
(作者:小编时间:2015-03-03 05:06:26)


good afternoon,everyone,my honoured teachers and my fellow students.i'm very honoured to be the host for today's competition this afternoon to give the opening speech for everybody.now you are watching the 1th “welcome new year”cup english speech contest. this is the final of senior and junior groups. thank you for coming to this afternoon(请您支持:WWW.hAOWoRd.CoM)’s competition. in today's show. there are 21 contestants in both groups. they are coming from different classes of different grades. i hope we can exchange experiences of how to learn english better.these experiences will be very useful for the students in our school.so i hope we'll all make good use of this opportunity.

二、ok, now, let's warmly welcome our headmaster ,mr.fu to make remarks.(现在让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎符校长给我们演讲赛)

1、first, let’s warmly welcome contestant no.1 xxx,his topic is “my scool life”and contestant no.2 get ready please.

2、the next one making a speech for us is contestant no.2xxx. let's welcome.

3、let's continue the competition. the next will be no.3xxx please.her topic is “my family”and contestant no.4 get ready please

4、now it’s time for no.4 xxx.her topic is “my friend”. no.5 get ready please.

5、evryone has friends.now let’s come to another topic“our english teacher”.welcome contestant no.5 xxx. and contestant no.6 get ready please

6、welcome contestant no.6 xxx.his topic is“honesty” and contestant no.7 get ready please

7、now let’s warmly welcome contestant no.7xxx.her topic is “how should one read a book”. contestant no.8 get ready please

8、welcome contestant no.8 xxx. contestant no.9 get ready please

9、now it’s time for no.9 xxx.her topic is “my good friend”. contestant no.9 get ready please

10、the next contestant’s topic is also “my good friend”.now ,let’s welcome no.10 xxx.

11、now let’s warmly welcome the last contestant no.11 xxx.his topic is also “my good friend”

六、and after all the contestants finished their speeches, our judges will have a short discussion about their marks standard.

now, we are taking a break.

七、good afternoon, everyone. welcome back to the 1th “welcome new year”cup english speech contest. and now you are watching the final.

after our judges’ discussion, now the result has come out.

1、 first, i would like to announce the third winners:

xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx

2、and then, the second winners:

xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx

3、ladies and gentlemen ,can you feel the most exciting moment? how exciting the moment is!

right now, what i am going to announce is the first winners:

xxx and xxx


1、now,let’s welcome the third winners to come onto the stage.

xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx

and warmly welcome our leaders to give awards to our winners.

2、and then second winners please.

xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx

3、ladies and gentlemen, let's bring the first winners onto the stage with a warm of applause.

九、well,how exciting today the contest is!

but ,now i have to say : that’s all , thank you!



(if needed: my friends, the competition is beginning. please take your seat and keep quiet. thanks for your cooperation.)

a: good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, my dear teachers and schoolmates.

welcome to the english speech contest held by the english group of our school. i’m___(b:…c:…)

we are very honored to co-host today’s competition.

b: in today’s grand finale, there are _contestants from grade 1 and grade 2.they

are ready to show their passion and confidence on this stage.

c: and this contest will be mediated by a panel of __ judges. now, i have the great

privilege of presenting today’s judges. they are…

a: ok, after introducing our judges, now let’s go over the rules of the contest.

the topic for today’s prepared speech is ’being grateful to…’ and the full score is _.

b: each of the contestants will have 3 minutes to present his or her speech. the judging panel will give scores on the spot and every contestant’s scores will be announced after the next one’s performance. the places of the contestants will be arranged according to the scores.

c: so everybody is clear on what’s going to happen today? then, let’s get started! now, let’s welcome contestant no.1......contestant no.2 please get ready.

a: contestant no.1 gets _ points. let's warmly welcome contestant no.2. contestant no.3 please gets ready.

(按轮次)and after all the contestants finished their speeches, let’s warmly welcome our friends to give us a song/short sketch.

a: how wonderful! it’s a feast for the eyes and ears.

b: now after our judges’ discussion, the result has come out.

c: first, i would like to announce the third place is:

a: and then, the second place is:

b: ladies and gentlemen, how exciting the moment is!

right now, i am going to announce that the first prize goes to:

c: now,let’s welcome the third prize winner to come onto the stage.and warmly welcome our leaders to give awards to our winners 热烈欢迎领导为他颁奖。

a: and then second prize winner 有请第二名获得者上台。

b: ladies and gentlemen, let's bring the first winners onto the stage with a warm of applause.

a:i know we are all deeply impressed by the wonderful speeches presented by the (10 说出参赛者的总人数)contestants. thank you for your hard work. (转向听众)let’s give them a big round of applause.(为参赛者鼓掌)

b: and i think our distinguished judges who make this contest possible deserve a big round of applause, too. (感谢裁判)

c: love and gratitude-this is what i feel standing now in front of you. love and gratitude-these are the best emotions one can imagine. let’s greet the sunrise with a grateful heart everyday from now on.

a:六、well,how exciting today the contest is! but now i have to say: that’s all, thank you!今天我们的比赛现场精彩无比。但是,现在我不得不说:“我们的演讲比赛结束了!谢谢大家的参与!”

a、b、c: thanks for your participation.谢谢各位的参与。








honorable judges, ladies and gentlemen, fellow students, good morning/afternoon:


i’m very glad to be here. my name is wangqihang.


i’m ten years old. i come from huanxi primary school. i’m in cla3, grade 5.


as a happy boy,i have many hobbies, such as sports, playing piano, singing, and drawing.


among them, travel is my favorist one. i have visited some other cities, like beijing, hainan, chongqing, guangxi, qindao, dalian and so on.


everywhere i went, i enjoyed the natural scenery and appreciated the human landscape very much.


not only that, i want to go abroad to take in the beauty of the custom of other countries in the future.


and i even dream about what the life will be when we are on planets other than our earth.


that is why i’m so interested in the following scientific report recently.


二. 演讲部分:


cherish what we are enjoying

it is a report about the new planet which holds possibility for life.


it shows that european astronomers have discovered a new planet, they name it gliese 581 c.

说欧洲天文学家们发现了一颗新的星球,代号为“gliese 581c”。

it is about 20.5 light years from our earth. they estimated the planet's average temperature at between 0 and 40 degrees centigrade. it is orbiting the red dwarf star, gliese 581.

它距地球约20.5光年。他们估计它的平均温度约在0℃~40℃之间。它围绕着红矮星gliese 581运行。

most important of all, it’s an earth-like planet. there might be mountin, sea and liquid water.


so the astronomers believe that it is potentially habitable.


however, gliese 581 c might be "tidally locked" to it’s sun-the dwarf star the way our moon is to the earth.


it means that it must always show its same face to its sun, and that while one side would be too fiercely hot to support life, the other side would be too cold.


this report makes me to realize that how valuable our earth is.


everyday, we can see sunrise and sunset.


the day and night keeps on exchanging. it’s not too hot in the daytime while not to cold at night.


everyday, i go to school cheerfully in the morning and skip along at the way home as the sun set.

