
(作者:时间:2023-03-14 17:17:33)




For Love of Children 给孩子的爱

This slender volume opens with the story of Beniah, an infant rescued by sanitation workers from the stack of garbage in which he had been left to die. Without ever losing sight of Beniah and the too many other deserted children, the author, Sharon Emecz, tells the story of the two homes for abandoned children, Happy Life Kasarani and Happy Life Juja Farm, organized in the area of Nairobi, Kenya. Developed more than a decade ago by two indomitable couples, Sharon and Jim Powell from Delaware in the USA, and Faith and Peter Kamau from Nairobi, the two settings provide the physical and emotional comforts that would otherwise have been denied the 102 abandoned children now living there, as well as having nurtured the many more who have found adoptive homes. More than that even, the two homes have literally saved the lives of all those children. The book provides detail of the structure and functioning of The Happy Life homes allowing for an appreciation of their organization (as well as a pattern for their replication), and provides as well brief portraits of some of the children saved, of those adults who have opted to share a part of their lives with them whether through work or volunteering, and the adoptive parents who have pledged to share their homes and their love with the children who have become their own. Ms. Emecz gives the reader a real sense of the spiritual journey she has undergone in traveling from London to Nairobi, a journey she and her husband, Steve, now make at least annually.

Three Days to See( 节选) 假如给我三天光明

All of us have read thrilling stories in which the hero had only a limited and specified time to live. Sometimes it was as long as a year, sometimes as short as 24 hours. But always we were interested in discovering just how the doomed hero chose to spend his last days or his last hours. I speak, of course, of free men who have a choice, not condemned criminals whose sphere of activities is strictly delimited.

Such stories set us thinking, wondering what we should do under similar circumstances. What events, what experiences, what associations should we crowd into those last hours as mortal beings, what regrets?

Sometimes I have thought it would be an excellent rule to live each day as if we should die tomorrow. Such an attitude would emphasize sharply the values of life. We should live each day with gentleness, vigor and a keenness of appreciation which are often lost when time stretches before us in the constant panorama of more days and months and years to come. There are those, of course, who would adopt the Epicurean motto of “Eat, drink, and be merry”. But most people would be chastened by the certainty of impending death.

In stories the doomed hero is usually saved at the last minute by some stroke of fortune, but almost always his sense of values is changed. He becomes more appreciative of the meaning of life and its permanent spiritual values. It has often been noted that those who live, or have lived, in the shadow of death bring a mellow sweetness to everything they do.

Most of us, however, take life for granted. We know that one day we must die, but usually we picture that day as far in the future. When we are in buoyant health, death is all but unimaginable. We seldom think of it. The days stretch out in an endless vista. So we go about our petty tasks, hardly aware of our listless attitude toward life.

The same lethargy, I am afraid, characterizes the use of all our faculties and senses. Only the deaf appreciate hearing, only the blind realize the manifold blessings that lie in sight. Particularly does this observation apply to those who have lost sight and hearing in adult life. But those who have never suffered impairment of sight or hearing seldom make the fullest use of these blessed faculties. Their eyes and ears take in all sights and sounds hazily, without concentration and with little appreciation. It is the same old story of not being grateful for what we have until we lose it, of not being conscious of health until we are ill.

I have often thought it would be a blessing if each human being were stricken blind and deaf for a few days at some time during his early adult life. Darkness would make him more appreciative of sight; silence would teach him the joys of sound.



1. In the beginning, your life starts feeling really dramatic.

1. 一开始,你的生活变得紧张刺激。

2. And then, suddenly, much less so.

2. 但一段时间后,生活忽然又回归平淡。

3. You and your S.O. develop pet names that aren’t necessarily cutesy but are definitely unique.

3. 你们会创造出两人的亲密昵称,不一定很肉麻,但绝对独一无二。

4. Ditto inside jokes that probably alienate anyone else you hang out with.

4. 你一直重复讲只有你们俩听懂的笑话,这往往令曾经的玩伴疏远你。

5. If you hear love songs on the radio, they no longer make you roll your eyes.

5. 如果听到电台情歌,你不再流露出不屑的表情。

6. And if you watch romantic movies, you’re like, “Oh, I get it now!”

6. 如果看浪漫的爱情片,你会恍然大悟:“哦,我现在明白了!”

