
(作者:day899时间:2023-07-23 09:06:41)




兽医 an animal doctor / a doctor for animals 对某人来说 to sb

感到减少孤独感 feel less lonely 使你大笑 make you laugh

长大、成长 grow up 毕业于…… graduate from…

下定决心 make up one’s mind 上大学 go to college

继续教育 continue one’s education 找到工作 find a job

在农村 in the country 把……看作 have / regard / look on… as

起先、当初 at first 嘲笑某人 laugh at sb

病狗 a sick dog 养狗 keep dogs

在某人一生中in one’s life 无论、不管 no matter

儿童科医生 a doctor for children /a children’s doctor 好像 as if

吃药 take / have (some)medicine 睡着 be asleep

忙于做某事 be busy doing / with sth 在风暴中 in a storm

在海上 at sea 折成两段 break in two

在……的边缘 on the edge of 把……扔到 drop… to…

对某人高喊 shout to sb 跳到……里 jump into…

跳出…… jump out of… 报警 call the police

半小时后 half an hour later 至少、起码 at least

手机 a mobile phone 打针 get an injection

摇尾巴 wag one’s tail

让(使)某人做某事 let / make / have sb do sth


打赢某人 beat sb 一个大比分 a big score

在一场激动人心的比赛中 in an exciting match

在最后十分钟内in the last fifteen minutes输给某人 lose to sb

令人吃惊的结果 in a surprising result 到……的时候 by the time

中场球员 a mid-field player 感到有点儿紧张 feel a bit nervous

越来越自信 more and more confident 在上(下)半场 in the first /second half

首先得分 the first to score 结果 as a result

继续开展,进行下去carry on doing / with sth 写出 write out

对……满意 be pleased with 一场大型的比赛 a great match

一场乏味的比赛 a boring match 生某人的气 be angry with sb

(液体)溢出、(人群)涌出spill out 现在、此刻 at the moment

有机会 have a chance 从现在起 from now on

保持传球 keep passing the ball 受伤 get hurt

前卫 mid-field player 理所应当做某事 deserve to do sth

右上角 the top right-hand corner 做份内的事,尽职 do one’s job

期望做某事 expect to do sth


举手 hands up 操作电脑 work at the computer

浇花 water the flowers 求助 ask for help

谢谢你的到来 Thank you for coming 下来 come down

没有必要做某事There is no need to do sth某人需要做某事 sb needs to do sth

某事需要做Sth needs to be done / need doing 需要某人做某事 need sb to do sth

逃跑 run away 归还 give back

侦探片 a detective film 丢失的项链 the missing necklace


在咖啡店 at a coffee shop 生某事的气 be angry about / at sth

对某人生气 get angry with / at sb ; be angry with sb

忙着做某事 be busy doing / with sth 忘记要做某事 forget to do sth

忘记曾做过某事 forget doing sth 火车站 a / the railway station

许多年以后 many years later 存钱,省钱 save one’s money

解决,做出 work out 交通堵塞 a big traffic jam

碰头 bang one’s head 消失在……中 disappear into …

……的极顶 the summit of… 对某人心存感激 be grateful to sb.



1. keep doing

2. keep /carry on doing

3. keep sb. Doing

4. enjoy doing (He enjoys nothing but playing the computer.)

5. finish doing

6. be afraid of doing

7. be worth doing

8. be busy doing

9. be/get/become used to doing (We are used to living in the countryside. )

10. dislike doing (She dislikes doing housework.)

11. how about doing//what about doing

12. spend some time (in)doing

13. spend some money (in) buying

14. feel like doing

15. stop/keep/prevent … from doing

16. thank you for doing

17. thanks for doing

18. do some cooking/cleaning/reading/shopping/washing

19. go swimming/fishing/shopping/skating/boating

20. mind doing

21. prefer doing … to doing…

22. practise (practice) doing (He practices speaking English every day.)

23. can’t help doing

24. have fun/difficulty/trouble/problem doing sth.

25. waste time/money doing

26. instead of doing

27. miss doing

28. look forward to doing期望(渴望)做某事 (I'm looking forward to getting your letter.)

29. thank…for doing

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