
(作者:磊渝骞时间:2023-07-07 09:59:04)



高考英语口语 篇一

1、表示强调,意为:真的! 我不骗你! 这不是开玩笑! 如:

True story, no kidding. 是真的,我不骗你!

Yes, it’s true. No kidding. 是的,这是真的,我不骗你。

No kidding. I appreciate it. 不是开玩笑!我很感激。

I really like your friends. No kidding. I’ll proveit to you. 我的确喜欢你的朋友们,真的,我会让你相信这一点的。

有时也说 I’m not kididng. 或 I kid you not. 如:

I’m not kidding. If you’re late once more, you’refired. 我不是跟你开玩笑! 你要是再迟到一次,你就要被炒了。

2、表示怀疑或惊讶等,意为:我才不信呢?你开什么玩笑!那是不可能的! 如:

A:Ben called me last night. 本昨晚给我打电话了。

B:No kidding? What did he say? 是吗?他说什么来着。

A:I’m getting married next month. 我下个月就要结婚了。

B:No kidding! Are you really? 不可能吧! 你是说真的吗?

A:The cemetery has a lake with ducks. 墓地里有个养着鸭子的小湖。

B:No kidding! 我才不信呢!

有时也说 You’re kidding! 如:

A:We think you should enter for the Miss Britaincontest. 我们认为你应该去参→www.haoword.com←加英国小姐选美比赛。

B:You’re kidding! 你开什么玩笑!

高考英语口语 篇二

Test One

Part One

People do get hurt in “adventure sports” and the most dangerous isclimbing, which kills eight people a year. But it is not always obvious whichactivities are dangerous. For instance, two people die every year in hangglidingaccidents, but the same number are killed by badminiton, whereas six people ayear die in fishing accidents! So “exciting” isnt always the same as“dangerous”。 This is even more true when you consider the activities of everyday life. Many more people die due to accidents in the home than from sports ofany king.

Part Two

1.Its nice of you to show me around your school.

2.What about taking Bus No 104 to the Shanghai Railway Station?

3.I am sorry I have to leave now. I have to catch the last bus.

4.How did you enjoy the concert last night?

5.I wonder if I could use your mobile phone.

Part Three

(1-2)Your friend is inviting you to see a film. Ask your friend twoquestions about it.

(3-4)You have a toothache and want to make a appointment to see Dr Brown.The nurse asks you two questions.

Part Four

What do you think of the development of transportation in Shanghai?

Part Five

The Mid-Autumn Festival is a traditional Chinese holiday.。.

Test Two

Part One

Teenagers who dont get up in the morning are brighter and moresuccessful.

A study of students sleep by reserarchers in the USA found that teenagerswho get up early are often tired and cant concentrate in class.

“Young children love to get up early but teenagers have a differentbiological clock,” says a professor of Brown University. Her reserach showedthat teenagers naturally go to sleep and wake up later than normal-for goodbiological reasons.

Now many American schools have changed the start of their morning classesfrom 7.30 to 8.30 or even 9.00.

Part Two

1、(Telephone rings) Hello, may I speak to Mr Smith?

2.Im sorry that I forgot to bring the book here.

3.Id love you to come to my birthday party.

4.Why not have another cup of tea?

5.Youre busy. Is there anything I can do for you?

Part Three

(1-2)You are in your Rnglish teachers office, asking the teacher twoquestions about English learning.

(3-4)You have a new deskmate Bob. You want to get to know him. Ask him twoquestions.

Part Four

Do you think examinations are the main source of stress in your life?Why?

Part Five

One day Peter and his father went fishing and came back home with a Three




1、What do you usually do at weekends?

2、Which teacher do you like best in senior high school? Why?

3、How do you feel about your middle school life?


1、Which film star do you like best? Why?

2、Do you like to be a volunteer? Why / why not?

3、Do you often help your parents with the housework? Why/ why not?


1、What would you like to be in the future?

2、Can you say something about Internet?

3、Do you often practice your English Writing? Why/ why not?


1、Do you like helping others? Why/ why not?

2、Do you like watching movies in your spare time? Why/ why not?

3、Would you please say something about a place you have visited?


1、Can you say something about your favorite teacher?

2、What is the happiest thing in your life? Why?

3、Would you please tell us something about your favorite singer(s)?


1、What animal do you like best? Why?

2、How do you practice your oral English?

3、Which scientist do you like best? Why?


1、How do you spend your Spring Festival?

2、Can you say something about the people in your hometown?

3、Do you like reading English novel? Why/ why not?


1、Which do you like best, Chinese food or western food? Why?

2、How do you like to celebrate your birthday?

3、Can you tell us something about your hobby?


1、What kind of school activities do you like best? Why?

2、Do you like watching TV during the summer vacation? Why?

3、Which place do you like to travel most? Why?


。 Sally had been studying at an art college for a year and, like moststudents, she did not have much money. It was going to be her mother’s birthdaysoon, and she wondered what she could buy her as a present that would be niceand useful but not too expensive.

