
(作者:Magiven时间:2023-07-13 14:25:16)








关于题目给出的问题,我的回答是:我要一个温柔的野兽,因为我是小弱弱, 嘻嘻……

英语观后感800字 篇二

In this winter holiday, I saw the film-Coco. In the film there was a little boy named Miguel. He was twelve years old. He loved music and had a music dream, but his family thought the music was a curse, so he couldn’t play music at home.

One day, Miguel touched a magi≤www.haoword.com≥c guitar, which sent him to the land of the dead. If he wanted to return to his family among the living, he had to find his great-great-grand father and get his blessing before the sunrise. Then Miguel began his adventure on the land of the dead.

On the way, he met the great musician de la Cruz. Miguel thought de la Cruz was his great-great grandfather. In fact, de la Cruz killed his great-great-grandfather, got his music and became the great musician. Finally Miguel found his real great-great-grandfather, got his blessing and went back to the land of the living. He told all the things to his family and he could play music now.

I like this film because everyone has their dream. I believe as long as we try hard and hold onto it, our dream will come true.

英语观后感700字 篇三

The Beijing Winter Olympic Games opened on February 4, 2022 at the National Stadium, the bird's nest.

The first gold of the Chinese team was won by Wu Dajing, Ren Ziwei, fan Kexin, Qu Chunyu and Zhang Yuting of the short track speed skating team in the 2000 meter relay race of the short track speed skating mixed group on February 5. In the past four years of preparing for the Winter Olympics, the five athletes have trained day and night, running in and giving full play to everyone's strengths. Fan Kexin said in the interview that their throats were covered with blood after they practiced going down the ice rink every day.

Maybe we can only see them competing for gold and silver on the field. In fact, behind this gold medal, their efforts are unimaginable. We should learn from their hard work and enterprising spirit. At the same time, we should also study hard, work hard, love the party and patriotism, and be a qualified junior high school student!

英语观后感700字 篇四

i am not going to talk about the movie NO THIEF.

just now, i was told by one of my good friends that her electronic dictionary had gone. maybe someone BORROWED it PERMANENTLY. it just happened in the library of our XuHui campus.

several month ago, another classmate of mine lost her cellphone at the crossroad of CaoBao and GuiLin Road. the last second she still used her cellohone to receive a call, but even before the traffic light turned from red to green, she suddenly found that the phone had gone! i was at present. maybe the thief even walked away pretending to be at leisure just under my eyelid! we called 110 at once. the police came but they still could do nothing except putting on records simply. one of the police said to us that it was much more important for us to take good care of our possession than to rely on the policeman to arrest all the rampant thieves! waht he had said was really with reason and unforgotten!

no thief in the world! everybody hope so!

英语观后感800字 篇五

The film Eight Below is inspired by a true story 。The

story took place in Antarctic. Jerry Shepherd is a guide in Research Base Antarctica. There are eight dogs in the film, Maya, Max, Shorty, Dewey, Shadow, Buck, Old Jack, and Truman. Once a scientist came there to find an aerolite from Mercury. But an unexpected snowstorm put them be in danger. At last, the dogs saved them. They have to leave because of the snowstorm. But the plane is too small to carry the dogs. Although Jerry loved the dogs so much, they were ordered to leave there without the dogs. Finally, they came back after 150 days and saved the dogs.

“When you climb a mountain, go up a river, the exciting part is not what you know is there. It is what you don’t

know 。It is what you might find.” This is what the scientist in the film told us. He also said that we had got to take chances for the things we care about. I think, we really need to take a risk on what we love. And what we need to remember is never lose faith.


昨天看了汤母 汉克斯 主演的 CAST AWAY ,印象颇深。


故事俨然是鲁滨逊漂流记的翻版,但现在看来仍有很多积极的地方。一、要有生的信念。 漂流到荒岛上时,醒来的第一件事情是正确面对现实,而不是茫然失措,埋怨自艾。最落魄的时候,你会失去父母、朋友、财产、地位、名利这些你已经很依赖的东西。去靠运气更依赖生的信念。

二、要不断地提高自己。 哪怕是在一个没人和你竞争的荒岛上想生存下都需要不断的学习新的求生技能:如果不想渴死,你就得学会怎么敲开椰子喝道椰汁;如果想生活得更好些,就得学会捕鱼;想要吃到不那么难吃的生螃蟹,就得学会钻木取火;想要离开,就必须学会做个结实的船筏。

三、要充分利用身边的资源。 如果我们能等到一只大船,岛上什么都有,那当然不需要浪费脑细胞,可是身边的资源很有限的时候就应该想到怎么样让资源最大化。利用所有可以利用的,积极地为自己的目的做好准备。汉克斯在影片里就是把所有的包裹里能用的如冰鞋 排球 裙子 漂来的飞机门 等都充分的利用,最后才能战胜困难回到陆地上。 四、要有一颗感恩的心。 最后汉克斯回到了陆地上,他没忘记那些曾经救了他命的包裹的主人们,买了新的送到主人手上,并对他们表示感谢。

这是一个很微小但很了不起的细节:患难的时候一杯水都是珍贵的,可当你有鲜花簇拥,掌声围绕的时候还有多少人会真正记得成功路上那宝贵的鼓励呢? 五、学会放弃,该放手的时候要知道舍弃。 在荒岛的四年多1500多天里,经历了那么多的磨难,都为了和女朋友的团圆,可是结局是她已经不属于他,如果他对她说跟我走吧,我想也许她会毫不犹豫的回到他的身边。他很痛苦,可是他最后经过痛苦的思想挣扎,还是选择了放手。

英语观后感800字 篇七

Climbing Mount Everest and nuclear test did not promote human development. Putting them together, we found that they have one thing in common: people live to earn breath.

This tone is too hard to earn. Too many people sacrifice, too many wives are separated, too many people are separated. But did they flinch? No. When many people see movies with Jason Wu in them, they think it is patriotism. There is nothing wrong with patriotism. The more you know about China's past, the more you will love China. Moreover, it is not only patriotism, but also human nature, which can be dark to a certain extent and brilliant to a certain state.

China is a country that has grown strong in suffering, and it is only by fighting for its life that today's glory can be achieved. Will people die? No, but they know there are more important things to do than life. The height of Mount Qomolangma is 8844.43 meters. The Chinese standard was finally adopted in the world, and the data exchanged for life finally earned this tone.

