6 will bring us a famous opera called “waterloo bridge”.

---------------------------------------give us deeply moving of audiovisual.after,we are going to listening a pop music comes from class 4 called”be what you wanna be”the moving song is so cathy.next,here is a song which is sang by class 8 called”we will rock you”!

so as the song said,we are rocked by them.it is story timenow.the play called<the sleeping beauty>comes from class

5 is on.

the fantastic act make us fell ourselves in their play.let’s listen a song <lucky> from class 2.

after finish listening the song,why don’t we watch a play called sleeping beauty from class 7?welcome!

i’ve never seena play better than it.we haven’t heard a portry declommation for a long time.elcome class1give it us .a pome called ‘ bead,but never break’

the pome which is filled of emotion make us moved .it’s story time again .’little red riding hood’which comes from classis on,



主持人:李一如 徐策


李一如 张雨: good afternoon, everyone! welcome to our english festival. today we’ll hold an english party here. hope you enjoy it.

徐策 徐一陶: (开场白)欢迎来到仙居实验小学英语节! 今天,我们将在这儿举行一场英语盛会, 希望大家过得愉快!

1李一如: listening to he song “jingle bells”brings back a lot of our winte memories. next up, wu xinyi will sing a song << jingle bells>>徐策: 叮叮当,叮叮当, 铃儿响叮当??



2. 张雨:there's a peace in our hearts and a hope in our hands。徐一陶:在我们心中有一个和平的梦想 , 在我们手中有一个希望 。请欣赏2014年悉尼第27届奥运会歌曲《同在南方天下》。表演者:五(1)班 陈怡君。

3. 李一如: look!a litter lamb and a wolf are coming. they come to congratulate english festival for us.

徐策: 呦,快看啊,那边来的不是小羊和大灰狼吗,他们也来给我们庆祝英语节了,请看双簧表演《小羊和狼》,表演者:五(1)班 方俊凯.。

4. 张雨: a girl, her name is susanna.one day, he went to louisiana to visit her friend with a banjo. she sings the song happily. please enjoy the song << oh,susanna >>.

徐一陶: 有位小姑娘她叫苏珊娜。一天她带着自己心爱的五弦琴从阿拉巴马来到路易斯安纳州探望他的朋友。不管路上的天气是刮风还是下雨,一点也没影响她去探望朋友的决心。一路上她高兴的唱着歌儿。有请五(1)班郭斯嘉带来他的〈〈哦,苏珊娜〉〉。

5. 李一如: “ miao, miao” i’m a cat. i’m a beautiful cat. my name is kitty cat

do you like me?

徐策: “ 喵 喵”, 我是一只猫, 我是一只美丽的猫, 我的名字是kitty,你 1

们喜欢我吗? 请欣赏由五(1)班张中行带来的故事表演<< kitty猫>>。

6.张雨: we share the success with each other in our school.so, there is a big sun in our heart. l et’s enjoy the song 《you are my sunshine》。徐一陶: 在实验小学,我们大家一起分享了成功的喜悦,我们收获了无尽的希望,我们的心中也因此升起了不落的太阳。下面请欣赏由五(2)班张宇和蒋邵鹏同学为我们带来的英文歌曲《you are my sunshine》。

7. 李一如: we have heard the story of “cat and mouse”, have you heard the story of “lion and mouse”?

徐策: 我们都听说过<<猫和老鼠>>的故事, 你们有听说过<<狮子和老鼠>>的故事吗? 有请五(2)班蒋宇翔,娄吉宇,张雨带来他们的<<狮子和老鼠>>。

8. 李一如: one world one dream”. you and me from one world. heart to heart .we

are one family. let’s listen to the song “you and me”.

徐策: “同一个世界,同一个梦想”,我和你,同一个世界下,心连心,我们是

一家。让我们欣赏歌曲“我和你”。表演者:五(3)班 顾雨挺。

9. 张雨: one day ,a fox was caught bya tiger.in order not to be eaten by the tiger,the fox told a lie. at last, he was safe.

徐一陶: 有一次,狐狸被老虎抓住了。为了不落虎口,狐狸谎说自己是天帝派来的兽中之王。最后,他凭借自己的智谋和老虎的威严,逃出了虎口。!下面就请欣赏五年级(3)班同学给我们带来的成语情景剧《狐假虎威》!

10. 李一如: look! how lovely the girls and boys are. they will sing a song for us.

徐策: 瞧!多么可爱一群孩子,让我们用热烈的掌声请出来自五(4)的孩子, 他们带来的歌曲是<<1 2 3 4>>。

11. 张雨: this is a monkey, this is a tiger. they will tell us a story. welcome!

徐一陶: 下面掌声有请五(5)班同学带来故事《猴子和老虎》。

12. 李一如: we all have heard the story of ugly ducking. when one day ,the ugly duck turns to a white goose. i believe he can fly proudly. please enjoy the story of ugly ducking.

徐策: 丑小鸭变天鹅的故事相信大家都听说过吧!当有一天,丑小鸭变成了美丽的白天鹅,它一定能骄傲地张开翅膀,展现一个全新的自我。即使世界又冷又吵,天鹅还是可以用她的高贵,在我们的心中滴下明亮。那份纯净与典雅,是我们都向往的那份美好,请欣赏丑小鸭的故事。表演者: 五(6)班 曹琼文等同学。

13. 张雨: dog, dog, where are you? let’s help chen siru to look for her dog.

徐一陶: 小狗小狗,你在哪里? 让我们帮助五(6)班的思如去寻找她的小狗.

14. 李一如: we learn english from abc, we learn song from do re mi. but what happy is it if we learn english during the song.

徐策: 学习英语先要学习abc,学习唱歌就要先学 do re mi,但如果将英语在唱歌中学习,那将会是多么令人愉快啊!请听五年级(6)班陈思如给我们带来歌曲《do re mi》.

15. 张雨: we have heard the story of <<the fox and the crow>> in chinese, let’s listen to the story in english.

徐一陶: 《狐狸和乌鸦》的中文版故事我们已听过、看过,再熟悉不过了,就不知道英文版的怎样?朋友们,想知道吗?下面我们就一起来欣赏《狐狸和乌鸦》英语情景剧表演。表演者:五(7)班 王嘉辉。 16. 李一如: dogs are our good friends, they are lovely and clever. mike has a little dog, they get up together, they do morning exercises together, they go to school together. let’s listen to the story of mike’s dog.徐策: 狗是我们的好朋友,它们既聪明又可爱. 迈克家也有一只小狗,他们一起起床,一起做操,一起上学.让我们来听听迈克和他家小狗的故事. 表演者: 五

(8)班 吴浩芸.

17. 张雨: is the story interesting? let’s clap for haoyun.

徐一陶: 故事讲得好不好呀?我们给浩芸拍拍手,鼓励一下。请欣赏五(8)班张颖带来歌曲《印第安人》


李一如 张雨: today, we receivehappiness and good wishes.the new school is the best place for us to learn . we’ll try hard,we’ll succeed.

徐策 徐一陶: 今天,我们获得了掌声,获得了快乐和幸福。这崭新的校园是我


李一如 张雨: now , the curtain of theenglish festival is falling. thank you for your coming and best wishes to you and your family

徐策 徐一陶:五年级英语节表演即将落下帷幕。感谢你们的到来并向您的家人致以最美好的祝愿。
