八年级上学期 英语 学案第 1 单元第 1节范文

(作者:廖海兰时间:2021-09-11 21:00:54)

八年级上学期 英语 学案第 1 单元第 1节

课题:Unit1Could you please clean your room?

SectionA 1a-2d


1.熟练掌握本节课与家务琐事相关的的词汇eg:do the dishes



1) Could you please……?

2)Could I please……?



【预习指导】仔细阅读课文P1-2内容,阅读过程中圈画出重点短语以及知识点,理解2d 大意,并标出难以理解的地方,用15分钟完成预习任务。


垃圾倒垃圾折叠 打扫


Task2.预习课本P1 1a,2a翻译下列短语:

洗餐具 倒垃圾 扫地


出去吃晚饭去看电影 呆在外面很晚



1.I don’t like to do the ______(dish) at all.

2.Could you please ______(not play ) computer games?

3.What a tall building ! Which f______ do you live on ?

4.Did you s______ the room? It’s so clean.

5.The teacher thinks two hours of TV______(be )enough.


探究一:Could you (please)…?表示委婉地请求对方做某事,意思是

肯定回答:Yes, sure /Sure./Certainly./Of course./ Or No problem.

否定回答:Sorry, I can’t./Sorry, I’m afraid not. I have to …等

否定结构是在please后加________.Could you please not smoke here?

答语是:Sorry, I won’t.

对应练习:Could you please(打扫你的房间)?

探究二:Could I do …? 表示请求允许“我可以做......吗?”

肯定回答:Yes, sure /Sure./Certainly./Of course./ Or No problem.

否定回答:Sorry, youcan’t./No, youcan’t.

对应练习:---Could I ask you some questions?

---Yes, you_______.

A. can B.couldC.must


要用 ,而不用could/couldn’t。

探究三:a few 意为“几个;少数”修饰可数名词复数,表肯定。


对比:a little“一点;少许”修饰 ,表

little“”修饰 ,表


1.有几个学生正在交谈。There are students talking.

2.在瓶子里有点牛奶。There is milk in the bottle.

3.房间里几乎没有人。There are people in the room.

4.几乎没有盐了。There is salt.



1.Your room is in a m______ . Please clean it up.

2.---Don’t throw the r______here and there. 

---Sorry, I won’t.  

3.---Could you please f______ your clothes?  —Sure.


1. How terrible the rubbish smells! Please      when you go out.  

A. take it out      B. take out it C. take them out     D. take out them

2.—Sir , could you please put out your cigarette? This is a smoke-free(无烟的)school.— _________.

A. I'm sorry about thisB. No problem

C. Sure, I'd love toD. Never mind


A. What do you want me to help with?

B. Do you hate to do chores?  

C. Could you help me with some chores?  

D. Sure, no problem.  

E. Then we can go to the park.  

F. It’s boring.  

G. But first you have to clean your room. 

A: Hello, Jenny.   1  

B: Well, I hate some chores, but I like other chores.  

A: Really? Great! Could I ask you to help me with some chores then?  B: Yes.   2  

A: Could you please fold my clothes for me?  

B: I don’t want to do that.   3  

A: OK. Then could you please sweep the floor for me?  

B:   4 . But could we go to the park after that?  

A: Sure. I’ll finish my homework while you help me sweep the floor.5 B: Great.  

八年级上学期 英语 学案第 1 单元第 2节

课题:Unit1Could you please clean your room?

SectionA 3a-3c


1.掌握并灵活运用本课的重点词汇eg:throw,neither,as soon as





【预习指导】识记课本P3单词,然后认真阅读课本P3 3a短文,理解短文大意,标画出新单词,然后完成下面的预习任务。

Task1. 预习课本单词P1-2,写出下列词汇:

1.掷;扔________ 2.反复;频繁_____________ 3.也不;两者都不__________

4.衬衫__________ 5.一……就……_____________

Task2.阅读并理解课本P3 3a短文,完成下列任务。


扔下书包_____________ 2.一……就……______________


5.整天工作 ____________6.做家务_________________




____________ I sat down in front of the TV,My mom came over.

你去遛遛狗好吗?Could you please____________________?

我能先看一个节目吗?Could I ________________________?

我和你一样累!I’m just ____________________________!


For one week,she did not do any homework and__________________.


探究一:the minute/moment(that)相当于as soon as 一...就...., 引导时间状语从句,表示从句的动作一发生,主句的动作就马上发生。

eg:He left as soon as he heard the news.他一听到这个消息就走了。

当主句用一般将来时时,the minute/as soon as/when等引导的时间状语从句用___________时,也就是“___________”的原则,和if条件状语用法相同。

eg:Iwill callyou as soon as I get home.我一到家就给你打电话。

对应练习:---When will you return the book to me?

