
(作者:小编时间:2015-01-08 07:41:14)


ladies and gentlemen,

i hope you are not growing too weary of the opening words: it’s a great honor for me to speak to you all here tonight. my name is sunny, from the department of mechanical engineering. i’m a happy, honest and easy-going girl.

well today’s topic was about students’ employment.

the topic brought me back to the last summer vacation when i got my first part-time job through an agency. it was not a family tutor or something, it was about selling a house near the olympic sport center in nanjing. what i had to do was to introduce the house to some shop owners and take them to see it if they are interested in. i remembered clearly how i encouraged myself every time to enter a shop with the ad sheets in my hand. i remembered clearly how i tried to keep a smile said sorry to bother you when they turned a cold face to me. and i remembered clearly the heat sun of last summer, my sweat mixed with my tears every day i went back home. i had come a long way. there were plenty of times when i should have got beaten. however i kept holding on even at last i failed. i didn’t sell the house out. but the experience gave me a lot. now i’m not afraid of being rejected or criticized. when

hard work doesn’t seem to pay off, i see it as a blessing in disguise, for the faith in me never die, my spirit was never broken. i understood two words: try and persistence.

today we face an economic slowdown, we panic at unemployment, and we hear too many complaints. let’s have a quick review at our past 20 years. we worked hard for key high school, struggled to enter a better college, and when we finally get out of the campus, we are just like the flower buds, cannot wait to blossom quickly to display our beauty and fragrance to the society. but we find that we are now in a dilemma of economic crisis, our vigor, vitality and enthusiasm are gradually covered by the falling snow of worry, fear and self-distrust.

so tonight, i’m standing here to use my own story to summon up our courage and voice my opinion.

first, i want to say. don’t be afraid. even if we lived in a economic boom, we would still have to face other kind of pressure. so why let pressure bother you. what we always need is persistence, self-belief and a dream.

so that’s the second. choose what you like, set a goal and sail your life boat towards it. everyone in the world has a dream, a goal, a vision, which is a driving power to pull you forward in life.

third, keep a down-to-earth attitude on your job hunting. maybe your first job is really unsatisfactory, but step by step, you get the top.

blood, toil, tears and sweat is a must during the process.

four, never stop on the road of learning. it’s never too old to learn. we need to make our weapons shaper than before to tackle those new challenges.

five, pay attention to your health, exercise more, smile a lot. still there is six, seven, eight points should be listed here. make the long story short, believe we are young, we have a bright future, job is just a part of it!


graduates’ pressure in finding jobs

nowadays, more and more university graduates complain that graduation does not equate to employment. they experience great difficulties finding satisfactory jobs. what is the cause of this phenomenon

in my opinion, there are four causes:

first, graduates lack experience. they spend most of their time at school studying academic subjects and lack relevant job training. only after graduation do they realize it’s hard to find jobs.

second, competition among graduates grows more bitter and more bitter and bitter. the supply of university graduates exceeds social demand. this results in a decreased chance for any individual graduate to find a job.

third, some students don’t study hard. some of them skip classes just because they have no interest in certain subjects. some play computer games or pursue other interests. some sleep in class or in the library. then they leave the sheltered environment of the university campus, to discover they don’t have adequate knowledge to apply for many positions, which makes them feel lost and frustrated.

finally, some graduates are conceited. they lack experience but ask for a high salary, which is impractical.

so, university students should try their best to change this situation. when they are in school, they should make the most of their time and put their heart into their studies. they can hold part-time jobs in their spare time to accumulate relevant work experience. they should take part in some social activities and provide themselves with special training, if possible. when they graduate and apply for jobs, they should attach more importance to accumulating experience than to their starting salary.

on university students’ pressure in finding jobs

about a decade ago, university students could find satisfactory and enviable jobs after their graduation. but now, things are different. today's university students usually have much pressure in finding fairly good jobs. they always say disappointedly that graduation means joblessness. why nowadays university students have so much pressure in finding jobs?


ladies and gentlemen,

it’s a great honor for me to speak to you all here tonight. my name is sunny, from the department of mechanical engineering. i’m a happy, honest and easy-going girl.

well today’s topic was about students’ employment.

