
(作者:小编时间:2015-01-29 07:44:30)

第一篇:小学英语演讲稿 I love englIsh









第二篇:小学英语演讲稿I have a dream

I have a dream

good afternoon dear teachers. my name Is wang yutIao. I’m from class 1 grade 6. fIfty years ago, martIn luther kIng made a speech “I have a dream” In amerIca. today I’m goIng to make a speech, too. I have a dream.

I lIke readIng books. book Is my best frIend. after school, I always read books fIrst. my mom says,” do homework fIrst, then read books.” but I don’t do as she says. when I do homework, I thInk about the funny storIes In the books. so I take out the book stealthIly and read It. I read books anywhere, anytIme. when I take a trIp, I have a book wIth me and read It on the traIn. when I vIsIt grandparents, I have a book wIth me. I read books after class. I read books after dInner. I read books before sleep.

I lIke readIng very much. so I want to open a book bar. let more people love readIng and learn more from the books.

my book bar wIll welcome whoever loves readIng. no matter rIch or poor. no matter adults or chIldren. If he loves readIng, he can come to my book bar. of course there wIll be all kInds of books In my book bar. comIc books, story books, hIstory books, scIence books , and so on. I thInk If there are many good books In my book bar, people wIll lIke to come to my bar, and enjoy themselves.

besIdes books, there wIll be many other thIngs In my book bar, too.

such as sofa, bench, swIng, rockIng-chaIr… what’s more, there wIll be many kInds of delIcIous food and drInks. therefore, readers can stay In my bar for a whole day. they can read more and learn more. and also they can make frIends through readIng In my bar.

I always ImagIne such a pIcture. on a sunny afternoon, I sIt on the swIng leIsurely wIth a book In my hand. sometImes I can drInk a cup of mIlk tea. If I feel tIred, I can have a rest, and look at the scenery out of the wIndow. the sky Is blue. the grass Is green. on the grass, there are some chIldren readIng books. some are sIttIng, some are standIng, some are squattIng…. the books are borrowed from my book bar. what a beautIful pIcture!

I have a dream. I can have my own book bar. If I work hard wIth my own hands, I’m sure my dream wIll come true.

第三篇:英语演讲稿(I belIeve I can fly)

hello, my honored judges and dear fellows. It Is such an honor and pleasure for me to stand here and to share my topIc wIth you. but before we get down to the real busIness today, I want to make a self-IntroductIon to you.

my name Is wangjIanglong, a dragon In the rIver, not In the ocean. thIs Is related to my hometown, a beautIful vIllage. my grandfather wants me to be the unIque and excellent one In that area. I come from class 2, communIcatIon engIneerIng, sometImes I feel a bIt headachy about my majors,but I enjoy It because I belIeve I can fly.

“I belIeve I can fly” Is a strong belIef that stImulates me to overcome all the barrIers stood In the way of my dream. when I come to thIs school, I told to myself: thIs my near future, all starts here. followIng I wIll learn to become someone Integrated, someone has a fIne body, has IntensIve thought, has the abIlIty to judge rIght and wrong. wIth the self-confIdence and the defInIte goal, I take prIde In my accomplIshments, as they are steppIng stones to my dreams. certaInly ,I wIll make mIstakes ,but I don’t let them dIscourage me, because I know the greatest gIfts In lIfe are not purchased ,but acquIred through hard work ,confIdence and determInatIon. so I belIeve I can fly.

"I belIeve I can fly!" Is a powerful theme that applIes to each frIend In thIs audIence. because, everyone one of us ,especIally In thIs, the most blessed of natIons, that everyone deserves the opportunIty to lIve up to

hIs and her god-gIven potentIal. we were born wIth many talents that we don't even know we have. so belIeve In yourself, and you can fly. at last ,I want to end my speech wIth a sIgnIfIcant sayIng :dare to compete, dare to care, dare to dream, dare to love. practIce the art of makIng possIble. and no matter what happens, even If you hear shouts behInd., keep goIng.

you wIll succeed If you belIeve In yourself. and I belIeve,I, can fly, I, belIeve, you, can fly! I belIeve, we, can fly!

thank you very much


第四篇:I love englIsh--英语演讲稿

dear teachers and classmates:

as everyone knows,englIsh Is very Important today.It has been used everywhere In the world.It has b(请继续关注好 范文网www.HAOwORd.Com)ecome the most common language on Internet and for InternatIonal trade. If we can speak englIsh well,we wIll have more chance to succeed.because more and more people have taken notIce of It,the number of the people who go to learn englIsh has Increased at a hIgh speed.but for myself,I learn englIsh not only because of Its Importance and Its usefulness,but also because of my love for It.when I learn englIsh, I can feel a dIfferent way of thInkIng whIch gIves me more room to touch the world.when I read englIsh novels,I can feel the pleasure from the book whIch Is dIfferent from readIng the translatIon.when I speak englIsh, I can feel the confIdent from my words.when I wrIte englIsh,I can see the beauty whIch Is not the same as our chInese&hellIp;&hellIp;I love englIsh,It gIves me a colorful dream.I hope I can travel around the world one day. wIth my good englIsh, I can make frIends wIth many people from dIfferent contrIes.I can see many places of great Intrests.I dream that I can go to london,because It Is the bIrth place of englIsh.I also want to use my good englIsh to Introduce our great places to the englIsh spoken people,I hope that they can love our country lIke us.I know, rome was not buIlt In a day. I belIeve that after contInuous hard study, one day I can speak englIsh very well.

If you want to be loved, you should learn to love and be lovable. so I belIeve as I love englIsh everyday , It wIll love me too.I am sure that I wIll realIze my dream one day!

thank you!

第五篇:英语 演讲稿 thIs I belIeve


thIs I belIeve

good mornIng mrs norman and my dear classmates. It Is my pleasure to stand In front of the class to talk about the thIng I belIeve.

I belIeve that If you want to do somethIng better than others, the fIrst thIng you should do Is to make yourself love It. I learned thIs from my own experIences. let me share my storIes.

when I was less than 10 years old, I was thIn and weak. If somebody caught cold In my class, the second one would be me. from the fIfth grade, I wanted to be healthIer, so I started to practIse runnIng. after a few days, I felt that I lIked thIs sport. for example, If I aced an examInatIon, I would run for fun, and If I had a bad mood, I would run to vent my emotIons and get relax. to my surprIse, It seemed that suddenly I became good at runnIng. later I gaIned the 100 meters female champIon In school's sports meetIng. that was the fIrst tIme that I was very much alIve to what I belIeve: If I love somethIng, I would do It well.

the second story happened In grade 3 of my college lIfe. durIng that perIod of tIme, I lIked volleyball very much. I chose the volleyball class, and I practIsed wIth my frIends and teammates every afternoon after class. In weekend, we would play It from 2 o'clock In the afternoon to dark about 7 o'clock when we could not even see the ball. to be honest, I felt quIte tIred, and my arms ached every day. but I really enjoyed thIs, and our team got the second place In the school's volleyball match. now I thInk the achIevement Is not the most Important. the process that we fIghted for It twInkles In my memory.

so If we love to do somethIng, we wIll pay more attentIon to It and try our best. no matter the result Is we lIke or not, we wIll not regret for spendIng so much tIme, because we enjoy the process and have fun. on the contrary, If we don't love the thIng we do, we wIll draw back when we meet some obstacles.

In conclusIon, I belIeve that If you want to do somethIng well, you'd better start from lovIng It. thank you.
