
(作者:it577时间:2014-07-31 19:30:03)



(1) 背景法:说明事件发生的时间、地点、情景等背景。

例如:I was once spending the summer holiday in a small seaside village in the South of China. It was a beautiful and quiet place. People do not usually go there.

(2) 人物法:交代文章所要描述的人物或有关人物。

例如:Once upon a time, there was an old honest man named Hans. ... He lived in a tiny cottage all alone, and every day he worked in his garden. ... ...

(3) 主题句法:提出一个观点或论据作为文章要阐明可论述的主题。

(4) 问题法:用提问的方式来引出文章的内容,以引起读者的注意力。例如: What is the nature of the scientific attitude? What is the harmfulness of fake commodities?

(5) 惊语法:用令人感到惊奇的句子开头,激起读者的兴趣。例如:A 39-story building in construction collapsed in the city yesterday.

(6) 故事法:以讲故事的形式作为文章的开头,在此基础上展开文章。多用语记叙文,也可用语议论文。例如在"A Day to Remember", "The Man I Respected Most"这样的文章中就可以用这样的方法开头。

(7) 数据法:引用已经被证实的数字来引起话题。例如, "Smoking"一文可以这样开头:It is reported that 1.5 billion people in the world smoke.

(8) 引语法:引用名人名言或常见习语、谚语等作为文章的开头。例如:Rome was not built in a day. A little learning is a dangerous thing. Every . A friend in need is a friend indeed. etc.

(9) 定义法:常见于对标题下定义,然后通过举例、逻辑推理等方法加以详细说明。例如:

A true good student is one who possesses good morality, sound health, perfect knowledge and various abilities.

2. 正文的写法

(1) 演绎法:(deductive organization)


(2) 归纳法:(inductive organization)



(1) 简要评价或作结论:文章的最后几句概括全文内容,并进一步肯定文章的中心思想或作者的观点。例如:In short, we can say that science to human being is like food to our bodies. Science frees us from the bandage of Nature. Science itself is innocent, but sometimes man has misused it.

(2) 重复主题句:回到文章的中心思想或主题句上,达到再次肯定或强调的效果。

(3) 用反问句结尾:虽然形式是疑问句,但意义是肯定的,具有很明显的强调作用,能引起读者的思考。例如:If there were no homework on weekends, students would come to school on Monday well refreshed and willing to work. Isn't that both beneficial to students and teachers?

(4) 提出展望或希望:对未来提出展望或希望,号召读者为此而行动。例如:Dear fellows, let's unite as one to fight for the prosperity . Let's shoulder our responsibilities and fight for the happiness of the whole world.

(5) 引用名人名言、谚语、常用习语结尾。例如: "Early to bed and early to rise makesa person healthy, wealthy and wise."
