
(作者:小旭520时间:2023-07-17 12:03:02)



茶花女英文读后感 篇一

If a woman has even a tiny sense of dignity, she must shoulder any number of sacrifices rather than have her love varnished with venal character by asking for money from her lover. Extravagances, luxury as well as all other empery pleasures are valuelein front of love. As long as you love me, I ask for nothing else.

-------Marguerite(La Dame Aux Camellias)

Whenever I lingered over the magnificant story, I cannot help deeply touched by the bitterly sweet love, which struck the world as gentle as an April shower, as pure as a blowing snow, as heady as an old wine. It condensed a paradise into a kept womans heart, which caught and held us transfixed against prejudice in mind and greed in nature, , and provided a journey that brought home to us a comprehensive understanding of love.

Marguerite, as a kept woman,did not undergo the usual penalty of confronting wrinkles appeared under her eyes, the first death of a courtesans, but was endowed enough fortune to enjoy an unselfish and gorgeous love during her ephemeral life, witch came as a wonderful oasis to lead supply a new prospect in a disparate desert, appeared as a miracle medication to heal her wound in the sinful life, figured as a brisk spring to refresh and revitalize her lonely heart, and emerged as a great beacon of courage to kill all her bad habits in the past and make a firm determination to seek for a peaceful but fantastic life with her loved one.

Lingering between the words, we could completely feel how kind and dignified she was. She refused Armond although sh 好范文网 e knew he was really loved her with his soul. because of her gloomy despair of life, she did not turn up in his life as a figure who was sad, ill, gay with a giant sadder than grief, besides witch, who spit blood and spent a hundred thousand francs in a year. Touching this words, how can we avoid our zealous sympathy for her? She bickered with the marquis and drove him away from her family, because she hated and refused to be treated as merchandise. Touching her deeds, how could we deny our high respect for her? At last, she renounced all her hope and life just because another womans name. What she e although you may get hurt, but it is the only way you can live absolutely. But what she experienced, what she faced and what she did made her a real sublime angle and an eternal ideal woman in people heart.

However, no matter what devout wish, no matter what gorgeous love, or no matter what strong struggle, the society was so stone stubborn that it would never show any mercy for a kept woman. Just as Armond said, when God allow a kept woman to accept a real love, it is indeed a grant comfort, but also remorselepunishment, for the man holds the cruel authority to say to his lover, “ Your love is just a kind of commodity”, though the woman had devoted all her heart and spirits to her loves. It cannot denied that it was Marguerites joyous fortune to have Armond in her poor destiny, but at the same time, it is also have to be admitted that what a hopeletorture she tolerated and what a disappointed suffering she endured at the last part of her life. It was really too much to her. We even cannot tell what kind our feeling soared inside our bosom, but just happy with her, sad with her, waiting with her, wishing with her, and disappointed with her……

shall we criticize Armond for his foolish and brute deed to Marguerite as he got the same hurt by his horrible vengeance? Shall we condemn Armond, father for his selfish monologue which destroys the kind womans dream? Shall we judge the motionlemerchant and policemens actions before the dying woman?

Through the whole story, we could feel that Maguerite pardon all of them. After tearing running down faces countless, and respect rising high in heart and soul, the conclusion seems so obvious: what ruined Marguerite is not Armond, and he never betrayed Marguerite, but the society. There was a slim chance for a kept woman to gain happineat that epoch; they had to come to the same end in different ways.

To every woman, life is not all roses. In spite of bias, despoilment or hardship, love itself is universal. Marguerite really lives an abundant life, for she really appreciated a comprehensive love in her limited life journey.

So, love srongly and passionately, although you may get deeply hurt, but it is the only way that you live completely.

Best wishes for love, and best wishes for loved ones.

茶花女英文读后感 篇二

Those Beautiful Flowers

---Book Review: “Camille” I read the Chinese version of“Camille” a few years ago. At that time I was deeply moved by themain character Marguerite Gautier. “Camille” or “The Lady of theCamellias” by Alexandre Dumas, fils, is the story of MargueriteGautier, a young courtesan, or kept woman, in Paris in the mid1800s, and how she falls in love with a young man, Armand Duval,and then tries to escape from her questionable past. Unfortunately,it comes back to haunt her and she ends up returning to that lifeand dies painfully and alone, but with the knowledge that she was anoble woman at heart.

When I first began to read the book, I didnot care for Marguerite or her attitude or lifestyle, but as I gotfurther into the narrative, I realized that her saucy attitude wasa front to cover the lonely woman that she really was. She feltused, abused and unloved, until the gentle Armand Duval came intoher life and showed her that he loved her as a person and not forwhat she could do for him. It must have taken great courage forMarguerite to leave the life she had lived for so long, knowing allalong that it was probably too good to be true and would not lastindefinitely. And it also showed that Marguerite really lovedArmand Duval for she could even change herself for him. However, happiness didn’t lastfor long.

When M. Duval, Armands father, came to her, pleading forher to leave Armand to save both Armands reputation and that ofhis younger innocent sister, Marguerite saw a way to become pure ofheart, if not in body. She felt that it was her duty, because sheloved Armand so much, to do this even though it meant giving up herown happiness and hurting Armand temporarily. She reluctantlyreturned to her former life, knowing that some day Armand wouldforgive her. Sadly, she died in debt and basically alone, exceptfor her one female friend, Julie Duprat, who helped her during herillness. She had her journal sent to Armand after her death,explaining why she had made the choices she had. I think Dumasslast few lines about Marguerite being the exception, not the rulewere quite true, and I also agreed with his view that while herlifestyle could not be condoned, we as a society assume that all ofthese type of women are cold and heartless, while this may notalways be the case.

