湘鲁版五上Unit9 《How to make a Christmas Tree》教学设计范文

(作者:雨萌萌26649时间:2022-12-11 08:33:08)

《How to make a Christmas Tree》教学设计

许昌市光明路小学 王雨


1. 能用所学词语以及句子谈论圣诞节和圣诞礼物。

2. 能听懂课文内容,并能用I will put a toyhorseon

the tree.Amy’s mum puts a white ball on it.等句型进行描述,学会制作圣诞树的有关词语和句型。

3. 让学生体会动手制作礼物后的成功感,使学生树立自信心。



1. Words:white、stick、fold、paste...onto...

2. Structure:I will put a toy horseon the tree.

Amy’s mum puts a white ball on it.

难点:How to make a Christmas Tree.能根据圣诞树制作过程,自己动手制作一棵圣诞树,并用句子讲解制作圣诞树的过程。





The First Lesson

Step1 Review the last lesson and warm up .

Ask 2 or 3 students to talk about Christmas,such as the date of Christmas,customs 、activities and so on.Then,the teacher praises who is the best.

Preparation 1:Christmas is on December 25th.

Preparation 2:Christmas is a big holiday .

Preparation 3:In the evening , people always have dinner with their family. We sometimes have a party or visit friends .On Christmasmorning,we open our gifts.

Preparation 4:Santa Claus is a kind man and he loves children.At Christmas,He gives gifts to every boy and girl.He puts the Christmas gifts under the Christmas tree.

Step2 Lead in

1.The teacher plays an English song O Christmas Tree,

2.Show two questions:

Do you think the Christmas tree is beautiful?

Do you want to make a Christmas tree?

Step3 Presentation

1.The teacher plays a video about How to make a Christmas Tree.

2.The students look through the text to know about what it is mainly about.

3.Listen and number.

The students listen to the tape again,then number the pictures from 1 to 5.

4.Let’s have a try.

The students write down what materials they need to make a Christmas tree.

Step4 Practice

1.Read the steps about how to make a Christmas tree

following the teacher .

a.Fold the paper.

b.Draw a Christmas tree.

c.Colour your tree green.

d.Make some white snow on the tree.

e.Put something more you like on your tree.

f.Paste two trees onto a stick with the double

sides tape.

2.The teacher leads the students to make the tree after each step,at the same time,read the steps loudly.

3.Then the students practice making the Christmas tree by themselves.

Step5 Consolidation

The teacher connects with one or two wtudents to recite how to make the Christmas tree online.

1.Introduce:Tell us the steps of making a Christmas tree.

2.Show you Christmas tree to others.

3.You can use the Christmas tree to make a beautiful Christmas card,then write some wishes on it,such as Merry Christmas and so on.

Step6 Summary

Have you learned how to make a Christmas tree?

1.Review the materials of making the tree.

2.Recite the steps together as more as they can.

Step7 Homework

1.Review the English song O Christmas Tree.

2.Finish the Christmas tree,then hand in your work .

3.Make a beautiful Christmas card.



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