the topic brought me back to the last summer vacation when i got my first part-time job through an agency. it was not a family tutor or something, it was about selling a house near the olympic sport center in nanjing. what i had to do was to introduce the house to some shop owners and take them to see it if they are interested in. i remembered clearly how i encouraged myself every time to enter a shop with the ad sheets in my hand. i remembered clearly how i tried to keep a smile said sorry to bother you when they turned a cold face to me. and i remembered clearly the heat sun of last summer, my sweat mixed with my tears every day i went back home. i had come a long way. there were plenty of times when i should have got beaten. however i kept holding on even at last i failed. i didn’t sell the house out. but the experience gave me a lot. now i’m not afraid of being rejected or criticized. when hard work doesn’t seem to pay off, i see it as a blessing in disguise, for the faith in me never die, my spirit was never broken. i understood two words: try and pers(小编推荐你关注好范文 网:wWW.HAowORD.COM)istence.

today we face an economic slowdown, we panic at unemployment, and we hear too many complaints. let’s have a quick review at our past 20 years. we worked hard for key high school, struggled to enter a better college, and when we finally get out of the campus, we are just like the flower buds, cannot wait to blossom quickly to display our beauty and fragrance to the society. but we find that we are now in a dilemma of economic crisis, our vigor, vitality and enthusiasm are gradually covered by the falling snow of worry, fear and self-distrust.

so tonight, i’m standing here to use my own story to summon up our courage and voice my opinion.

first, i want to say. don’t be afraid. even if we lived in a economic boom, we would still have to face other kind of pressure. so what we always need is persistence, self-belief and a dream.

so that’s the second. choose what you like, set a goal and sail your life boat towards it. everyone in the world has a dream, a goal, a vision, which is a driving power to pull you forward in life.

third, keep a down-to-earth attitude on your job hunting. maybe your first job is really unsatisfactory, but step by step, you get the top. blood, toil, tears and sweat is a must during the process.

four, never stop on the road of learning. it’s never too old to learn. we need to make our weapons shaper than before to tackle those new challenges.

five, pay attention to your health, exercise more, smile a lot. still there is six, seven, eight points should be listed here. make the long story short, believe we are young, we have a bright future, job is just a part of it!


in recent years, it is reported that china has experienced an alarming increase in unemployment rate as well as all around the world, which is resulted by the financial crisis. as we all know, unemployment is more than an economic problem. if it were not handled properly, it would result in serious social problems. effective measures must be taken to solve the unemployment problem.

i hold the opinion that the following means can be employed. firstly, maintaining a high economic growth is very important. economic growth produces new jobs and positions. it will bring several of chances for those people who are wondering for jobs.

it is reported that if our gdp growth rate stays between 7 and 8 percent, we will have about 20 million new jobs yearly. secondly, unemployment fund and insurance system have to be established to help the laid-off workers to support themselves. the employment security system must be put into practice entirely, especially in our country that advocates the family planning. if not, the child-relied life style for the parents in our country can’t be reliable. thirdly, university students' innovative undertaking is also a good way to ease employment pressure. meanwhile, the state should offer some preferential policies to such kinds of graduating students. actually, the state is going to improving and implementing preferential reemployment policies.

furthermore, paying employees for training cannot be neglected, since training can keep their skills current and up-dated, thus getting employable and being competitive throughout their lives and the fierce competition in the society. it’s critical that adequate time and resources are dedicated to providing proper training and improving the skills of staff members in reducing unemployment rate.

to sum up, with the joint efforts of the government and the society, we are full of confidence that we can decrease the jobless rate and ease the unemployment problem.

第五篇:大学生就业问题 英语论文

university graduates’employment

in recent years, it is reported that china has experienced an alarming increase in unemployment rate as well as all around the world, which is resulted by the financial crisis. as we all know, unemployment is more than an economic problem. if it were not handled properly, it would result in serious social problems. effective measures must be taken to solve the unemployment problem.

i hold the opinion that the following means can be employed. firstly, maintaining a high economic growth is very important. economic growth produces new jobs and positions. it will bring several of chances for those people who are wondering for jobs.

it is reported that if our gdp growth rate stays between 7 and 8 percent, we will have about 20 million new jobs yearly. secondly, unemployment fund and insurance system have to be established to help the laid-off workers to support themselves. the employment security system must be put into practice entirely, especially in our country that advocates the family planning. if not, the child-relied life style for the parents in our country can’t be reliable. thirdly, university students' innovative undertaking is also a good way to ease employment pressure. meanwhile, the state should offer some preferential policies to such kinds of graduating students. actually, the state is going to improving and implementing preferential reemployment policies.

furthermore, paying employees for training cannot be neglected, since training can keep their skills current and up-dated, thus getting employable and being competitive throughout their lives and the fierce competition in the society. it’s critical that adequate time and resources are dedicated to providing proper training and improving the skills of staff members in reducing unemployment rate.

to sum up, with the joint efforts of the government and the society, we are full of confidence that we can decrease the jobless rate and ease the unemployment problem.