One day, a week from her mother’s birthday, she went shopping to try tofind her mother a nice present. She came across a shop that was sellingumbrellas cheap, and decided that one of those would solve her problem, sinceher mother had lost hers the month before. 。

On the train back home that evening she felt hungry, she went to the buffetcar for a sandwich. She had left the black umbrella above her seat in thecompartment, but when she got back, it had gone! Sally burst into tears. Theother three passengers felt sorry for her and asked what the matter was. Whenshe had explained that her present for her mother had disappeared, the threepassengers asked her for her mother’s address, in order to be able to send theumbrella on to her in case someone had removed it by mistake.

The next week, Sally got a letter from her mother, which said, “Thank youfor your lovely presents, but why did you send me there black umbrellas?”

buffet[b?fit] car餐车

compartment / k?m′pɑ:tm?nt/车厢




What present would you like to give to your mother on her birthday?Why?

高考英语口语 篇三



l)从备考室到应考室门前后,还需要等候工作人员的通知。上一个考生走出后,两位考官要就给分进行短暂讨论,意见一致后填入表内。评分阶段未完前,如果下一个考生进来了,主考人不会就此不满,因为这不是考生的问题,这时主考人往往用英语说Please wait outside for a moment./Wait outside please. Please dont come in until we ask you to.等等。尽管这些话没有考生不会的单词,但由于考生平时接触的会说英语的较多的是自己的`英语老师和同班同学,乍一听别人说英语很不习惯。主考人有时要重复两三遍,甚至加用手势,考生退出。这将留下第一个“不良印象”。主考人们会想“怎么这么简单的英语也没听懂?”

2)进入口试室前如能先敲门,并说 May I come in?或 May I?,主考人自然会认为你很有礼貌,中学英语《英语教授张卫族谈如何对付高考英语口试》。人还没见,先有个好印象。


4)十有八九考生主动打招呼,说Good morning.或Good afternoon.这很好。但在使用称呼语上要慎重。如最常用的teacher,它在英语习惯里不是个称呼语,有的主考人认为中国式英语,也有的主考人认为国内有的教材这么用了,因而可以接受。在这种有争议的情况下,考生应避免给自己找麻烦,就简单说Good morning/afternoon.为妥。

5)考生应把准考证交给主考人,以便将有关信息和成绩写在记录单上。考生如果主动,主考人也就不会说Let me have your examination permit/ID.或Give me your examination permit/ID.(ID= identification card,证明自己“身份”的证件,此处也可表示自己获准参加考试的证明;permit=许可证)。当然,主考人知道考生会听不懂,往往边说边比划,可有时考生还不懂,这又会给自己带来不利的印象分。




高考英语口语 篇四


2、annoy:使某人恼怒; annoying:令人恼怒的;annoyed:感到恼怒的,生气的






8、disappoint: 使某人失望;disappointing:令人失望的;disappointed:感到失望的






14、exhaust: 使人筋疲力尽;exhausting:令人筋疲力尽的;exhausted:感到筋疲力尽的

















高考英语口语 篇五

Part One: Read aloud the following passage. You will have one minute to prepare and thirty seconds to read.

Police are looking for robbers who stole valuable diamonds from the jewelry display at the City Center yesterday evening during the annual Gold Exhibition. The owner reported that a necklace estimated to be worth $1.5 million was taken by a young couple. A witness at the scene said that a couple in their early twenties caught her eye because they seemed too young to be interested in sun expensive jewelry. In her version of the story, the pair were dressed in clothing and hairstyles that seemed too casual for the rather formal atmosphere of the jewelry show.

Part Two: Make quick responses to the sentences you hear:

1、Lucy, you look nice with that blouse today. It goes well with your skirt.

2、What do you think of my new bicycle?

3、Is there anything I can do for you?

4、I don’t feel well. I want to go home.

5、I think video games are really harmful for our middle-school students.

Part Three: Ask two questions about each situation given below. At least one special question should be asked about each situation:

(1-2) Your aunt looks young and healthy. Ask her two questions about how to keep young.

(3-4) John is now at the Lost and Found. The clerk asks him two questions about his lost wallet.

高考英语口语 篇六


A:Happy Christmas. 圣诞快乐。

B:Same to you. 也祝你圣诞快乐。

A:And good luck. 祝你好运。

B:Thank you. The same to you. 谢谢,也祝你好运。

A:Well, good-bye, Jim, and best wishes. 好吧,再见,吉姆,祝你顺利。

B:The same to you. 也祝你顺利。

有时也说 You, too. 如:

A:Have a good weekend. 祝周末过得愉快。

B:You, too. 也祝你周末愉快。

2、用来回答辱骂,意为:你才是! 你也是! 如:

A:You’re a twit. 你是个白痴。

B:Same to you. 你才是。

A:Go to Hell. 滚开!

B:And the same to you. 你滚开。

