三年级下册Unit4 We love animal Part B Let’s learn&Let’s do教学设计范文

(作者:Betty60269时间:2021-11-25 09:00:15)

Unit4 We love animal Part B Let’s learn&Let’s do

年级:三年级 授课教师:李贝

Ⅰ. 教材分析

本节课选自人教版三年级英语下册Unit4 We love animals 的B部分,人教版课本的学习整体呈现循序渐进,由易到难的趋势,本节课是建立在A部分学生已经学习掌握了dog,cat,duck,bear这些基础动物单词以及What’s this?为例特殊疑问句的用法。上节课的What's this?过渡到本课的What’s that 这个句型,让学生在运用句型时能够有所基础。

Ⅱ. 教学目标


1. 能够在情景之中逐步能会读会听会辨析panda,tiger,monkey,bird,elephant这些单词。

2. 能掌握并运用本节课重点句型“What’s that?”“It’s a/an....”“Actlike a/an”将句型运用于情景对话之中。


1. 通过设立大情景,让学生沉浸于马戏团的故事之中,寓教于乐,学乐互融。




Ⅲ. 教学重难点


1. 能够在情景之中逐步能会读会听会辨析panda,tiger,monkey,bird,elephant这些单词。

2. 能掌握并运用本节课重点句型“What’s that?”“It’s a/an....”“Actlike a/an”将句型运用于情景对话之中。

B. 教学难点

1. Let’s do 部分的句型需要学生多次练习。

2. 再次引导学生区分a和an 的用法。

Ⅳ. 教学过程

Step 1Warm up&Lead-in

Self-learning:Watch a micro video of circus

(1)Brain storm:Which animals work in the circus?

(2)Listen and say:What’s this? It’s a dog/bear/pig/cat/duck.

(3)Meet a new friend:The manager of circus----Panda

(4)The mission of the boss:Find some actors for the circus show


Step2Presentation & Practice

(1)The resumes of four animals---monkey,elephant,tiger,bird

Use the sentence“What’s that?”to guess.

(2)Find the actors and let the students spell new word with partner.


Step3 Practice

(1)Sharp eyes

(2)Finish the tasks of animals,and they will go with you .

Task :Look and circle:Distinguish the tails of animals and choose the words.

(3)The circus show will start.Please get ready.

The animal want to invite you to join in.

Pari work:Look and say.Use the sentence“What’s that?” to ask and “It’s a/an...”to answer.

(3)Task3 :Listen and number:Listen the tape of Let’s do and number the pictures.

Group work:Act like the animals


Step 4 Emotional education

One day,the animals want to quit.Why?

(1)Watch the video :the story of circus.

(2)Think:How to love the animals?

Love them,protect them.


Step 5Homework

At last,Panda quit the job too.

Panda’s idea :Make a poster of Protecting animals.


Step 6Blackboard design

Unit4 We love animal

pandaWhat’s that?

tiger It’s a/an..........

monkeyAct like a/an.....



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