7. Everywhere you go, you notice little things that remind you of them, so you have to keep yourself from buying hundreds of random gifts.

7. 无论去哪里,总有一些小东西让你不自觉想到对方,所以只好不断买各种礼物。

8. You send each other pictures of animal pairs with the caption, “Us”.

8. 彼此发动物情侣的照片,然后配上图片说明――“我们”。

9. You have their picture set as background or lock screen (or BOTH!) on your phone.

9. 你把对方的照片设置为手机的背景或锁屏(或两者皆是)。

10. You don’t care so much about going out anymore, and you may have gone through a period in which your friends questioned whether you were even still alive.

10. 你不会格外在意外出,以致朋友也许会在某段时间质疑你是否还活着。

11. There’s a lot of non-sexy naked time.


12. You spend a lot of time together in silence, but that’s totally chill.

12. 你们在一起时经常默默不语,但气氛并不尴尬。

13. Their interests or hobbies become yours, and vice versa.

13. 对方的兴趣爱好渐渐融入你的生活,反之亦然。

14. Or they don’t, but you still tolerate them on occasion.

14. 即使你不喜欢那些兴趣爱好,也时常愿意去理解包容。

15. You actually DO think of them first thing in the morning, even on the days you don’t wake up next to each other.

15. 每天睁开眼睛就会想起对方,即使你们分隔两地。

16. You eat. A lot.

16. 你会胃口大开。

17. You find the simplest things adorable, as long as your S.O. is doing them.

17. 你发现,只要是“某人”正在做的事,不管多么平常,总是那么可爱。

18. You hide certain bodily functions for as long as possible, until one day a fart or burp sneaks out and all bets are off.

18. 你会尽量隐藏某些身体机能,直到有一天不小心放屁或打嗝,让你的努力白费。

19. You actually miss them even if you’re just apart for a few hours.

19. 分离不过几小时就开始思念对方。

20. You plan fantasy trips around the world, because suddenly everything just seems more interesting..

20. 计划着到世界各地旅行,因为忽然间你对一切事物都兴趣盎然。

21. And maaaaybe you envision your future life together in your dream house with your beautiful dogs and/or children, if that’s what you’re into.

21. 也许,你会幻想未来与宠物、子女一起生活在梦想之家,如果那是你所向往的。

22. You get that you’d find most of this stuff so gross and annoying in anyone else, but when it’s you guys, it just makes sense.

22. 别人做的那些令人反感或恼怒的事,当你们去经历时,就变得意义非凡。


Social scientists have observed that marriages typically move through a series of at least four stages. Each stage presents unique learning opportunities and blessings, along with challenges and obstacles.


Stage One �C Romance, Passion and Promise


In the beginning of a relationship partners often communicate effortlessly and at length. They seem to intuit each other’s needs and wishes and go out of their way to please and surprise each other. Couples begin to develop a strong sense of “we.”


Individual differences are minimized, if noticed at all; partners are very accepting. Joy, excitement, happiness and hope abound.


Partners present and elicit their best selves. Life seems promising. It is a time of sharing dreams and romance. This is a time to be remembered and cherished.


Stage Two �C Settling down and Realization


The high energy and intensity of Stage One inevitably give way to the ordinary and routine.


Ideally, in Stage Two couples learn to deepen their communication skills. They work to understand and express their wants, needs, and feelings.


They learn to be honest and vulnerable and to listen actively to each other.


They become aware of differences not noticed previously and develop strategies for dealing with them. Couples learn about give and take, negotiation and accommodation.


Stage Three �C Rebellion and Power Struggles


Spouses cannot always live up to each other’s expectations. They will disappoint and unintentionally hurt each other.


They now become intensely aware of their differences and may use control strategies to bring back the desired balance.


Power struggles are common. Blame, judgment, criticism and defensiveness are likely outcomes.


Fear and anxiety enter the relationship. Couples’ thinking can narrow into right/wrong, good/bad polarities.


Ideally, couples learn about forgiveness and accommodation in this stage. They learn to deal constructively with anger and hurt. A supportive community becomes especially important.


Stage Four �C Discovery, Reconciliation, and Beginning Again


Couples can push through the previous stage through deepened communication, honesty and trust.


Ideally, they discover and create a new sense of connection. They learn more about each other’s strengths and vulnerabilities.


