
(作者:gsdfs时间:2023-07-15 10:42:33)



英文情书 篇一

Dear shas,

Exactly one year ago you were diagnosed with a form of cancer and all our dreams came dashing down. i never thought that i would have to deal with something like this in my life. everything happened in the middle of my exams and i tried so hard to cope. you were so remarkably wonderful during the most difficult time of your life. no one knows, not even me, how difficult those few months were for you.i never really thanked you for being so strong and understanding for my sake. i was so scared for you and for our future together. i am still so scared though i know that you have defeated the illness. no one understands my decision to remain with you and become your wife. if they only knew how much i love you, they would not question my decision. your happiness means everything to me. i love you more than you could possibly know and my love keeps growing every time i see you struggling to make me happy. i love you, baby, now and always.

love always,


最浪漫的英文情书 篇二

Dear Ayo,

Seriously, Babes, I love you because I have never been loved by anyone the way you love me. I feel like a complete woman. I love your patient manner, your generous nature, your hands on my body, particularly when you hold me when I am sleeping. When you hold me I believe that nothing can harm me. I love your genuine kindness to others and I hope Bubu takes after you in this respect (well, to a certain extent)。 I love your eyes and your lips, I love your sense of self worth, your calming nature, your social ability, your Daniel-like talent, your firm bum, your smooth back and strong arms. You are my distant friend of late but I know our closeness will be reunited very soon.

I am missing you terribly; I feel incomplete without you and want you here NOW!

Love always,


英文情书 篇三

Dear Sharif,

I always thought that dreams were just dreams, but you made them all come true and even better, you built new dreams with me! I can not thank you enough for being more than perfect because you showed me that even all the things that seem wrong are actually opportunities to work at them together and bring us closer together. No matter how far you are and no matter what you do, I always want you to know how much you mean to me, and how much I truly love you and how much I will always be yours forever.I love you so much and wish I could be there to hug and kiss you all day and all night long but for now this love letter will have to be my message. but know that you are a big part of me and I think of you all the time. I love you, and I've loved you before I was born, because I believe I was made for you, and will be yours for all eternity.

Love always,


最浪漫的英文情书 篇四

It's been quite awhile since I've written you a letter. I to know that you can envision your life without me. Where have gone all those promises you once said? I guess promises are really made to be broken. You made me believe that. And so, the best thing to do right now would be to miss you … no more, no less. I just pray that somehow this heart of mine would learn to be contented - contented to be just missing you.

You are the very air that I breathe, the very love that I need, my heart, my soul, my everything. The sweetest of my memories come when I think of you. I remember the very first day that I saw you, I could not believe I was looking at a human being. I pinched myself the hardest one could ever do so as to wake myself upfromthe drunken stupor I was in. For a moment I believed I was in heaven; I even danced to the music the angels were singing. Upon opening my eyes I realized I was not in heaven but that an angel had come down to earth, just for me.The music of your voice surpasses that of the greatest orchestra belting out its very best composition. Your skin is softer than the finest satin and glows radiantly illuminating like the sun, setting over a serene pool of crystal clear water. Your eyes dance like mermaids in the sunshine, promulgating the exotic beautyfromwithin your innermost being. Words alone limit me to explaining exactly how I feel about you.I can say you are the sole comforter to me, the only one who ever took the pain to understand me. You dry every tear that falls down my cheeks. Loving you is the best thing that ever happened to me and I will forever cherish the moments we have spent together.Every night I dream of heaven, and I'd gotten used to the idea that they are looking for an angel, one that went missing the day you stepped into my lif www.baihuaw www.haoword.com en.cne, the day all my sorrows were washed away and I took a step into the impossible, crossing the marginfromnatural to supernatural. You are my angel and forever you will be. The one whose memories I will treasure forever till the day I turn into an angel like you.

Love always,


英文的情书 篇五

Dear Leann,

I plish a plete. If I hadn't met you. I knoent ent, my mind, but still everyday I e people call it crazy, some call it insane, but I call it true love. I really love you, Baby Bear.

Love Always,


英文的情书 篇六

dear dinesh,

it has not been but a short time of getting to know one another and we are totally crazy about the other. i asked you if you believed in soul mates and you said that you believed that god does make a special someone from every man. whether that man finds that someone he was created for or not, i know i was created for you.

here i am, heart and soul, confessing to the world how i feel about you. i would walk to the ends of the earth to meet you, and yet the funny thing is, looks as if i will have to do that since we haven’t yet met. funny how love works in people’s lives. i sure never expected to neither meet nor find someone as amazing as you. you have touched my heart in so many ways and words couldn’t even begin to explain to you the love i feel for you. without further making it harder on the two of us to be together, i need to tell you that i love you and i am here waiting and when the time is right, will accept you as my husband and spend forever and eternity in your arms. dreaming of you always 。.。 i love you.

love always,


英文情书 篇七

Dear Annan,

Never did I imagine that I e this far. But I hope our love etimes e across.

I am a dream of us together, I thank God I found you! What have I ever done to deserve such a loving, caring, e!! I feel so loved! I need only to think of you to have all my troubles melt ae up posed, the best song ever played, the best picture ever painted. I never thought and expected that someone like me could get so lucky by finding you. Hofort and the security of kno each other for now, but you have my heart and my love. And I know that I have yours, too. It just feels so wonderful knowing and believing that. Aren't we lucky? I love and more each day.

Forever Yours,


英文情书 篇八

My very dear Sarah,

Indications are very strong that we shall move in a few days, perhaps tomorrow.

Lest I should not be able to write you again, I feel impelled to write a few lines that may fall under your eye when I shall be no more.

I have no misgivings about or lack of confidence in the cause in which I am engaged, and my courage does not halt or falter.

I know how strongly American civilization now leans on the triumph of the government, and how great a debt we owe to those who went before us through the blood and suffering of the Revolution. And I am willing — perfectly willing — to lay down all my joys in this life to help maintain this government and to pay that debt.

Sarah, my love for you is deathless. It seems to bind me with mighty cables that nothing but Omnipotence could break. And yet my love of country comes over me like a strong wind and bears me irresistibly, with all these chains, to the battlefield. The memory of all the blissful moments I have enjoyed with you come crowding over me, and I feel most deeply grateful to God and you that I have enjoyed them so long. And how hard it is for me to give them up and burn to ashes the hopes of future years when, God willing, we might still have lived and loved together and seen our sons grow up to honorable manhood around us…

If I do not return, my dear Sarah, never forget how much I love you, nor that when my last breath escapes me on the battlefield, it will whisper your name. Forgive my many faults and the many pains I have caused you.

How thoughtless, how foolish I have sometimes been. But, oh Sarah! If the dead can come back to this earth and flit unseen around those they love, I shall always be with you in the brightest days and in the darkest nights. Always. Always.

And when the soft breeze fans your cheeks, it shall be my breath; and as the cool air fans your throbbing temple, it shall be my spirit passing by.

Sarah, do not mourn me dead: Think I am gone and wait for me, for me shall meet again.

all my love,


