
(作者:小编时间:2015-02-17 07:55:25)


in the may 12, xx, in the chuan wenchuan, since 1949 than have taken place in tangshan earthquake also serious natural disasters - 7.8 earthquake. so far, after the disaster, our beloved premier wen jiabao personally to the hardest hit earthquake relief command, to visit people in disaster areas, a sentence of concern words, the warm comfort of a sentence, so immersed in grief of people get a glimmer of consolation; our beloved the president hu jintao immediately deployed to save lives as soon as possible, arrangements for victims of life. clearly, our national leaders for this earthquake very seriously. it is not only national leaders concerned about the disaster, the people of the whole country into the earthquake relief in the struggle, all provinces have organized a rescue team to disaster area transport relief supplies.. we have also contributions to the school teachers and students

,southwest drought, our school teachers and students have also donated water. silent love, love and care no force can stop us from the pace of progress, then there is no force can stop us from the rise of ambition! some of the great victory of the chinese nation! come on!

today, million-profile world expo held in shanghai ,shanghai expo is the first comprehensive world expo held in a developing country. and it is also the first one that takes “the city” as its theme, hoping that it can push forward the city development and help bring about a better urban living environment, just like the theme: better city, better life.the convening of the expo concept of environmental protection and let us know even more pervasive as the same time teaching and educating teachers to teach our students is to have concepts, striving to be environmentally friendly small guard。

teachers are human cultural and scientific knowledge and social ethics, code of conduct for the diffusion of his inheritance and development of human society in a continuity of the bridge。 kaitimes do we have to grant those fisheries



in the may 12, 2014, in the chuan wenchuan, since 1949 than have taken place in tangshan earthquake also serious natural disasters - 7.8 earthquake. so far, after the disaster, our beloved premier wen jiabao personally to the hardest hit earthquake relief command, to visit people in disaster areas, a sentence of concern words, the warm comfort of a sentence, so immersed in grief of people get a glimmer of consolation; our beloved the president hu jintao immediately deployed to save lives as soon as possible, arrangements for victims of life. clearly, our national leaders for this earthquake very seriously. it is not only national leaders concerned about the disaster, the people of the whole country into the earthquake relief in the struggle, all provinces have organized a rescue team to disaster area transport relief supplies.. we have also contributions to the school teachers and students

,southwest drought, our school teachers and students have also donated water. silent love, love and care no force can stop us from the pace of progress, then there is no force can stop us from the rise of ambition! some of the great victory of the chinese nation! come on!

today, million-profile world expo held in shanghai ,shanghai expo is the first comprehensive world expo held in a developing country. and it is also the first one that takes “the city” as its theme, hoping that it can push forward the city development and help bring about a better urban living environment, just like the theme: better city, better life.the convening of the expo concept of environmental protection and let us know even more pervasive as the same time teaching and educating teachers to teach our students is to have concepts, striving to be environmentally friendly small guard,爱我中华英语演讲稿。

teachers are human cultural and scientific knowledge and social ethics, code of conduct for the diffusion of his inheritance and development of human society in a continuity of the bridge。 kaitimes do we have to grant those fisheries

,在2014年5月12日,在四川汶川地区,发生了建国以来比唐山大地震还严重的自然灾害——7.8级大地震,演讲稿《爱我中华英语演讲稿》。 灾难过后,我们敬爱的温家宝总理亲自去重灾区指挥抗震救灾,探望灾区的人们,一句句关切的话语,一句句温暖的安慰,让沉浸在悲伤中的人们得到了一丝抚慰;我们敬爱的胡锦涛主席,立即进行部署(请收藏本站:Www.haoWoRd.cOM),要求要尽快抢救生命,安排好灾民的生活。可见,我们国家领导人对于这次地震万分重视。而不仅仅只有国家领导人关心这次灾情,全国人民都投入到了抗震救灾的斗争中来,各个省都组织了救援队伍,向灾区运输救灾物资。我们学校师生也纷纷捐款


i am so happy that you could come here to my speech.i feel so proud to be here and to have a chance to give you .the topic of my speech is “the youth”.

i am from the people’s republic of china.i love my country.i love my people.our country has a history of 5000 years.i am proud of it.

although the youth day has past.it was our youths’ festival which is on may 4th.it was established in december 1949 by the government administration council to commemorate the beginning of the may fourth movement in 1919.as a chinese citizen,i believe everyone knows it.because it is a very important day for us.

we yout are the future of the nation.now we have such wonderful school facilities,such knowledgeable teachers and such diligent schoolmates that we have no reason not to study hard ,no reason to waste time,and no reason not to grasp the chance of striving for our beautiful future.

for these reasons,we must make our dreams come true for our hometown and our country.we must contribute ourselves to society.i’ll use all my ablities and intelligence to help my family and my country have a glorious future.at last,i will make a difference in this world.


good evening, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the english speaking competition for grade 2014.first of all, please allow me to introduce myself, your host for today. i’mfrom the college of information network engineering a1212 class.

open the map, please for me that your favorite country? some people will be pointing to the united states, because they aspire to

american-style freedom, some people pointing to france, because they like a romantic yearning for perfume, it was still pointing to singapore, because they aspire to a beautiful garden-like country. however, do not forget our motherland - the people's republic.

