
(作者:珊儿1970时间:2020-07-03 05:03:16)


英语主持稿male: good evening, ladies and gentlemen, honorable teachers and my dear fellow

students, welcome to success potential cup spoken english speaking contest. if you have been watching the first two rounds of the competition, you will realize the 60

teams have joined together to present quiet a show. now, let’s take a look at some

hotlines. (播放ppt)

male: now, let me introduce the hostess for today, a pretty young lady her name is

jiang mei who is from success potential association.

female: standing here beside me is si jun he is also from success potential

association. i'm honored today to co-host this year's speaking competition.

male: sponsored by the union of association and undertaken by success

potential association. the success potential cup spoken english speaking

competition aims to promote english language learning and to train students with

the knowledge of different cultures of the world.

female: we hope it will be a good opportunity for the participants to display their

talents in language and public speaking and to exchange ideas on important current issues.

male: we also hope that you, the audience, will enjoy this exciting competition and

benefit from what we hear.

female: tonight contest is our success potential cup spoken english speaking

competition and with your support it has a very good beginning. i believe it will

become the most popular english speaking competition, which will take place

annually from this year on. we feel really happy and excited that we can take part

in this competition not only because it is a good opportunity for the english

learners to demonstrate their language skills obtained by hard working.

male: but because it is through this event we can make friends from different

classes and different depts. a chance that is not easy for each one candidate who

has been gone through the first and second round, come to this stage for the finals,

and more importantly, we learn something from the contestants and the whole

processes. i personally benefit a lot and i believe so

female: i am afraid you have to stop now, si jun, because from audience’s eyes i

know all the audience here are looking forward to the beginning of the

competition. so shall we kick off now?

male: not yet. because tonight’s competition is very critical, very important and

quiet complex, i think it is necessary to tell them a little bit more about the

competition. ok now i would like to announce what we are going to have tonight.

there will be three parts, and the first is team show and debating. before debating

each team will have 1 minute to show your team, including your team name, team

members, logo, slogan, your goal and so on

female: .and then have your debate. at the beginning of the debate, each team

are required to send any member to establish its arguments and time is limited in 2

minutes. after the opening arguments of both sides , we will move into round

cross-examination .in this part, the other two member of each team who has not

presented will have 30 seconds to cross-examine and 90 seconds to meet the challenges from the other team

male: then is t free debate. in this round, each team will have 3 minutes to further its arguments without order limit and this is the most-watched and most exciting round. in the end, the member who established their arguments in the first round has to make their conclusion.

female : and after this round, our judges will have __minutes to critique the team’s performance in this round. and in this round only three teams who wined the debate can survive to the next round .so next, two minutes will be leave for each team who failed to say something they want to tell us.

male: section two will be role-play. in this part, each team will have 8 minutes to show us a prepared sitcom. time is limit in 8 minutes. after this section, our judges have 6 minutes to make remarks, and only two teams can survive to the next.female: and section three is prompt speech. in this part, each of the two teams who has survived for the last round is required to give a prompt speech, and time is limited in 8 minutes.

male: now let's give you a brief account of grading method and scoring results: there are 100 points in grading, and each judge gives grade based on the performances of the contestants: including pronunciation, intonation, content, stage manner and presentation. the final score is the averaged calculation of seven figures summing up.

female: during the whole competition, a staff member will raise a cardboard of different colors as a signal that there is one minute left. then, at the end of minutes, we host will let the speaker know that the time has run out

male: ladies and gentlemen, this competition will be mediated by a panel of seven judges. the panel includes tow native speakers of english and four chinese english teachers. and all the judges will act as the question masters who will be responsible for raising questions of today's contest.

female: now, let's meet our honorable judges for tonight, miss wang hui, english teacher of g.d.u.t

male: mr. wang yi ping, foreign english teacher of new oriental

female: miss li xiao hong, english teacher of g.d.u.t

male: professor wu xiao fen, english teacher of g.d.i.t

female: once again warmly welcome you here. so shall we start now?



male: of course, so now let’s warmly welcome team__ and team__ to have their debate: please welcome. and the topic of their debate is_________ female: the team on our right hand side are going to argue that____ and the other team on the left will argue that____


male:ok, let’s go into the first round. team __, you can send one representative to

give your opening statement, you have 2 minutes,you can start now

female: thank you. ok, team___ you can have your debut, you have 2 minutes ,now begin.


male:thank you. i know all our contestants have done a lot for their preparations, a lot of questions and a lot of answers. ok, now let’s move on to cross-examination. you can raise questions and have to meet the challenges from your opponents.female: now, contestant number 2, you have 30 seconds to raise questions. please welcome

male: thank you for your question, now contestants number 2 and 3, you will have 90 seconds to give your answers to the questions raised by your opponent, now begin

female: wonderful answer. ok, now contestant number 3 on this side, you have 30 seconds to raise questions. please welcome



female: now, ladies and gentlemen, the most competitive moment of this round is coming. let’s move on to free-debating round. in this round, all the contestants can attack each other freely. time is limited in 6 minutes. you can start now.