---I’ll give you ______ I finish it.

A.until B.as soon asC.unless


1.neither 副词 也不;都不,引导否定倒装,表示前句的否定内容也适用于后者,意为“一个不…另一个也不… ”。结构neither+be动词/助动词/情态动词+主语

eg:---I don't have any money.我没有钱。

---Neither do I.我也没有。

2.Neither of… 两者都不(做谓语时常用单数形式)

eg:Neither of my parents is at home.


_______ he_______his wife eats meat.他和他妻子都不吃肉。


1.Tina doesn’t like apples._______do I.

2._______ _______ _______felt like going out. 我俩都不想外出。

3.Neither you nor me_______(be) right.你不对,我也不对。



( )1My family will go to Beijing as soon as the holiday_______.

begin B. begins C. will begin D.began

( )2.She will be a teacher when she _______up .

will grow B. growC. growsD. grew

( )3.Mikedoesn’t like to walk to school._______.

A. So am IB. So I am C. Neither do I D. Neither I do

( )4.—Which do you like better, coffee or juice? 

—_______of them. I like tea.

A. All    B. Both    C. Neither  D. None



()1.---Ican’tgo out this afternoon.

---_______.I have to help my mother do some cleaning.

A.So canIB.So Ican C.NeithercanID.Neither I can

( )2.---Will you please give this message to Helen?

---Sure.I’ll give it to her_______she arrives here.

untilB.although C.beforeD.as soon as

( )3.I have two sisters, but_______of them is a teacher.

A.allB. neither C. bothD. none

( )4.---Which hat would you like ,the blue one or the red one?

---_______.I like the yellow one instead.A.Either B. Both C.NeitherD.All

( )5.---Could you pass me the book?


A.Yes ,I could B.No,I couldn’t C.Sure.Here you areD.No,that’s no problem


help, chore, do, cook, delicious, clean, work,  sweep, rubbish, too 

Hello, I’m a 13-year-old boy. I hate to do 1 . But sometimes I help to 2 the floor and take out the 3 . My father hates to do chores,  4 . But sometimes my mother asks him 5 the dishes. He sometimes 6 , but I don’t like the food he makes. I don’t think it’s 7 .

 In my family, my mother does most of the chores. She cooks. She washes the clothes. She 8 the rooms. And she often 9 in the garden. My mother is busy every day. I think I should 10 her with housework often from now on.

八年级上学期 英语 学案第 1 单元第 3节

课题:Unit1Could you please clean your room?

Period3Section A Grammar Focus-4c







Task1. 预习并记住课本P4单词,写出下列单词

递;走过;通过借;借用 借给;借出 手指


Task 2.阅读课本P4内容,写出下列短语

1.闲逛 2.把盐递给我

3.借书 4.把借给我一些钱

5.讨厌做家务 6.带顶帐篷来

Task 3.阅读课本P4内容,写出下列句子


---Could we after the movies?



---Could ?

--- .



---Hmm. ?


I’ll finish my homework .


()1.--- Could I go to the store?

---Yes,_____. A. you can B. you could C. you do

()2.---Could you please make your bed?

---_____. I have so much homework to do.

A. Yes, sure B. Sorry, I can’t C. Why not?

()3.---Could you please _____ on the road? A. not to play B. not play C. play not

()4.---He ___ speak three languages when he was ten years old.

---What a clever boy. A. canB. could C. may

()5.---_____I try on those shoes on the window?

---_____. They’re just on show.

Could; Yes, you can B. Can; Sorry, you can’t. C. Could; Sorry, you can’t


探究一:1. could 用于第二人称,表示委婉地提出请求。常用句型为“Could you (please)+_______...?”意为“(请)你做······好吗?”。

肯定回答用:Yes,sure./ Yes, I can./ Of course, I can./ No problem./ With pleasure.

否定回答用:Sorry, I can’t. I have to…/ Sorry, I’ m going to…/ I am afraid I can’t. I have to…





2.I_______ my CD player to Dave and I haven't got it back yet.(借给)

3.The hospital agreed ________ ________them a wheelchair.(借给)

4.The poor had to________ money from the rich.

5.Could I________ your pen for a minute?

=Could you________me your for a minute?



Could you pass me the white s________ .I want to wear it today.

2.I'm ________ (surprise) to see you here.

3.He met his classmate when he________ (pass) the park.

4.Boys were playing football w________ girls were reading under the tree.

5.My mother wants me________(take) out the rubbish when I go to school.

6.Could you please ________(fold) your clothes after dinner, Mary?

7.When he finished ________ (read) the book, his eyes were already full of tears.

(borrow & lend)

8.The poor had to________money from the rich.

9.Could I ________your pen for a minute?

