
(作者:赛瑞的乌托邦时间:2023-07-02 11:36:33)



简单介绍乐山大佛导游词 篇一






古时候的三江汇流处,水势十分凶猛,过往的船只经常发生事故。有一个叫海通的和尚大发慈悲之心,准备修一座弥勒佛,来镇水患,于是他每天化缘。过了一些日子,化到了不少银子。但当地有一位官员,见钱眼开,看到海通有这么多银子,便想敲诈一笔,没想到海通说:“自目可刎 ,佛财难得。”意思是我可以把双眼挖下来,你一分钱也休想拿到。那官员竟然说让海通试一试,于是,海通便将眼珠用手挖了出来。那官员被吓得半死,从此以后再也不找海通的麻烦了。海通便安下心来组织修大佛。在海通去世时,大佛才修到肩膀那儿,因为海通去世,大佛便没修了。直到后来,有两个人捐了很多钱,才断断续续的把大佛修好了。


简单介绍乐山大佛导游词 篇二

dear tourists

hello everyone! welcome to leshan giant buddha scenic spot forsightseeing!

dear tourists, what we are seeing now is the world-famous millennium oldbuddha - leshan giant buddha. it is located in qiluan peak at the east foot ofemei mountain in leshan city, sichuan province, china. it is the largest stonemaitreya buddha in the world. it was built in the tang dynasty and has a historyof 1200 years.

leshan giant buddha is 71 meters high. its shoulders are 24 meters head is 10 meters in diameter. its ears are 7 meters long. its mouth isgood. its eyes are 3.3 meters long. its eyebrows and nose are 5.6 meters neck is 3 meters high. its finger is 8.3 meters long. it can stand more than100 people with one hand. it is 28 meters from knee to instep. its feet are 8.5meters wide. there are 1021 hair buns on its head. leshan giant buddha ismagnificent, people describe it as: mountain is a buddha, buddha is amountain.

ladies and gentlemen, let me tell you about the three manifestation ofleshan giant buddha!

in 1962, during the three years of natural disasters, countless peopledied. the river at the foot of leshan giant buddha was flooded with starvingpeople. the giant buddha could not bear to witness the human tragedy and closedhis eyes in pain. in 1976, the leaders of mao, zhu, and zhou died. the tangshanearthquake killed and injured 100000 people. the buddha complained aboutinjustice and showed anger. in 20__, china's accession to the wto and itssuccessful bid for the olympic games were accompanied by many happy events, andthe buddha's head was shining with auspicious light.

leshan giant buddha is a great miracle in china.

简单介绍乐山大佛导游词 篇三

how big the leshan giant buddha is! the giant buddha is 71 meters high,14.7 meters high, 10 meters wide, 1021 hair bun, 7 meters long ears, 5.6 meterslong nose, 5.6 meters long eyebrows, 3.3 meters long mouth and eyes, 3 metershigh neck, 24 meters wide shoulder, 8.3 meters long fingers, 28 meters from kneeto instep, 8.5 meters wide instep, and more than 100 people can sit on thefeet.

it is said that once upon a time, there was a monk named haitong. he sawthat the depth of the dadu river was rapid and the waves were surging. he oftenengulfed the boats and harmed the people. so he called a lot of masons to buildthe leshan giant buddha. after the leshan giant buddha was built, haitong had alot of money, so an official in jiazhou came to force haitong to give g said: it's hard to get rid of the buddha's wealth. we can see howhaitong respects buddha!

let's see, the smooth lake and the tall and majestic leshan giant buddhamake people feel as if the leshan giant buddha is looking at you on the otherside.

leshan buddha is also very magical, just like the real buddha. leshanbuddha reappears the rare mysterious halo of buddha light. at 9:43 a.m. on may7, 20__, a halo suddenly appeared over the leshan buddha, where the dark cloudshad not yet faded. around the rising sun, a colorful ring with a diameter ofabout 300 meters and an inner infrared purple appeared, and the color was brightand dark from time to time. it's hard to meet thousands of people in a thousandyears. around 11 o'clock, the halo began to shine brightly, and tourists fromall over the world praised the wonders of the day. many people put their handstogether and closed their eyes to pray for the good fortune brought by the greatbuddha's journey. at noon, the light of buddha gradually faded away. the wholebuddha light phenomenon lasted more than three hours.

that's all for today's tour. please get on the bus and have lunch.

简单介绍乐山大佛导游词 篇四














