期末(机电 汽修)英语考试题范文

(作者:LEGOLAS时间:2019-04-04 12:22:44)

期末(机电 汽修)英语考试题

Choose the best answer. 选择正确答案

1.   The sales manager__a presentation on the new products and after-sales service at the conference tomorrow.

A.    makes         B. will make          C. made

2.   You’d better wait until the assistant__the boss about your arrival.

A.    is going to inform B. informs        C. will inform

3.   We have booked a room for you in Golden Star Hotel, __the conference will be held.

A.    that           B. where             C. which

4.   __you are able to come, please let us know your arrival time.

A.    Whether       B. If           C. When

    5.The weather report says it__this evening, so we’ll have the party indoors.

      A. is raining        B. will rain          C. rains

    6.I’ll arrive__Shanghai__4 pm__November 5.

      A. in; in; on        B. at; in; in            C. in; at; on

    7.The problem is__there is no meeting room available in the hotel this Thursday.

      A. because        B. what                C. that

8.He didn’t attend the meeting, __ we had invited him.

  A. because         B. so                  C. though

9.Each group__ one teacher and four students.

  A. is consisted of    B. is consisting of   C. consists of

10.Be careful! There are some__ lamps in the ground.

  A. broke           B. breaking        C. broken

11.Mary forgot to shut off the tap and left the water__ all day long.

  A. running         B. to run          C. run

12.The students are cleaning up the__ leaves on the toad.

  A. fallen          B. fall             C. falling

13. __English is different from written English in many ways.

  A. Spoken          B. Speak          C. Speaking

14.This problem should__ later.

  A. be discussed    B. be discussing      C. discuss

15.This kind of TV set is a newly__ machine.

  A. invented       B. invent           C. inventing

16.The flowers must__ once a day.

  A. watering       B. be watered        C. to water

17.Plentu of exercises will help you keep__ shape.

  A. on            B. in                C. of

18.Please insert the plug__ the socket.

  A. on           B. into                C. in

19.Would you show me__ use this machine?

  A. how I         B. how to              C. what to

20.Keep liquid away__ your camera.

  A. from          B. to                  C. on


Read and match. 连线匹配

   1. energy-saving                  A.光污染

   2. light pollution                  B.野生动植物

   3. light-bulb                      C.灯泡

   4. garbage can                    D.节能的

   5. wildlife                        E.垃圾桶

: Complete the phrases. 根据中文释义,补全英文短语.

1.   __the volume 调高音量  2.hair__ 脱发

3.   rub into__ ()成泡沫  4.give me__ 帮我个忙

5. __games 开发游戏      6. __screen 触摸屏

7.take__ of 照顾,照料      8. __a poster 张贴海报

9. __dinnerware 一次性餐具 10.turn__ the lights

    :Fill in the blanks. 用所给单词的适当形式填空.

1.      You should check the date carefully to make sure that you are not taking__ (expire)drugs.

2.      I what to buy some__ (use)books rather than new ones.

3.      I don’t know how __(classify)rubbish.

4.      (pollute)air and water will do harm to people’s health.

5.      The secretary has a lot of work to do every day, such as making schedules, __(print)files, and so on.

6.      Remember__ (read)the instructions before you start taking the medicine.

7.      Just__ (follow)the signs, you’ll get there.

8.      It’s very cold outside. You’d better __(put on)your coat.

9.      Why don’t you give up__ (smoke)?

10. Don’t__(stand) on that chair. It’s got a weak leg.


Fill in the blanks.选词填空。

   Invented  warmth  to move  suitable to  Internet access

   creativity  teamwork  qualities  major  certificates


1.      The restaurant provides free wireless__ for customers.

2.      Would you please help me__ the refrigerator?

3.      Do you know who__ magnetic needle?

4.      Warm colours represent passion and__.

5.      The laptop is__ use on planes.

6.      I__ in Personal Image Design.

7.      The students in your class have invented a lot of things. How do you encourage their__?

8.      Football is a sport that requires good__ spirit.

9.      Our manager is an excellent leader who has the__ of fairness, creativity, responsibility and humour.

10. Having some__will make you more competitive in job-hunting.

   True or false. 读海报,判断正误。


                 Welcome to the English Club!

        The English festival is coming soon. There’ll be a lot of interesting activities at the English Club. All students are welcome.

         English broadcast(news):Monday-Friday, 7:00am-7:30am.

         English broadcast(songs):Monday-Friday,12:00pm-12:30pm.

         Movies:Monday-Thursday,4:00pm-5:30pm,in the school hall.

         Talent show: Friday afternoon,3:00pm-5:00pm,in the lobby of the classroom building.

     We are also going to hold a vocational English skills competition late this month. We look forward to your participation. Don’t hesitate! Just join us!

1.Students can take part in the fashion show during the English festival.                                         (  )

2.Students can listen to English news at 7:00 am on weekdays. (  )

3.An English speech competition will be held this month.  (  )

4.A talent show will be held on Thursday afternoon.      (  )

5.Students can enjoy English songs at 12:00 from Monday to Friday.                                         (  )


Many people have mobile phones, but how to use them differs

 across cultures.

     In Spain, however, mobile phones are used everywhere, and people discuss their private lives aloud in public. The Spanish happily answer calls in restaurants, during business meetings, and even during concerts. Sometimes, Spanish people leave movie theatres just to check what is happening on their phones.

    In Japan, if you try to board a bus while taking a call, the driver will not let you on, because you might bother others. This means that you should not take calls in public places like cafes and restaurants.

1.  If you are taking a call in Europe, you cannot board a bus.     (  )

2.  In Spain, people like discussing their private lives aloud in public. (  )

3.  The Spanish will turn off their mobile phones in restaurants or theatres.                                        (  )

4.  In Japan, mobile phones cannot be used in some public palaces, because it might bother others.                      (  )


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