They learn to identify and talk about their fears instead of acting them out. They refuse to judge or blame their partner; they translate their complaints into requests for change.


Partners see each other in a new light, as gifted and flawed, just as they themselves are gifted and flawed. Empathy and compassion increase. They learn to appreciate and respect each other in new ways; they learn not to take each other for granted.


They find a new balance of separateness and togetherness, independence and intimacy. A new hope and energy return to the relationship.


Additional Challenges and Stages


Many couples will encounter additional life cycle stages. Just like marriage, creating a family will face many challenges.


It is another opportunity to learn about cooperation and becoming a team, about dealing with differences and conflicts, and about taking time to pause and choose.


Parenting is a spiritual journey that involves not only the growth of the children but the growth of the parents. Like marriage, it will have many opportunities to surrender and die to self, to let go and to grieve.


Other life cycle challenges include illness, unemployment and other financial crises, retirement, and the death of one’s partner. Many couples must take care of the older generation while letting go of the younger one.


Growth throughout the marital journey requires openness and flexibility. Faith requires trust and surrender. Even if we cannot see the entire road and where it will end, we need to have clarity to take the next few steps.



There are many apple trees in a garden. They’re good friends. One day an old tree is ill. There are many pests in the tree. Leaves of the tree turn yellow. The old tree feels very sad and unwell. Another tree sends for a doctor for him. At first, they send for a pigeon, but she has no idea about it. Then they send for an oriole, and she can’t treat the old tree well. Then they send for a woodpecker. She is a good doctor. She pecks a hole in the tree and eats lots of pests. At last the old tree becomes better and better. Leaves turn green and green.


Today is Sunday! On Sundays, I usually play the flute.My father usually reads the newspaper. My motherusuallycleansthe house. Buttoday my mother is in bed. She is ill. My father has to do the housework. Now, he is cleaning the house. “Sam, can you help me?” “Yes, Dad!” Now, we’re washing the car. Where’s my sister, Amy? She is playing my flute. What a lucky girl!


One day a dog with a piece of meat in his mouth was crossing a plank over a stream. As he walked along,helookedintowater,andhesawhis reflection. He thought this was another dog carrying

a piece of meat. And he felt he would like to have two pieces. So he snapped at the reflection in the water, and of course, as he opened his mouth, the piece of meat disappeared quickly.


Tony is seven years old. He is an honest and polite boy. One day, it was Sunday. Tony, his sister and his mother stayed at home. He was watching TV and his sister was reading books. His mother was washing clothes. Just then, his father came back with a bag

of pears. Tony likes pears very much and he wanted

to eat one. His mother gave him four and said, “Let’s sharethem.” “Whichpeardo youwant, Tony?” asked his mother. “The biggest one, mum.” “What?” said his mother, “You should be polite and want the smallest one.” “Should I tell a lie just to be polite, mum?”


Today is Susan’s birthday. She is nine years old. Her friends are in her home now. There is a birthday party in the evening. Look! Mary is listening to the music. And Tom is drinking orange juice. Jack and Sam are playing cards on the floor. Lily and Amy are watching TV. Someone is knocking at the door. It’s Henry. He brings a big teddy bear for Susan. The teddy bear is yellow. Susan is very happy. All the children are happy. They sing a birthday song for Susan.


It was a cold winter day.A farmer found a snake on the ground. It was nearly dead by cold. The Farmer was a kind man. Hepicked up thesnake carefully and put it under the coat. Soon the snake Began to move and it raised its mouth and bit the farmer. “Oh, My god!” said the farmer, “I save your life, but you thank me in that way. You must die.” Then he killed the snake with a stick. At last he died, too.


Hong Kong is a nice place, especially in summer. JulyisahotmonthinHongKong.Butit’san excellent time for swimming. There is a beautiful beach at Repulse Bay (浅水湾). To get there, you can take a bus from Central. Lots of people go to the beach on Sundays and Saturdays. But if you go on a weekday, it is will be not so crowded.Visitors to Hongkong need passports. But people from many countries do not need visas. Hongkong is a nice place for holiday. There are many shops.


Water is very important for living things. Without water, there must be no life on the earth. All the plants and animals need water to drink, to cook food and to clean ourselves. Water is needed in farms, factories, offices, schools, families and many other places.

Water is found in seas, rivers and lakes. It can be found everywhere in the world, and it also can be found in the air.
