
(作者:小编时间:2014-11-22 08:09:34)



第一篇:I(好范 文站推荐:WWW.HAOWOrd.COM) thInk I

I thInk I

?? ? ??? ????? ???~ um~

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??? ????? ?? ?? ? ???? ????~

I thInk I love you~ ?????~ cause I mIss you~ ??? ??? ? ???? ??? ?? ???? ?? ? ?? ???~ I'm fallIng for you~ ? ????~ now I need you~ ???? ? ? ???? ?? ?? ???? ??? ??? ?? ???~ ?? ? ????? ?? ?? ? ???~ um~

???? ?? ??? ? ???? ??? ???~

??? ?? ? ??? ?? ??? ????

??? ?? ??? ?? ?? ? ???? ????~

I thInk I love you~ ????? cause I mIss you ??? ??? ? ???? ??? ?? ???? ?? ? ?? ???~ I'm fallIng for you ? ???? now I need you ???? ? ? ???? ?? ?????? ?? ??? ?? ???~

? ??? ???? ? woo~ ? ??? ?? ???~~ hoo~ yeah~ ? ?? ??? ?? ? ?? ???? ? ???? ??? ??? ??~~ hoo~

I thInk I love you~ ?????~ cause I mIss you~ ??? ??? ? ???? ??? ?? ???? ?? ? ?? ???~ I'm fallIng for you~ ? ????~ now I need you~ ???? ? ? ???? ?? ?????? ??? ??? ?? ???~

第二篇:I belIeve I can

I belIeve I can

good afternoon,every one.I am wangmeI from class 103 of fInnancIal management.It Is a great pleasure for me to be here and share my topIc wIth you.then today ,I would lIke to talk somethIng about confIdence!

well goes an old songs:If I can see It,then I can do It.If I just belIeve It,there Is nothIng to It.I belIeve I can fly.I belIeve I can touch the sky.I thInk about It every nIght and day,spread my wIngs and fly away.

however,beIng confIdence Is by no means an easy thIng.everyone should be aware that It Is small thIngs that really counts.here are a few tIps.fIrstly,we should make frIends wIth polIte.remenber,beIng polIte costs nothIng,but It Is worth mIllIon dollars.secondly,we should develop a better relatIonshIp between

classmates,helpIng and encouragIng each other.not only does It makes us more confIdence,but also It gIves us a good chance to Improve our skIlls.last but not least,faced wIth dIffIcultIes,we should never gIve up,but try our best to fInd a way out.

lIfe can be hard,but If we have the courage and determInatIon we wIll be successful at last.belIeve It or not,anythIng Is possIble!

therefore,let us put our hands on our chest and promIse the world:I belIeve I can!

ok,thank you for lIstenIng,that Is all!

第三篇:I belIeve I can!

I belIeve I can!

well as an old sayIng goes, 'nothIng Is dIffIcult to a wIllIng heart.' I lIke thIs dIctum not only because It sounds great but also It really passes on the gIst of how we should be faced wIth our lIfe, especIally In thIs age full of competItIon. I belIeve everyone Is equal. If others can do somethIng well, I thInk I have no excuse to say no to them for I can, of course, do them excellently, too. maybe, for the tIme beIng, I am not outstandIng even lIke an ugly duck, but I hold a fIrm belIef that my potentIal Is unlImIted. therefore, after years' hard work wIth

perseverance, I wIll fInally achIeve my goal wIth on doubt. there Is a kInd of man who wIll never taste the sweet fruIt of success. he who doesn't belIeve hIs abIlIty can get nothIng even If he Is Indeed full of knowledge, because he has already been defeated by hImself InsIde. so, how can he recIeve the challenge outsIde? If I want somethIng, I should belIeve I can make It. then I wIll put my whole heart Into It and let nothIng come between me and the thIngs on hands tIll the happy day arrIves. I belIeve I can!

第四篇:I thInk I










now ImIssyou,you see嘎卖吗个,







IthInkI loveyou …………………………………………………………扑挖要。那木来住亏带那里高,那木把住把路把兵带,哦也……



IthInkI loveyou …………………………………………………………扑挖要。

第五篇:I belIeve,I try, I wIn

I belIeve, I try, I wIn!

up tIll now, the voIce from my bottom heart cryIng I belIeve I am not a fool at all, I belIeve I can catch up wIth you one day, I belIeve I can make It…for about 4 years, I have been tortured by the fact that I am InferIor to large amounts of classmates In grades. frankly speakIng, my best frIends were accepted to huazhong unIversIty of scIence and technology, wuhan unIversIty ,nanjIng unIversIty and unIversIty of scIence and technology of chIna. what a shame and rather acute sense of woe! however, there Is no use to cry over the fact! to start wIth, I admItted that at fIrst I was truly foolIsh ,but as tIme went by, I found that the root reason are the manners of studyIng and mentalIty.

who can assert what It wIll be In the future? Is It true that that famous unIversIty can decIde one’s whole lIfe? am I due to be In arrears of them forever? I ask myself agaIn and agaIn. I wIll spend 4 years In hubeI unIversIty of economIcs, I have never gIven up wIndIng my way to succeed. I usually struggle and remInd myself of the dIsappoIntIng fact! subsequently, I make efforts to meet the mInImum standard made by myself, whIch IndIcates that I am approachIng the fact wIth a strong-wIlled attItude. I try to study hard, learn from dIstInguIshed frIends and confIrm myself. In the pursuIt of tryIng, I overlooked other factors In the expectatIon that studyIng cultural knowledge Is the only aIm In the college. sometImes I mIssed the lunch and dInner breaks, rejected to contact wIth others and was too depressIve so that I looked haggard and unhappy. worse stIll, I couldn’t fInd best frIends. even though I am more confIdent, I lost my happIness In some extent.

an Idea occurs to me that I am supposed to learn seekIng happIness Instead of torturIng myself besIdes tryIng to study hard. so, I try to fInd out that there are beautIes IncludIng people and scene around me, that InspIratIonal movIes can relax and spIre me, that I stIll have a long way to go…I try to confront weakness of myself to Improve myself and learn to make up for myself, after all, a good lookIng really counts. the bottom lIne consIsts not only In studyIng cultural knowledge but also In leadIng a worthy lIfe.

at thIs very moment, I am proceedIng to try somethIng that Is worthy of beIng done. In that I am confIrmed In my belIef that I wIll wIn one day. actually ,I wIn confIdence, best frIend and temperaments In lIfe now. the aIms that are made by myself after feelIng my way conduct me to wIn more In the future, whIch are beIng admItted to the debate team In englIsh, the competItIon of mathematIcal modelIng and wuhan unIversIty or renmIn unIversIty of chIna.

I am of the opInIon that wInIng Is the most Important In the modern socIety, you may thInk I am utIlItarIan person though. It’s unIversally acknowledged that no paIns no gaIns. I realIze that I am tryIng day by day, I am wInIng a lIttle day by day, In other words, step by step! In tIme, I am the wInner!








I apprecIate

I wIsh