male: ok, sometimes what they said can get across , and sometimes is confusing, but i hold on the argument that


female:now,let’s go into the final round of this part. in this part, each team will have 2 minutes to make your conclusions. now let’s start with this side.

male: this side please ,you have 2 minutes.


male: and after all teams finished their performance, let’s warmly welcome our instructor miss wang san to give us a short speech. warmly welcome

female: good afternoon, everyone. welcome back to the success potential cup spoken english speaking contest. and now you are watching the final.

male: after our judges’ discussion, now the result has come out.

female:first, i would like to announce the third winners:

male: and then, the second winners:

male: ladies and gentlemen ,can you feel the most exciting moment? how exciting the moment is!right now, what i am going to announce is the first winners: xxx and xxx

female: now,let’s welcome the third winners to come onto the stage.

xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx

and warmly welcomemr __ to give awards to our winners.

male: and then second winners please.

*xx xxx xxx xxx xxx

and warmly welcome miss__ to give awards to our winners

3、ladies and gentlemen, let's bring the first winners onto the stage with a warm of applause.


good afternoon, everyone. welcome to our school. 亲爱的家长们,下午好!欢迎来到美丽的天妃小学。

from dec. the 21st to the 31st, we held the 8th english festival of our school. 2014年12月21日至31日,我校举办了第八届校园英语节。

as we know, english is more and more important in our life now. 众所周知,现在英语在我们的学习和生活中显得越来越重要了。

during the 11 days, we had many interesting english competitions from grade 3 to grade 6. 在这为期11天的英语节中,全校三至六年级都开展了丰富多彩的活动。

now we are going to enjoy many wonderful shows. 下面,就由各个年级的一等奖获得班级为我们带来精彩演出。

first, let’s welcome class 1 grade 3. they are going to sing songs how are you? and abc song. 首先有请三(1)班大合唱:how are you? 和 abc song。

thanks to class 1 grade 3. now let’s listen to the story the lion and the mouse, from class 2 grade 5. 感谢三(1)班同学的美妙歌声,下面请听五(2)班同学带来的故事配音:狮子和老鼠。

thanks for the funny story. it’s grade 6’s turn now. their story is about how water cycles. welcome the dubbing show little water drop. 五(2)班的故事很有意思,接下来该轮到六年级了,他们要给我们讲讲水是怎么循环的,请听配音表演:小水滴的故事。

thank you very much! english songs are very lovely. lu lingyi from class 1 grade 6 will sing the song proud of you for us. 听了两个英语故事,下面有请六(1)班陆凌怡同学为我们带来动听的英语歌曲:proud of you,为你而骄傲!

we are proud of you. that’s so nice. thank you, lu lingyi. now let’s listen to the story the fox and the goat from class 4 grade 5. 唱得真好听,我们也为你而骄

傲。下面请听五(4)班的故事配音:the fox and the goat狐狸和山羊。

thank you, guys. at last, welcome class 5 grade 4, they are going to sing songs what would you like? and friends. 感谢五(4)班同学,最后请听四(5)班为我们带来合唱:what would you like? 和 friends。

thank you for your coming and listening. 感谢您的到来和聆听。

english is very important and it brings us a lot of fun. 在小学阶段,英语是一门非常重要的学科,同时它也给我们带来了很多的乐趣。

to learn english well, your kids need your help, too. 要学好英语,您的孩子需要您的关心和鼓励。

wish your kids learn english well in the future. 预祝您的孩子将来能轻松快乐地学好英语。

wish you have a good day and happy every day. 也祝大家快乐每一天。 thank you! bye.


a: dear teachers and students.

b: good afternoon!

a: christmas party to start now.

b: sweet christmas went, the more beautiful and happy christmas! i wish you all a merry christmas!

a: today, we are happy to meet here;

b: here, we know many of the students,

a: here, we have friends,

b: here, we have progress,

a: here, we have success.

a: today, in the upcoming christmas night, we sincerely thank the class teacher, i would like to thank our students, thank you all!

a: we believe: our efforts today will bear rich fruits of tomorrow,

b today, we sow the seeds of hope that tomorrow there will be heavy harvest.

a:first ,please enjoy“the dance show ” performers: zhuqi and so on!

b:is this show very ,interesting?okay,,let’s give them a clap! a: we come to relax, to listen to xxxxxx, the performers: xxxxxxxxxx.

b: spring is the longing for winter, autumn is the fruitful longing, the longing for the land is rain, coastal sailing is the longing for home..please a: water is the source of life, waste must be punished for it. let's make a game, xxxxxxxxxx.b: enjoy the show by girls: xxxxxxxxx, performers: xxxxxxx

a please enjoy, xxxxxxx, performers; xxxxxx

b: eight (1) for each day spent classes are fun day.

a: is the youngest of the mountains came tumbling waterfalls, lightning storms, desert sand in the battle flag ... ...

b: gold is a young, young is silver, a young life is unparalleled treasure!please enjoy the song "xxxx"

a: sing, sing the inner joy and best wishes, you jump, jump out of hope and vitality of the young, bless you and wishing everyone a happy life. let us hold up a piece of clouds with a blessing to you, at the same time sincerely thank you for your concern and help, you are sincere to say: "merry christmas".