10.Could you________ me your pen?

八年级上学期 英语 学案第 1 单元第 4节

课题:Unit1Could you please clean your room?

Period 4Section B 1a-2d


1.会读写本课时出现的短语。eg:buy some drinks and snacks






Task 1:预习1a写出下列英语短语。

买些饮料和小吃___________________ 借些钱_______________



Task 2:预习课本听力题目,翻译下列句子

---Could you clean your room?---Yes,I can.







1.You can go to the movies after doing the________ .

2.I’m going to________ my friends to visit thehistory museum this Saturday.

3. Wang Lei, could you help me________ out thetrash?

4. Mother often buys some drinks and________ forus.

5. ---My pen is lost. Could I________ yours?

---OK. Here you are.


探究一:变否定could sb.________ do sth ?

对应练习:Could you please ______ (not swim )in the river?


常用短语:invite sb to somewhere邀请某人去某地或参加活动

invite sb to do sth邀请某人做某事



1.The boy i___________some friends ___________ his party yesterday.

2.Nancy wants to ___________(邀请)Lucy___________ go to the movies.


()1.Could you ___ the window ? I feel a little cold .

A.please not to openB. please not openC. not please to close

()2.Could you buy ___drinks and snacks___ me?

A.some ,toB.any ,forC.some,for

()3.I often invite my friends___ my home.

A. to comeB. comeC.coming


根据短文内容及首字母提示填空,使短文意思通顺、连贯 短文填空

It was Saturday. After dinner. Mary would like to see a film with her f_____ but her mother said, "Could you please do the d______ , Mary? I have to go to look after your brother.

Mary’ s brother Mike was ill in h _____ . Their father worked in another town and he was very b_____ and couldn't come back. Mary had to help her mother do some c _____. But her mother usually did everything and Mary didn't know h _____ to do it.

Mary decided to give her friend a call first. On the t _____ , she told her friend to wait for her at home. Then Mary's mother showed her how to do the dishes. Before doing the dishes, Mary was told,

“Be c_____ , Mary.Don't drop them. " “Don't w_____ , Mommy, "said Mary. “They’re light. I don't think they'll hurt my f_____.

八年级上学期 英语 学案第 1 单元第 5 节

课题:Unit1Could you please clean your room?

Period5 Section B 2a-2e


1.能根据拼读规则读写本课12个单词及3个短语,eg,stress,depend on







精神压力; 心理负担________ 浪费; 垃圾 ; 浪费; 滥用________提供;供应_______而且;加之_______ 依靠; 依赖________ 发展; 壮大____________

公正性; 合理性___________因为; 既然 __________邻居__________

有病的;不舒服__________落下; 掉下___________

独立(n.)_____________(adj.) _____________目的是;为了_____________依靠;信赖 _____________ 照顾;处理_____________浪费时间_____________

Task2. 仔细阅读课本P62b短文,翻译下列句子:


I do not understand_______some parents________their kids______ _______

housework and chores at home.


They should_______ their time_______ schoolwork______ ________ _______

_______good grades and get into a good university.


When they get older, they will have to do housework,so

them it now.


It is the parents' job to________ a clean and comfortable environment at home________their children.


______ ______ _______ _______ _______ just get good grades at school.


________ ________helps to develop children’s independence and teaches them________ ________look after themselves.


________ they live in one house with their parents,they should know

That everyone should________ ________ ________ ________ _______ it

clean and tidy.


______ ______kids learn to be independent,______ _______it is for their future.


1. The Greens are getting on well with their n________.

2. ---Can you go and play soccer with us, David?

---Sorry. My grandma is i________ in hospital. Ihave to look after her.

3. Our teacher helped me to d________the interestof studying English.

4. I think food_______(浪费) is a serious problem.We must care about it.

5. Some people say they are under too much________(精神压力) from life.



Task 1.Discuss the question.讨论问题。

What do you often do to help your parents at home?

Do you think kids should help out with chores at home?

Task 2 .Skimming略读。从文中划线摘出Ms.Miller和Mr.Smith两人对待孩子做家务的不同观点。

Task 3. Answer the question.回答问题。

Which letter do you agree with?Why?

探究二:provide v. 意为________ 。

常用结构:provide sth.________ sb.=provide sb.________ sth.


Eg:The hotel provided food for us .=The hotel provided us for food .

探究三:“the+比较级+……, the+比较级+……”是英语中一个常用的句型结构, 表示“越……, 就越……”。

Eg:The earlier kids learn to be independent, the better it is for their future.

1.他解释得越多, 我们就理解得越透彻(好)。

_____ _____he explained, ______ _______ we understood.

2.Many people believe that the _______(much) a person reads, the ________(wise) he will become.

