
(作者:小舍时间:2023-09-25 23:20:06)



幼儿简单的英语小故事 篇一

The Butterfly arrived at the place filled with apple tree flowers.“Tomorrow,the apple tree flower will fade along with the wind even if she is blooming today.” The apple tree flower wasn't good enough to be the butterfly's bride,either.

There was a pea flower.“Wow,she is very splendid!” Pea flowers were in elegant bloom with red and white colors.The Butterfly liked the pea flower because she was neither too lonely nor too dazzling.

“Hi,Miss Pea flower?” Butterfly flew closer to her to ask to be his bride.Then,he caught sight of a messy flower hanging on a leaf with a withered bean chaff.He ran away in a hurry after seeing that.

In this way,spring and summer passed.But the butterfly still could not find his bride.Autumn day Butterfly smelled a strong scent while he was flying.There was a peppermint in the field.

“That's great.Even though peppermint does not have any flowers,her leaves have a very strong scent.Peppermint's leaves are the same as flowers.I will make her my bride.” Butterfly flew next to the peppermint and asked,“Miss Peppermint,would you please be my bride?”

Then the peppermint said,“Mr.Butterfly,it is autumn now.You and I are too old.Don't tell me about 'being your bride' any more.” In the end,Butterfly could not find any bride.

幼儿简单的英语小故事 篇二

Bill,Jim,and Scott were at a convention together and were sharing a large suite on the top of a 75 story sky-scraper.After a long day of meetings they were shocked to hear

that the elevators in their hotel were broken and they would have to climb 75 flights of stairs to get to their room.Bill said to Jim and Scott,let's break the monotony of this

unpleasant task by concentrating on something interesting.I'll tell jokes for 25 flights,and Jim can sing songs for 25 flights,and Scott can tell sad stories the rest of the way.At the 26th floor Bill stopped telling jokes and Jim began to sing.At the 51st floor Jim stopped singing and Scott began to tell sad stories.“ I will tell my saddest story first,” he said.

“I left the room key in the car!”

幼儿简单的英语小故事 篇三

This traffic report is sponsored by Cerritos Auto people buy their car from Cerritos Auto Square than anywhere else in the world.KFWB news time,8:01,with traffic on the ones.A cleanup is still underway from a SigAlert in Commerce,northbound at Washington Boulevard.The right lane is closed,and also the Washington onramp is closed.They're mopping up from an earlier diesel fuel spill.

We have several other problems out there right now.In Pasadena,some wooden boxes are in the #1 lane on the eastbound 210 at Lake.Be on the lookout,because the faster you're going,the quicker you'll come up on them.Eastbound 60 in Santa Fe Springs,just before Grand Ave.,there's an accident.A couple of cars in the #2 lane.Then in Pacoima,118 westbound after San Fernando Road,an injury accident.A car went over the side.It's partly hanging over the side of the freeway.CHP and emergency crews are both on the way,so watch for activity on the right shoulder.

In Vernon,710 northbound before Bandini,watch for a broken-down car on the right shoulder.It's partly sticking into the right lane.A tow truck is en route.Finally,on the westbound 10 before Fairfax,there's a roll of carpet,a ladder,and a lawn mower in the #3 and #4 lanes.

幼儿简单的英语小故事 篇四

There once was a rose bush in full bloom in a big garden.An elf was living in the most beautiful rose in the garden,and she was so small that people could not see her.She had long blond hair to her toes and beautiful wings.

One day,it got dark before she got home.She had been dancing and flying around so she didn't have time to get back to the rose bush.Suddenly,the weather got cold,evening dew started to fall,and a strong wind began to blow.She could not stay in the other flowers because they were all closed up.

“What am I going to do now? It's too cold.” She got scared because she had never stayed outside at night.There was a twinkling light from the other side of the garden.“It's too cold,and I am scared.Maybe I should spend tonight there.”

幼儿简单的英语小故事 篇五

There once lived an old dog.When he was young,he was a great hunter and his master loved him very ,though,he was becoming slow and weak.

One day,the old dog and his master were walking in the forest.The dog saw a pig and chased it.He caught the pig by its ear,but his teeth were weak and the pig got away.

“My teeth were much stronger when I was young,” thought the dog.“I hope my master isn't mad.”

When the master saw the pig run away,he was angry.“You useless dog!” he shouted.“What will my family eat tonight?”

The dog was sad.“Master,” he said,“it is not my fault that I'm old.For many years,I've helped you to feed your family.Am I worth nothing to you now?”

The master realized that he was wrong.“You're right,” he said.“I shouldn't blame you for being old.I should praise you for all your years of service.”

幼儿简单的英语小故事 篇六

Jim found work in a shop two years White,the shopkeeper,trusts the able young man and pays him more.He's happy and works harder.

Once Jim knew a beautiful girl called Mabel at a friend's party.They danced several times and fell deeply in love.But Mabel's parents didn't agree to marry their daughter to a poor young man.So they began to travel in America and didn't let the girl come back to London.She wrote a letter to Jim and told him about it.Of course the young man hadn't enough money to go to see her.He was so sad that he began to drink.

It was Saturday one day.Jim didn't go to work.He came to a bar and sat down to drink again.Just then Mike,an old friend of his,came in.Jim asked him to drink with ,he told Mike all and the young man felt sorry for him.But he didn't know what to do,either.Then they stopped talking and drank.After a while they were both drunk and left.

Mike wanted to take his friend home.When they passed a zoo,they went in and walked to a cage in which there were two tigers.Having seen them,a tiger roared.Mike was afraid and said,“Let's go.It's dangerous to stand here.”

幼儿简单的英语小故事 篇七

A man has two dogs: a hound and a housedog. He trains the hound to help him hurt and teaches the housedog to watch the house. When he returns home after a day's hunt, he always gives the house-dog some meat. The hound feels very angry. He says unhappily to the housedog, “Where I work very hard outside, you share my food.” “Don't blame me, my friend. You should blame the master. He doesn't teach me to hurt, but to share other's food,” the housedog answers.

Don't blame children for the mistakes of their parent

儿童英语故事 篇八

The bulging belly fox

A hungry Fox found in a hollow tree a quantity of bread and meat, which some shepherds had placed there against their return. Delighted with his find he slipped in through the narrow aperture and greedily devoured it all. But when he tried to get out again he found himself so swollen after his big meal that he could not squeeze through the hole, and fell to whining and groaning over his misfortune. Another Fox, happening to pass that way, came and asked him what the matter was; and, on learning the state of the case, said, “Well, my friend, I see nothing for it but for you to stay where you are till you shrink to your former size; you’ll get out then easily enough.”


饥饿的狐狸在一棵中空的树干中发现了一些牧羊人存留的面包和肉。高兴之余,他立即通过那狭窄的缝隙挤进去,贪婪的大吃起来。然而,当他吃饱之后,却发现自己的肚子胀鼓鼓的,即便费了九牛二虎之力,却怎么也钻不出那个洞来,便在树洞里唉声叹气。另一只狐狸恰巧经过那里,听到他的呻 吟,便过去问他原因。听明白缘由后,那只狐狸便说道:“我的朋友,你就老老实实待在里边吧,等到恢复了钻进去之前的身材,你就能轻松地出来了。”

