
(作者:lxfwww时间:2023-07-07 08:22:15)



小学三年级双语故事 篇一

The Kingdom of the Lion狮子国王

THE BEASTS of the field and forest had a Lion as their king. He was neither wrathful, cruel, nor tyrannical, but just and gentle as a king could be. During his reign he made a royal proclamation for a general

assembly of all the birds and beasts, and drew up conditions for a universal league, in which the Wolf and the Lamb, the Panther and the Kid, the Tiger and the Stag, the Dog and the Hare, should live together in

perfect peace and amity. The Hare said, "Oh, how I have longed to see this day, in which the weak shall take their place with impunity by the side of the strong." And after the Hare said this, he ran for his life.

有只狮子做了国王,他善良、温和,与人一样和平、公正。在他的统治下,惩恶扬善, 裁决动物之间的纠纷,使所有的动物和睦相处。胆小的兔子说:“我祈祷能得到这样的日 子,那时弱者就不怕被强者伤害了。” 然后赶紧逃命去了。

中英双语小故事:此一时,彼一时 篇二

One day, a king was travelling in his own land. He saw a farmer so absorbed in his work that he did not even notice a snake coiling round his leg.


The king shouted,“Dear man, there is a snake on your leg!”


The farmer just shook the snake off and continued his work.


The king was very curious and asked,“Dear man, don't you know that the snake can harm you? You ignored it and kept working. Is the work more important than your life?”


The farmer said,“Your Majesty, the only thing that is threatening me is not the snake but the food. If I don't work hard, when the next spring comes, my family members will starve to death!”


The king sympathized with the farmer and he instructed his prime minister to give the farmer a big sum of money.


A year later, the king met the farmer again. He was well dressed and looked rather plump. He was not farming now but there was a bandage on his right arm.


The king asked him,“Dear man, what happened to your arm?”


“Your Majesty,”the farmer replied,“my finger was pricked by a thorn on the pumpkin. Now I need a rest to take care of my arm.”


The king was astonished.“When you were such a poor man, you were not afraid of a snake bite. You only kept working hard. But now you need a rest after being pricked by a little thorn on the pumpkin!”


The farmer said,“Your Majesty, you have forgotten what people usually say: that was before, now it is different!”


中英双语小故事:狗和猫 篇三

Long ago, only the cats had the ability to trace their prey by its odour, while the other animals used their vision to discover their prey.


The dog knew that was the best way to hunt a prey so he decided to visit the cat.


“Mr. Cat, can you teach me the skill to trace the prey by its odour? It is very efficient and convenient.”


The cat agreed to teach the dog and to let him stay in his house during the lessons. After a few days, the dog thought that he could use the skill and he wanted to go home.


“You have not learnt the skill yet,”said the cat.“You have to stay longer.”


“But I have to go home now,”the dog insisted.


“All right,”the cat said,“you may go back tomorrow but not today.”


The next morning, the cat said to his wife,“When the dog comes to bid farewell, tell him that I have gone out. When he asks where, tell him that you don't know.”


After a while, the dog came.“Where is the teacher?”he asked.


“He went out early in the morning and I don't know where he went,”the cat's wife answered.


Actually, the cat intended to test whether the dog had learnt how to trace any prey by its odour.


The dog started by following the footprints of the cat. However, after a short distance, the cat had jump from one rock to another and then gone into a cave.


Then he came out from the other side and leapt onto a tree.


The dog followed the seemingly vanishing footprints of the cat and he came to the two rocks.


He entered the cave and managed to come out from the other side of it.


At last, he came to the tree but he could not find any footprint. The dog could not trace the cat though he kept going round and round the tree.


The cat stayed on top of the tree watching every move of the dog. Finally, he said,“Look up! You have not completely learnt the skill and yet you are ready to leave. You can see now that you are still ignorant.”


Since then, the dog only knows how to trail its prey on the ground.


小学三年级双语故事 篇四






Story Little Red Riding Hood

Little Red Riding Hood is a lovely girl. She likes red hats. So her mother calls her little Red Riding Hood.

Her grandma loves her very much. But now she is ill. Her mother is busy. So she asks little Riding Hood to see her grandma.

In the forest, a wolf sees little Red Riding Hood, "Look, little Riding Hood. I have children for lunch, the path goes to her grandma's house."

The wolf comes to grandma's house and eats grandma. Then he wears grandma's glasses and clothes, and in her bed.

After a while, little Red Riding Hood comes to grandma's bed. To her surprise, grandma's mouth is very big. So she asks: "Grandma, why is your mouth so big?" "I eat little girls with this mouth." And he rushed at little Red Riding Hood.

"Help! Help!" The wolf runs after little Red Riding Hood. At this time, a hunter passes through the house. He shoots the wolf and saves little Red Riding Hood. Then he cuts the wolf and grandma comes out.

小学三年级双语故事 篇五

The Clever King Solomon

Long, long ago, there was a king. Solomon was his name. He was very clever.

In his country, there were two women. They lived in the same house and each had a child.

One night, one of the babies died. The dead baby’s mother took the other woman’s baby, and put it in her own bed.

The next morning , they had a quarrel.

“No, this is my baby!” The dead is yours!”

Each one wanted the living baby. So they went to see King Solomon.

“Bring me a knife, cut the child into two and five each woman one half.” said the King.

“Oh. Your Majesty! Give her my baby. Please don’t kill my baby!”

Then King Solomon pointed to the woman in teas and said, “Give the baby to her. She is the mother.”











小学三年级双语故事 篇六


A COCK, scratching for food for himself and his hens, found a precious stone and exclaimed: "If your owner had found thee, and not I, he would have taken thee up, and have set thee in thy first estate; but I have found thee for no purpose. I would rather have one barleycorn than all the jewels in the world."

一只公鸡在田野里为自己和母鸡们寻找食物。他发现了一块宝玉,便对宝玉说:“若不是我,而是你的主人找到了你,他会非常珍惜地把你捡起来;但我发现了你却毫无用处。我 与其得到世界上一切宝玉,倒不如得到一颗麦子好。”


