
(作者:it577时间:2014-07-31 18:10:24)







Tell us about your academic goals, circumstances that may have had an impact on your academic performance,and, in general, anything else you would like us to know in making an admission decision.

In China, we are never short of news, even explosive news. I am concerned about what is happening in my motherland because I hope I can see through China and change it into a better country. That is one of the reasons why I want to study economics. I choose economics as my major not because I want to earn money for myself, but because I want to do something for my country, to make people live a better life. There are many economic issues that closely related to ordinary people and the sky rocketing prices of housing in China is one of them.

It is impossible nowadays for young people in China, especially those from big cities like Beijing and Shanghai, to afford an apartment by themselves. In Beijing it is not even possible with the support of parents. The problem is partly caused by the large population and the transitional situation in China. The gap between the rich and the poor is becoming larger and larger. The government, having the intention of lowering people,s aspiration of buying houses, has not figured out how to control the housing market effectively.

In the past few years, I have been reading reports from different media inside and outside China in order to get a more reasonable understanding of the issue. It concerns every citizen in China and affects the stability of the whole society. While the developers are earning more and more money, ordinary people are bearing heavy

economic burdens. I have seen many young people feeling depressed and couples break up because of the problem.

Therefore, I want to bring a change to the current situation. I know it is a difficult problem and I cannot solve the problem with my own power. But I am willing to do my own bit to make young people live a free, easy life, and to make parents enjoy their peaceftil life.




在过去的几年中,我一直在关注中国媒体和国外媒体对中国房地产市场的报道,以期对这个问题有着更加理性的理解。这个问题关系着中国的每个公民,并且影响着整个社会的稳定。当房地产开发商积 累起越来越多的财富,普通百姓却承担者越来越重的经济负担。我曾经见到过很多年轻人沮丧的神情,也曾目睹很多情侣因为房子的问题而分道扬镳。

因此,我希望能够改变中国房地产行业的现状。我知道这是一个很复杂的问题,我也没办法依靠自 己的力量去解决它。但是我愿意做出自己的努力,帮助年轻人过上更加轻松自由的生活,让他们的父母过上更加平静的生活。


美国大学的申请文章中总是会问到申请者将来的职业发展目标以及申请者关注的领域。经济可以说是每年申请者最热门的选择之一。这就给申请者提出了一个很严峻的挑战:如何从众多的申请 者中脱颖而出,如何让招生办公室的老师真切地感受到你对经济的热情而非只是随波逐流,人云亦云。这篇范文便给出了一个答案:从小处着手,从你切实关心的经济问题着手。作者通过对中国房 价不断攀高这一问题的细致剖析与读者产生了情感的共鸣,让读者感受到了作者对经济问题的真切关注以及想要为中国经济发展做出贡献的意愿。这样的申请文章让人感觉言之有物,不会让人感到空洞乏味。