针对性练习()1. If we travel abroad,we prefer to stay in five-star hotels. That’s because they________ guests with the best service to make them feel at home.

A. preview B provide C.prevent


a. Let s provide some paper ________him.

b. Can you provide me________a mobile phone?

3.________ ________you speak,________ ________ your English will be.

A. The less,the more B.The more ,the better C.The less,the better


一. 根据句意及所给首字母提示,补全句中所缺单词。

1. He was i_________ but nobody took him to the hospital.

2. If you don’t study hard, your grades will d_________.

3. I like Old Henry because he often p_________ us with hot water.

4. We can d_________on him for help.

5. Mother thinks playing computer games is a w__________ of time.

二. 根据句意,用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。

1. He _________(develop) a farm from nothing.

2. In fact, young people have too much_________ (stress) today.

3. He didn’t mind __________(help) me with my English.

4. Mr. Li and Mr. Wang are both my _________ (neighbor).

5.The more friends you have,the_________ (happy)you’ll be.

八年级上学期 英语 学案第 1 单元第 6 节

课题:Unit1Could you please clean your room?

Period6Section B3a-self-check


1.能正确读写本单元的单词和短语如rubbish,depend on。






垃圾 倒垃圾 折叠打扫

地板 杂乱,不整洁__________掷;扔__________ 反复;频繁__________ 也不;两者都不__________ 衬衫________ 一……就……__________ 递;走过;通过借;借用 借给;借出


精神压力; 心理负担________ 浪费; 垃圾 ; 浪费; 滥用________提供;供应_______而且;加之_______ 依靠; 依赖________ 发展; 壮大____________

公正性; 合理性___________ (n.)__________ (adj.)反义词__________ (adj.) 因为; 既然 __________邻居__________有病的;不舒服 __________落下; 掉下___________独立(n.)_____________(adj.) _____________目的是;为了_____________依靠;信赖 _____________ 照顾;处理_____________



My mother always_________( do) the _________ (dish) at all.

2. Could you please _________ (not swim )in the river?

3. What a tall building ! Which f__________ do you live on ?

4. Did you s__________ the room? It’s so clean.

5. We should help our mother do_________ (chore).

6. Neither of us_________(like) helping their mother do chores.

探究:How to write a letter

1. 信头:发信人地址和日期。


2. 称呼:对收信人的尊称。

最普通的是Dear,但与Mr,Mrs,Miss等不同的是:Dear后一般用名字,而Mr,Mrs,Miss后不能单独用名字,而只能是姓或姓与名,比如:对John Smith的称呼,应该是Mr Smith,Mr John Smith或 Dear John.称呼后面可用逗号或者冒号。

3. 信的正文。

4. 结尾:发信人对收信人的谦称或敬语。放在信的右下方。


写给同龄人或年长的朋友:Yours sincerely,Sincerely yours,Yours等等。

写给好朋友:Love,With love, Best wishes等等。

写给亲戚:Love,With love,Affectionately yours,Your(ever)loving son(sister等等)。

5. 签名。


6. 常见的私人信件的开头方式:

高兴:I was so glad/pleased/happy to receive your letter.

感谢:Thank you for your wonderful gift / your interesting letter.

关心与询问:How are you these days?/ How are you getting on these days?/ How are you getting on with your work/studies?

抱歉:I am sorry that I did not write to you sooner but I have been very busy these days.


遗憾:I was sorry to learn that you did not do well in the examination. / I was so upset to hear that you are ill these days. I do hope you are getting better.



Dear Sir or Madam,

I think/believe that ___________________________________________ .

I agree/disagree that _________________________________________ .

I think it is fair/unfair for children to _________________________.

I think children should/should not _______________________________

because ________________________.

For example, they should/should not_______________________________

because _____________________________________________________.

Yours truly,


参考下列词句:help with housework and chores at home have enough stress from school

spend the time on school work in order to…There is no need for them to…

It is important for sb. to do sth.It’s not enough to…develop children’s independence

The more…, the more…


一. 单选

()1.It’s dangerous for childrenthe dog.

A.play B.to play C.play withD.to play with

()2.—Mom, could I go shopping with you?

—Yes, you.But you must finish your homework first.

A.could B.can C.can’tD.couldn’t

()3.—Could I your bike?

—Sorry, I it to Jim yesterday.

A.borrow;lent B.lend;borrowed C.lend;lent D.borrow;borrowed

()4.—Could I pleaseyour watch?—Sorry. It doesn’t work.

A.useB.to useC.using D.used

()5.—Could you please take out the trash? —.

A.Not at all B.You’re welcome C.No wayD.No problem


1. 我不想做家务,他也不想做。

I don’t want to do chores,_______ _______ _______.


pass the exam, he studies hard every day.

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