A person can make the wrong choices in lifewhen they are young, and try to redeem themselves, but sometimespast situations prevent them from changing their lives, even thoughthey desperately wish to do so. This applies to both men and womenin many different types of circumstances: involvement in crime;drug or alcohol abuse; gambling; prostitution; financial problems;poor marriage choices; etc. And this is the fact, which exists inthe whole society. As far as the other charactersin the book, I think Marguerite was right in saying that no onetruly cared about her, but only wanted something from her, the onlyexceptions being Armand and Julie Duprat. Of course, the Comte deG. and Comte de N. wanted her body and appearance. The Duke neededto “wake up and smell the coffee” and realize that she could neverreplace his dead daughter.

If he truly cared, he could have helpedher leave her lifestyle without “keeping” her himself. And lastly,Prudence was a blood-sucking leech who used Marguerite almost worsethan the men. I also think she was jealous of the fact thatMarguerite had so much more courage than herself and someone trulyloved her.Last morning, when tiding my bookshelf, I took this book out of theshelf, and a dried flower flew away from the book. It was paleblue, very transparent, with thin fine veins. a dried flower flewaway from the book. It was pale blue, very transparent, with thinfine veins. I held it against the morning light and blew on it. Thesoft breeze carried it away. Camille is just likethe camellia, she could never escape from the destiny of withering.But it wasn’t her fault; it’s because of the evil of Capitalism andthe hideousness of that society.

Suddenly, I remembered asaying: “Women are like the flowers”。 Those pretty women are likethose beautiful flowers; their delicate beauty makes people feelthey are the miracle of life. However, even the God envies theirbeauty. It seems that beautiful women always have tragic endings.As we are normal persons, even we can see the hideousness ofhumanity that results in their fate of withering, we can at mostask quietly in our hearts: Where have those beautiful flowers gone?Where have they gone?

茶花女英文读后感 篇三

The Lady of the Camellias is a classic book that written by famous author called Alexandre Dumas. The story set in Paris. There are two main characters in this book, Marguerite Gautier and Armand Duval. Marguerite is a pretty and young courtesan, or kept woman.A courtesan cant have the true love. But she falls love with a young man, Armand. She tries to get away from her questionable past and lives with Armand forever. But when Armands father, Madame Duval knows that his son is falling love with a courtesan, he separates them. After Armand finds that his father lied him, he goes back to Paris, but Marguerite dies painfully and alone.

I really enjoy this when i was reading it. Marguerite taught me a lot. To love someone is just let him or her be happy.Marguerite throws out the lord who can repays her all debts and lives with Armand.But when Armands father reminds her that she is just a courtesan, she realized she cant be recognized in Armands family, she will stain Armands reputation. So she leaves him. Marguerites love is unselfish. Her self-sacrifice saved Armands reputation.

茶花女英文读后感 篇四

I read the Chinese version of “Camille” a few years ago. At that time I was deeply moved by the main character Marguerite Gautier. “Camille” or “The Lady of the Camellias” by Alexandre Dumas, fils, is the story of Marguerite Gautier, a young courtesan, or kept woman, in Paris in the mid 1800s, and how she falls in love with a young man, Armand Duval, and then tries to escape from her questionable past. Unfortunately, it comes back to haunt her and she ends up returning to that life and dies painfully and alone, but with the knowledge that she was a noble woman at heart. When I first began to read the book, I did not care for Marguerite or her attitude or lifestyle, but as I got further into the narrative, I realized that her saucy attitude was a front to cover the lonely woman that she really was. She felt used, abused and unloved, until the gentle Armand Duval came into her life and showed her that he loved her as a person and not for what she could do for him. It must have taken GRat courage for Marguerite to leave the life she had lived for so long, knowing all along that it was probably too good to be true and would not last indefinitely. And it also showed that Marguerite really loved Armand Duval for she could even change herself for him.

However, happiness didn’t last for long. When M. Duval, Armands father, came to her, pleading for her to leave Armand to save both Armands reputation and that of his younger innocent sister, Marguerite saw a way to become pure of heart, if not in body. She felt that it was her duty, because she loved Armand so much, to do this even though it meant giving up her own happiness and hurting Armand temporarily. She reluctantly returned to her former life, knowing that some day Armand would forgive her. Sadly, she died in debt and basically alone, except for her one female friend, Julie Duprat, who helped her during her illness. She had her journal sent to Armand after her death, explaining why she had made the choices she had. I think Dumass last few lines about Marguerite being the exception, not the rule were quite true, and I also aGRed with his view that while her lifestyle could not be condoned, we as a society assume that all of these type of women are cold and heartless, while this may not always be the case. A person can make the wrong choices in life when they are young, and try to redeem themselves, but sometimes past situations prevent them from changing their lives, even though they desperately wish to do so. This applies to both men and women in many different types of circumstances: involvement in crime; drug or alcohol abuse; gambling; prostitution; financial problems; poor marriage choices; etc. And this is the fact, which exists in the whole society.

