
(作者:网易区域时间:2023-07-05 10:25:18)



祝贺信 篇一

Dear Mr. Haskel

Congratulations on your recent promotion to head the Marketing Department of California Metals.

My fellow managers and I are delighted that your work in the marketing field has been recognized this way and we join in sending you our very best wishes for the future.

Through the five years of working together with you, many of us well aware of how much you've contributed to the association between our two corporations.

We are all looking forward toyour trip to China next month when we will celebrate your advancement in a more formal way.

Again, congratulations to you, Mr. Haskel - good luck and good wishes on your new position as Director of Marketing Department.

Cordially yours


Lin Daming

Marketing Director

Beijing New Metals

祝贺信优秀 篇二








祝贺信优秀 篇三

Dear Mr. Minister

Allow me to convey my congratulations on your promotion to Minister of Trade. I am delighted that many years service you have given to your country should have been recognized and appreciated.

We wish you success in your new post and look forward to closer cooperation with you in the development of trade between our two countries.





祝贺信 篇四




“十年树木,百年树人”。愿贵校以建校110周年为契机,继往开来,在21世纪,继续高举邓小平理论伟大旗帜,以 “三个代表”重要思想和科学发展观为指导,努力构建“和谐校园”,通过发展社会主义先进文化,不断为构建和巩固和谐社会提供精神支柱和智力支持。团结进取,努力创新,进一步深化教育改革,全面推进素质教育,不断提高教育质量和办学效益,为社会主义现代化建设事业做出新的更大的贡献!





祝贺信 篇五


I have received your e-mail. I am veryexcited www.haoword.com and inspired by the good news that you have been admitted into Harvard.First I’d like to offer my congratulations to you on your great success and Ialso hope to enter a famous university just like you.

Now I want to tell you something aboutmyself. As you know, I’m busy preparing for the College Entrance Examination.Day after day I work very hard and have to stay up late doing piles of papers.However, I’m always feeling stressed out because my efforts don’t seem to payoff, which makes me frustrated and exhausted. Will you be kind enough to giveme some advice?

Iwould appreciate it if you could write back to me as soon as possible.


Li Hua

祝贺信 篇六

Dear Ruth,

I offer my warmest congratulations on your promotion to Vice President of the company. I know how talented you are and how hard you’ve worked to attain this goal. No one could have been more deserving. How exciting it must be for you to realize your ambitions after all those years of hard working. It’s been a real encouragement to me to see your efforts rewarded.

Sincere congratulations to you. Your expertise and dedication will bring out the best of everyone on your staff. They’re learning from a real professional.

I wish you still further success.

Sincerely yours,

Ma Lin

祝贺信优秀 篇七

Hello ,

Congratulations to you! I am so proud of that the gate of the university you dreamed for has opened to you.

At the same time , congratulations to you for the full scholarship you received! You deserve it as you worked so hard and achieved what you want!

Best regard and keep in touch,

祝贺信 篇八

Dear Mr. John,

Just a note to wish you a very happy new year. May the new year bring you joy, love and peace. My memory of you is one of the most delightful experience I have ever had. I would very much like to continue our friendship.

As another year draws to close, it gives us great pleasure to say how much we have appreciated(感激) working with you over the past twelve months. We sincerely hope that our pleasant business relationship will continue for years to come.

Our staff here join me in wishing you a very Merry Christmas and a Happy Prosperous New Year.

Yours sincerely,

Li Ming

