
(作者:河畔西文工坊时间:2022-10-16 13:37:07)


Organize, act, invent, invent, see, as, give,

World Braille Day is marked by the UN

On 4 January, World Braille Day was marked by the UN. The UN is an __________ of 193 countries that takes ________ on human rights, peace and climate change. The braille communication system is a remarkable _________ that allows blind and partially sighted people to read. The first World Braille Day was observed by the United Nations (UN) in 2018. It was the day its _________, Louis Braille, was born in 1809, in France. Braille is a system of raised dots that are used in different combinations to represent letters, words, numbers and punctuation. A person is able to touch the dots with their fingertips and work out what is written without __________ it. Braille himself was injured in an accident when he was three years old and went blind when he was four. Braille could remember everything he was told and did well at school, coming top of his class. When he was 15, he developed the system known today _____ braille. It is used by millions of people around the world. To mark the occasion, the UN highlighted how important braille is in _________ people important information, such as facts about Covid-19.


1) When and where was Louis Braille born?

Louis Braille was born on ____ _______ 1809 in ________.

2) When was braille developed?

Braille was developed in ________.

EU and UK agree trade deal

On Christmas Eve, the UK and the European Union (EU) finally reached an agreement on how the two sides would work together after Brexit.


On 23 June 2016, the UK voted for “Brexit”–to leave the EU. The EU is a group of 27 countries that trade together and follow some of the same rules. The UK officially left the EU on 31 January 2020. Since then, the two sides have been trying to work out exactly how to work and trade together. Trade refers to how countries buy and sell goods and services to each other. An agreement was reached just days before the deadline of 31 December 2020. The document setting out the deal is more than 1,200 pages long.


An important part of the agreement is that there will be no new charges (known as tariffs) imposed on goods being traded. Nor will there be a limit on how much can be traded. However, UK businesses selling goods to EU countries will need to fill in extra paperwork to prove their products follow EU rules.


Previously, anyone from the UK could live, work and study anywhere in the EU. Under the new arrangement, people from the UK will need a visa to stay in the EU for longer than 90 days in total during a 180-day period. A visa is an official document that allows someone to enter or leave a country.


One of the major problems in the discussions was around fishing rights –how many EU boats can fish in UK waters and what they are allowed to catch. It was agreed that up until 2026, the UK would slowly regain a greater share of the fish caught in British waters. After that, the UK can choose to ban EU boats, and in return, the EU can impose new charges on British fish.


Prime Minister Boris Johnson said the trade deal made the UK a “newly and truly independent nation”. President of the European Commission, Ursula von der Leyen said, “...we now have a fair and balanced agreement with the UK... Europe is now moving on.”


A.What was the reaction from officials?

B.What is Brexit?

C.Why did the deal take so long?

D.What is in the deal?

E.What about travel?


1) After Brexit, people from the UK will need a visa to stay in the EU for longer than 90 days

in total during a 180-day period.

2) It took the UK more than three years to officially leave the EU.

3) It took the EU and the UK one year to reach an agreement on the trade deal.
