
(作者:云克娜时间:2023-07-19 12:46:24)




1. I was afraid that she would be late for the meeting. Therefore, I got there as soon as possible.

2. If you give up now, the situation will only get worse.

3. Thank you for helping me (to) get ready for the party.

4. You’d better give up smoking as soon as possible.

5. Would you help me learn how to get along with others?

6. I don’t think teachers will make you do what you don’t like to do.

7. Would you like to go out for a walk?


8. One of the most important skills in life is to accurately identify your own strengths.

9. It’s impossible for me to catch up with him.

10. It’s a good idea to bring a small gift to the host or the hostess

11. Dalian is the second most important city in Liaoning Province.

12. It sounds like you are having a good time in U.S.

13. It seems to me that everyone will go through ups and downs in life sooner or later.

14. German sounds as beautiful as French.

15. It takes not only courage but also time to launch new business in hard times.

16. Camping is fun, and it’s good for your mind, body and spirit.

17. It’s time to show your potential.

18. The huge wave is as high as meters.

19. He likes to keep himself lying in the bed for minutes to think about what to do

20. for the day before getting up.

21. You’d better keep the windows open to let fresh air in to prevent flu.

22. He likes to spend his spare time doing what he enjoys.

23. We’d better not make others do what we hate.

24. She hates playing basketball neither because she doesn’t like sports nor because she is very busy.

25. The islanders don’t live a busy life at all.

26. He didn’t realize he had fallen asleep until he felt somebody shaking his shoulder,

27. Many people hang around. Some are chatting and others are walking their pet dogs.

28. Everyone can see he tries as hard as possible to do everything well every day.

29. The drought is so serious that it is difficult for both human beings and animals toget drinking water.

30. He had spent so many years doing research that he finally found some clues of thehidden treasure in legend.

31. He didn’t stop to check the map until he found something went wrong with the roadsigns.


1. 我很担心会议她会迟到,所以我尽快到达那里。

2. 如果你现在放弃,情况只会更糟。

3. 谢谢你帮我准备这次聚会。

4. 你最好尽快戒烟。

5. 你能告诉我怎样与别人和睦相处吗?

6. 我认为老师不会让你做你不想做的事情。

7. 你要出去走走吗?

8. 生活中最重要的本领就是准确发现自己的强项。

9. 赶上他对我来说是不可能的。

10. 带个小礼物给男主人或女主人是一个好想法。

11. 在辽宁,大连市第二个最重要的城市。

12. 听起来你好像在美国玩得很开心。

13. 在我看来似乎每个人迟早都会经历跌宕起伏。

14. 德语听起来和法语一样动听优美。

15. 在困难时期推出新业务不仅仅需要勇气,还需要时间。

16. 露营很有趣,对你的智力、身体和心灵都有好处。

17. 是展示你潜力的时候了。

18. 这大浪有米高。

19. 起床前他喜欢躺床上用分钟来思考这一天要做些什么。

20. 你最好把窗子打开让新鲜空气进来预防流感。

21. 他喜欢在空闲时间做他喜欢的事情。

22. 我们最好不要让别人做我们讨厌的事。(己所不欲,勿施于人。)

23. 她讨厌篮球,因为她不喜欢运动同时她也很忙。

24. 岛上的居民过着一点也不忙碌的生活。

25. 直到有人摇他肩膀,他才意识到他已经睡着了。

26. 有很多人在附近徘徊,一些人在和其他人交谈,另一些在遛狗。

27. 每个人天天都看到他尽最大努力做任何一件事。

28. 干旱如此严重以致于人类和动物一起用水非常困难。

29. 他花了很多年的时间做研究,以至于最终他找到了在传说中隐藏起来的宝藏的线索。

30. 直到他发现了路标上的错误他才停止检查核对地图。

