We Are One 中英文歌词新版多篇范文

(作者:angelospan时间:2023-07-16 09:00:53)

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We Are One 中英文歌词新版多篇

We Are One 中英文歌词 篇一

We Are One 我们是一家(狮子王II)

As you go through life you'll see There is so much that we Don't understand

And the only thing we know Is things don't always go The way we planned

[But you'll see every day]

当你在生活中你会看到 我们有这么多 不明白

我们唯一知道的 事情并不总是 如本人们所愿 日复一日

我们从没离你远去 我们会站在你身边 充满希望,充满自豪 我们是超过我们 我们是一体;我们在一起 如果有这么多的我必须 我还能是我吗 我就这样

我能相信我自己的心吗 或者我只是一些大计划的一部分 你放心别害怕 随着我们继续 你的旅程才刚刚开始 痛苦的泪水,喜悦的泪水 一件事没有什么能摧毁 是我们的骄傲,在内心深处 我们是一体;我们在一起 我们是一体,你和我 我们就像地球和天空 阳光下的一份子 引导你学习所有智慧 所有你需要的勇气 你会发现当你看到 我们是一体;我们在一起 [That we'll never turn away] [We will stand by your side]

We are more than we are We are one

When it seems all your dreams come undone 当你所有的梦想都似乎回复 [Filled with hope and filled with pride]

If there's so much I must be Can I still just be me The way I am

Can I trust in my own heart [Even those who are gone] [Are with us as we go on]

Or am I just one part Of some big plan

Your journey has only begun [Tears of pain, tears of joy] Is our pride, deep inside We are one

[We are one, you and I]

One family under the sun [All the wisdom to lead]

You will find when you see We are one

[One thing nothing can destroy]

[We are like the earth and sky]

[All the courage that you need]

For Him中英文歌词 篇二

For Him. - Troye Sivan&Allday We are runnin' so fast 我们狂奔向前

And we never look back 从不回望过去

And whatever I lack you make up 我破败不全 你修残补缺

We make a really good team 我们如此天造地设

And though not everyone sees 尽管没人看好

We got this crazy chemistry


Between us 离不开彼此

Jump starting your car cause this city's a bore 跳上你的车启动出发,逃离这令人生厌的城市

Buying e-cigarettes at the convenience store 在便利店买包香烟

Making new cliches on our own little tour 开展我们自己旅程的新篇章

Let's ride 启程吧

You don't have to say I love you to say I love you 你甚至不用说,我爱你

Forget all the shooting stars and all the silver moons 甚至可以忘记漫天流星和银辉月色

We've been making shades of purple out of red and blue 就算没有音符我们也能谱写属于我们的美妙乐章

Sickeningly sweet like honey don't need money 亲爱的,拥有这如痴如醉的甜蜜我可以不要钱财

All I need is you 我想要的只有你

All I need is you


We try staying up late 我们试图整夜不眠

But we both are light weights 但我们太脆弱

Yeah we get off our face too easy 我们太容易翻脸

And we take jokes way too far 我们过分地开玩笑 And sometimes living's too hard


We're like two halves of one heart 我们仍不分彼此

You don't have to say I love you to say I love you 你甚至不用说,我爱你

Forget all the shooting stars and all the silver moons 甚至可以忘记漫天流星和银辉月色

We've been making shades of purple out of red and blue 就算没有音符我们也能谱写属于我们的美妙乐章

Sickeningly sweet like honey don't need money 亲爱的,拥有这如痴如醉的甜蜜我可以不要钱财

All I need is you


All I need is you 我想要的只有你

Eat a pill stay and chill you don't needa go


I'm about to bring emo back if you leave my home 假若你离开我家,我会召回激烈的爱

I'd panic at the disco and you'd rather watch a TV show 我在舞池中惊慌失措,你却悠然享受电视节目

Then ill squeeze your booty real hard 于是我发疯地揉捏

like I'm kneading dough 抚摸你的身体

Pizza boy I'm speeding for ya

披萨男孩 我将飞快朝你前进

We canna get married tonight if you really wanna 如果你愿意,今晚我们就私定终身

Me in a cheap suit like a sleazy lawyer 我穿着低廉的礼服像个潦倒的律师

And if you break my lil heart it'd be an honour 你不费吹灰之力就能击破我沦陷的心

You don't have to say I love you to say I love you 你甚至不用说,我爱你

Forget all the shooting stars and all the silver moons 甚至可以忘记漫天流星和银辉月色

We've been making shades of purple out of red and blue 就算没有音符我们也能谱写属于我们的美妙乐章

Sickeningly sweet like honey don't need money 亲爱的,拥有这如痴如醉的甜蜜我可以不要钱财

All I need is you 我想要的只有你 All I need is you 我想要的只有你

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