
(作者:喜欢CC时间:2023-07-22 09:57:32)



没有比较级的形容词和副词 篇一


1)有些程度副词,如:quite, rather, comparatively, incomparably, relatively,

fairly等与形容词连用具有“比较”含义。故这时句中的形容词不能再使用比较级。 例如:

It is a set of comparatively new instrument in our laboratory.

This book is rather difficult for the juniors, but fairly easy for the



(1)表示“终极”意义或绝对概念的形容词或副词。如:absolute(ly), blind, dead,

excellent, entire, living, full, perfect(ly), round, relative, wrong等。

(2)表示时间、方位或方向的形容词或副词。如:back, backward, forward, front,

past, monthly, weekly, present, southern, vertical等。

(3)部分表示事物性质、物质材料或结构成分的形容词。如:atomic, cultural,

economic, educational, golden, political, scientific, silken, urban, wooden等。

(4)本身具有“最”或“唯一”概念的形容词。如:maximal, mere, minimal, matchless,

sole, only unique等。

关于 despair 用法的小结相关文章:

near的用法以及是否后接介词to 篇二


Christmas is getting near. 圣诞节快要到了。

They live quite near. 她们住得相当近。

Our school is near the river. 我们学校在河的附近。

2、由于可同时用作介词和形容词,所以要表示“靠近某处”,其后可以连用介词 to, 也可以不用;从使用的具体情况来看,near之后不用to的情况居多;而nearer, nearest 之后用介词 to 的情况居多。如:

He stood near (to) the door. 他站在门附近。

Who lives nearest (to) the school? 谁家离学校最近?

I tried to get nearer (to) the fire. 我试图向火边靠近些。

Call me again nearer (to) the time of the meeting. 接近开会的时候再给我来个电话。


She was [came] near to tears. 她差点儿哭了。


She came near to crying. 她差点儿哭了。

I came very near to hitting him. 我差点要动手打他了。


3、用于near at hand,表示“即将到来”“在近旁”。如:

The meeting is near at hand. 会议即将开始。

I always keep my telephone near at hand. 我总是将手机放在随手可拿到的地方。

despair的用法 篇三


误:But failure didn’t drive him to despairs.

正:But failure didn’t drive him to despair.



误:He is a despair for many other pianists.

正:He is the despair of many other pianists.

析:the despair of sb 是一固定结构,意为“令某人毫无办法” 或“令某人望尘莫及”。又如:This boy is the despair of all his teachers.(这个男孩使他所有的老师感到束手无策)。


误:They were despaired of winning the game.

正:They despaired of winning the game.

析:despair 用作动词,是不及物的,其意为“失望”、“绝望” 等,而不是“使失望”、“使绝望”,所以不用于被动语态。要表示“对。.。感到绝望或丧失信心”,其后通常用介词 of,又如:Never despair of success.(千成不要丧失获得成功的信心)。

some用于疑问句和否定句的用法 篇四


There are some people over there. 那边有一些人。

There aren’t any people over there. 那边没有人。

Are there any people over there? 那边有人吗?



Can I borrow some money? 我能借点钱吗?

Can you procure some specimens for me/procure me some specimens?你能替我弄到一些标本吗?

Can you give me some advice? I’m thinking of buying a computer. 你能给我一些建议吗?我在考虑买台电脑。


Would you like some melon? 你要吃点瓜吗?

Shall I pour you some tea? 我给你斟点茶好吗?

Why don’t you go and grab some sleep? 你为什么不抓紧时间睡一会呢?

Why not liven up the room with some flowers? 为什么不用些花使房间更有生气呢?

3、有时some 用于肯定句和否定句均可,但意义有区别。如:

I don’t like some of the films. 这些电影中有几部我不喜欢。

I don’t like any of the films. 这些电影中我一部也不喜欢。

4、与表示否定意义的 few 或 little 连用,表示肯定意义,其意为“不少”“相当多”。如:

Some few students were absent today. 今天有不少学生缺席。

He spent some little money on books. 他花不少钱买书。

注:不要将some few / some little 理解为“相当少”。

关于 despair 用法的小结 篇五

作为名词时,最常见的用法是 in despair。

I spent hours trying to fix the TV, but gave up in despair.

I'm in despair.

Failures repeating failures throw him in despair but no one is capable of helping him.

还有一种名词用法 be the depair of sb。

He's the despair of his parents because he shows no interest in getting a job.

My handwriting was the despair of my teachers.

作为动词时,despair 是不及物动词 (Intransitive verb)

We should not despair.

Don't despair! We'll find a way out!

Despite his illness, Ron never despaired.

知识补充:despair在过去有及物动词的用法但已经过时了,字典上标记为obsolete. 不可当及物动词使用。

这里注意看例句,Ron never despaired 而不是说 Ron is never despaired。despaired不能作为形容词使用。Despair就人类而言,包含着主动的意味。例如 I danced. 不可以说 I was danced。说 I was danced· 这很可笑,不是吗?

说到这里可能会联想到 I was satisfied. Satisfy就人类,包含着被动的意味。某事/某物 satify 某人,所以某人 be satisfied。事实上 satisfied 在这里是当作形容词用的。这两个词的用法很不一样,不是吗?

如果要表示对某事/某人感到绝望,应该用词组 despair of

I despair of it.

If you despair of something, you feel that there is no hope that it will happen or improve.

If you despair of someone, you feel that there is no hope that they will improve.



For months my life was despaired of, and when at last I came to myself and became convalescent, I was so weak and emaciated that a medical board determined that not a day should be lost in sending my back to England.

几个月来 my life 也就是 Watson's life was despaired of. 这里是一个被动句式。

结合上下文这里指的是医生们 despaired of his life 时, 意味着 He wasn't expected to survive。