she has thousands of years of splendid culture, is a rare pearl in the world, although she is less than the united states as advanced, or even poverty, backwardness, but i do not mind, because i was selfless in her love grew up under. tall the everest tells us that people here have to straighten the chest; fresh air to tell us that there are no smoke of war; hearty laughter tells us that people here live and work. this "taoyuan country" is my country - the people's republic of china!

the twenty-first century, china's economic take-off to make the world wonder! chinese national consumer price index and the national output has a significant improvement in living standards . the living environment has been greatly improved, the traffic is more convenient, one after another, high-rise buildings going up in all the city's overpass exchange into the complex traffic map, because of china's economic reforms, enjoys popular support, making our economy has made rapid development, to live and work, the government encourages all entrepreneurs, but also makes people's life even more happy. because the government has adopted a strong reform measures to enhance people's sense of crisis, entrepreneurial passion is rising rapidly, so china has undergone enormous changes.

china's "shenzhou 8", after the successful launch of "shenzhou 9" manned spacecraft took off again, china's space technology has entered a new milestone, manned space technology in the forefront of the world, our motherland is how amazing, how wise!

the motherland! you give us life, let us this piece of the vast land to thrive, i love you - my motherland! you have nurtured the number of heroes and heroines for our brighter tomorrow, you have to pay how much hard work and sweat, i love you - my motherland! you are the compass, gunpowder, papermaking and printing, the birthplace of four great

inventions, words and deeds of confucius, confucianism, poetry and so on

behalf of the cultural characteristics, and china has five thousand years long history and culture, china's culture is admired to this day descendants forever.

ok,thank you for listening,that's all.

第四篇:英语演讲稿 爱我中华



ladies and gentlemen , good afternoon!

i am a sunny and hard-working girl from 。today i’m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech. today my topic is “don’t forget that day”. i hope you will like it our great motherland is one of the largest countries in the world. it has a population of over twelve hundred million. beijing is its capital.

we chinese people are brave and hardworking. we have a glorious revolutionary tradition. we drove out all the enemies.

on december 9, 1935,peking has “thedecemberninthmovement” the movement is a large-scale student patriotic movement which communist party of china leads

“after nine · 18 emergencies”,japanese imperialism has seized northeast,then has started the new aggression to north china. in 1935 second half year, japanese imperialism starts the north china emergency,further controls in

december on 9,in under chinese communist party peking temp job committee's leadership, peking patriotic student 6000 people,shouts loudly “the stop civil war,shows no external differences”, “overthrows the japanese imperialism” and so on the slogans,

held the mammoth opposition to japan to save the nation the demonstration. kuomintang government sets out large quantities of police to suppress, more than 30 people are arrested,several hundred injured.

in 1949 the people's republic of china was founded. since then great changes have taken place in our motherland. now our country is getting stronger and stronger. we chinese people are working hard to make our motherland into a powerful country.

children are regarded as “flower of our motherland”. in our country children are taken very good care of. special laws have been issuedto protect them. thousands of schools have been set up to make education available to all children. the party and the government pay special attention to the growth of children because they represent our bright future.

“the knowledge is the strength”, bacon this sentence

enjoys great popularity the maxim did not know had driven how many earnestly seeks the knowledge human. now, lets us also use it to encourage oneself, makes one to deeply love the science the new generation, the load gets up the new century heavy responsibility, for our motherland tomorrow, will compose a more magnificent poem!

thanks everybody. 。



女士们和先生们, 你好! 我是一个勤奋的阳光女孩,来自三中一年一班。 今天我非常高兴在这里演讲。 我演讲的题目是“勿忘一二九”。 我希望您将喜欢我们伟大的祖国是世界上最大的国家之一。 它有十二亿人口。 北京是它的首都。我们中国人民是勇敢和勤勉的。 我们有光荣的革命传统。 我们逐出了所有敌人。在这段历程里,我们不得不提到一个日子-----一二九. 1935年12月9日,北平发生的“一二·九”运动是中国共产党领导的一次大规模学生爱国运动。


1949中华人民共和国建立了。 从那以后巨大变动在我们的祖国发生了。 现在我们的国家得到越来越强。 我们中国人民艰苦工作做我们的祖国成一个强有力的国家。孩子被认为“我们的祖国的花”。 在我们的国家孩子非常好照料。数以万计学校被设定安排教育可用所有孩子。因为他们代表我们明亮的未来,党和政府给予特别留意对孩子成长。“知识就是力量”,培根这句脍炙人口的格言不知激励了多少渴求知识的人。如今,让我们也用它来勉励自己,做一个热爱科学的新一代,担起新世纪的重任,为我们祖国的明天,谱写出更加辉煌的诗篇!


opens for the 20th century the grand chapters, not only we discovered the humanity to experience the blood and the fire baptism in these hundred years,

since new china had been established, our country's technical development progresses by leaps and bounds, chairman mao zedong once said to the youth that, the world was you, also is we, but is your in the final analysis. this speech, has been full of the elders to our earnest expectation. if the elders have constructed the 20th century motherlands with the industrious work, that, we should by the knowledge, get up the new century heavy burden by the scientific load.

opens for the 20th century the grand chapters, not only we discovered the humanity to experience the blood and the fire baptism in these hundred years,



第五篇:《知我中华 爱我中华》演讲稿












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