
(作者:samwu时间:2020-02-24 05:01:55)













relay the torch of the great friendship,and never stop!ladies and gentlemen, dear friends and friends from russia, leaders and teachers , good morning !

my name is zang yuantian .i am now learning in urumqi foreign language school .

at this most beautiful and exciting moment , i , on behalf of my fellow students and my friends in urumqi city, would like to express our warmest welcome and our best regards and sincere expectation to our new friends from the great country----russia! welcome you to our city ---urumqi, my russian friends .welcome you all to our country---the people's republic of china !

music-------about 2014 years ago , one of the ancient chinese philosopher confucious----------said :"isn't it a great joy to have friends from far away!"yes , it's still absolutely true in this very special time.

friendship is really the most sacred,which merits not only special worship but also eternal praise.it is the most virtuous mother of generosity and honor,the sister of gratefulness and benevolence and the deadly enemy of hate and lust;it is ready at every moment to sacrifice itself for others voluntarily

without having to be requested.

everyone needs friendship.no one can sail the ocean of life single handed.we need help from,and also give help to.as life is full of challenges and difficulties.our friends give us warning against danger.our friends offer us advices with regard to how to deal with various situations.true friends share not only our joys,but also our sorrows.with friendship,life is happy and lucky.without friendship,life is sad and unfortunate.

since1949,when suviet uion became the first friend of the prc,the history had achieved billions of people's dream-------being friends with each other.that is sixty years ago.during this long time,many things have changed in the world.but,there is one thing that never changes.that is the common dream we have.

a very old chinese saying goes like this:" distant relatives are no better than the close neighbours". yes , we still feel the same way as our ancestors did thousands of years ago.especially at the moment of standing over the great bridge from moscow to beijing.

our fathers and forefathers built up the solid foundation of our great friendships and brotherhood between us two great nations, therefore , lets hold on the great banner of their spirit

and take over the mission of their generation and carry on the holy responsibility that they wish us to fulfill------to make a better world of peace ,love ,trust and understanding .and let's relay the torch of the friendship,and ,never stop to achieve our common dream.


hold fast to dreams

for if dreams die

life if a broken-winged bird

that cannot fly.

hold fast to dreams

for when dreams go

life is a barren field

frozen with snow.

第三篇:外宾欢迎词 文化交流

dear ms. president, ms. vice president, ms.dean and ourdistinguished guests from goethe institute

嗨---hallo,早上---guten morgen,午后---guten tag,晚上---guten morgen

my name is zang yuantian and i am from class two senior two.

first of all ,i am greatly honored to have the opportunity to expressour deepest welcome for your visit on behalf of my teachers and my fellow students.

secondly, as the students in urumiqi foreign language school, we are looking forwad todeveloping the culture exchange with famous foreign universities

which is and institute like goethe-institut,

well-known. internationally

, we pay high attention to this the potential opportunities both for you and for my school.

besides, we believe that this is a precious chance for us to better understand the culturaldifferences between germany and china. we hope thatthrough our common efforts , we can build profound friendship with each other and become life-long friends. and i personally hope that one day in the future many students in my school can study german

language and culture in germany to be able to learn the great german people and their great country as well.hopefully, this dream of mine should come true with the help of our friends from goethe-institut.

if you want to make great friends in xinjiang china, please come to my school, because we are ready for that.if you wish to meet the most industrious students, please come to my school , as they are ready for it. if you want to discover the most outstanding and remarkable young people in this city,please come to my school, we are looking forward to your arrival. i believe what you are doing today will surely become great benefit both for you and for my school soon.

i do hope that you will enjoy your stay in urumqi, xinjiang .

finally, i hope everyone of youcan enjoy yourself in my school and we heartedly wish this culture exchange to be a great success.

thank you and vielen dank!非常感谢维也冷 党k

? guten morgen

古藤 猫根

guten(好) morgen (早晨)

guten tag! (白天见面时的问候)你好!(词尾的g发[k])

1 hallo! 你好

2 guten morgen! 早上好

3 guten tag! 你好

4 guten abend! 晚上好

5 gute nacht! 晚安

6 auf wiedersehen / wiedersehen 再见

7 tschüss! 再见 (口语)

8 bis sp?ter! 一会儿见

9 bis morgen! 明天见

10 bitte / danke 请 、谢谢

11 nichts zu danken! 不客气!

12 wie geht es dir? / ihnen? 你好吗?您好吗?13 mir geht es gut. 我很好

14 alles gute! 一切顺利

15 viel erfolg! 祝您(你)成功

16 glückwunsch 恭喜

17 gute reise! 一路顺风

18 grü?e aus china 来自中国的问候

19 alles gute zum geburtstag! 生日快乐

20 frohe weihnachten! 圣诞快乐

danke!谢谢/danke/党课 vielen dank!非常感谢维也冷 党kthousend dank.万分感谢,直译是一千次感谢dank

the sorrows of young werther少年维特的烦恼著作)
























