
(作者:bhtzt时间:2024-05-19 19:30:17)



severe的用法: 篇一




severe的用法例句: 篇二

She has contracted a severe fever. 她感染上了严重的热病。

He was subjected to severe criticism. 他受到严厉的批评。

She crumpled under the lawyer's severe questions. 在律师的严厉质问下,她瘫倒了。

The severe punishment was meted out to the unruly hooligan. 对那个嚣张的流氓已给予严厉惩处。

The old man was laid up with a severe stroke. 老人严重中风,卧床不起。

So beyond, well class nine you do look at in the analysis, but beyond class nineare severe accidents. I should correct myself. 所以超过了,你们在分析中看到的,第九种,但是超过第九种了的就是,很严重的事故,我要更正一下。

In some years, the impact can be mild while in other years it can be quite severe.在某些年份,其造成的影响可能是轻微的,而在其他年份可能会相当严重。

Of course, if you already have severe depressive symptoms, then seek help rightaway. 当然,如果你已经有严重的抑郁症状,那么应寻求正确的帮助。

Half of those surveyed say that the penalty should be as severe as that for drunkdriving. 被调查的人中又有一半认为应像对待醉酒驾车一样进行严厉惩罚。

In these writings, the error is quite severe. 在这些程序中,错误是非常严重的。

On the other hand, when we think about how severe autism is, we do look atthings like how much language does the person have, and in that sense, it isrelated to development. 另一方面,当我们考虑孤独症的严重程度时,我们确实是在探究,诸如个体掌握了多少语言之类的问题,从这种意义上来说,它和发展是有关系的

This is just what happened with the judges: when reminded that they would oneday die, they were more severe in punishing those who violated their worldview.这正是发生在法官身上的现象:当被提示总有一天会死去后,他们更加严厉的惩罚了那些亵渎了他们世界观的人。

This is the largest number of fatalities ever recorded during an outbreak of thisrare, but extremely severe disease. 这是这一罕见但极其严重疾病暴发期间曾经记录到的死亡人数最多的一次。

And then beyond class nine are the severe accidents that are not part of thedesign basis. 然后,超过第九种的是很严重的事故了,那不是设计基础的部分。

This country is in severe trouble -- how can we not see that? 这个国家正处在严重的困难之中,我们怎麽能视而不见?