(female): wind over lightly, in passing what? or waiting for what?

(m): pass our songs, laughter, i am waiting for your wonderful life!

(female): my friends, this time to bring the pleasure of feeling that we sincere best wishes to bring to a bright future to meet you!

(female): the end of the evening, once again thank you for coming.


















a请欣赏,xxxxxxx,表演者; xxxxxx号


答:是最年轻的山脉轰然在战旗瀑布,闪电风暴,沙漠... ...









女:good evening,everyone, my honoured teachers and my fellow students.

男:welcome to the first recitation competition of the new conception.

女:i'm the hostess ×××.

男:i'm the host ×××.

女:we feel really happy and excited that we can be part of this competition. i think it is a good opportunity

for the english learners to demonstrate their talents in language and public speaking.through this event we can improve our friendship and learn something from the contestants and the whole processes.男:we hope that you, the audience, will enjoy this exciting competition and benefit from what we hear. 女:thank you for coming to this evening’s competition.

男:in today's show. there are 16 contestants. they are ready to show themselves.

女:firstly, let's introuduce today's honored guest mr. qi and our honorable judges. they are:mr. gongms. chenms. xiams. yan

男:let’s warmly welcome them.

男:now let's go over the rules of the competition.

the contest is divided into 2 parts; recitation and quizzes. as for the first part, every contestantshow their prepared speaches. after that, judges will ask questions. the total score is 100, andeach judge gives grade based on the performances of the contestants:

including pronunciation, intonation, content,70 percents, stage manner and presentation.10 percents.

questions raised by judges ,20 percents. the final score is the averaged calculation of the figures summed up.

our contestants are divided into 4 groups.

女:let’s look forward to the contestants’ wonderful performances! ok, we will give the stage to the


男:the first topic is “finding fossil man”. now, let's warmly welcome contestant no.1 ×××. and contestant

no.2 gets ready ,please.

女:thank you for your excellent speech. the next one making a speech for us is contestant no.2 ×××. let's


男:let's continue the competition. the next will be contestant no.3×××. and contestant no.4 gets ready


女:thank you .now it’s time for contestant no.4 ×××.

男:ok, time for quizzes and comments, welcome the first group back to stage.

女:the scores as follows:

男:ok welcome to contestant no.5 ×××.

女:welcome contestant no.6××× , and contestant no.7 gets ready please

男:welcome contestant no.7 ×××.

女:now let’s come to another topic “spare that spider”. welcome contestantno.8 , ×××. 男:welcome the second group back to stage and welcome our judges give them some comments.

女:the scores as follows:

男:ok , we have prepared some wonderful performances and let's enjoy them. welcome

our magician××× . next, it's time to witness the miracle.

女:thanks for your excellent performance. then let's enjoy a beautiful song by

×××. welcome.

男:it sounds great, thank you. now let's continue our competition. welcome contestant

no.9××× ,and contestant no.10 gets ready please.

女:thank you. now let’s warmly welcome contestant no.10 ×××. contestant no.11

get ready please.

男:welcome contestant no.11 ×××. contestant no.12 gets ready please

女:thanks for your wonderful speech. now it’s time for contestant no.12××× .her topic is “youth”. 男:now, it's time to quiz and comment. welcome the third group.

女:the scores as follows:

男:the next contestant’s topic is also “youth”. now ,let’s welcome no.13 ×××

女:now let’s welcome contestant no.14××× . her topic is“the sporting spirit”.

男:welcome contestant no.15××× , her topic is also “the sporting spirit”.

女:now let’s warmly welcome the last contestant no.16××× , get onto the stage and give

us a performance. her topic is “education”

男:welcome our judges give the fourth group comments, welcome them.

女:the scores as follows:

男:since all the contestants have finished their speeches, we will leave several minutes to

our judges to discuss the contestants' performances.

女:during this period, let's appreciate the electronic organ solo, welcome our performer ×××.男:thanks for your excellent performance. welcome back to the first recitation competition

of the new conception.

女:after our judges’ discussion, now the result has come out.

first, i would like to announce the third winners:


男:and then, the second winners:


女:ladies and gentlemen , can you feel the most exciting moment? right now, what i am going to announce is

the first winners:


男:now,let’s welcome the third winners to come onto the stage. and warmly welcome

our judges to give awards to our winners.

女:and then second winners please.

congratulations to all the contestants

男:ladies and gentlemen, let's bring the first winners onto the stage with a warm of applause.now, let's warmly welcome our honored guest mr. qi to give us a speech, please.

女:thank you. well,how exciting today the contest is! time flies. our competition has

reached the end. what i want to say is that rome wasn’t built in one day ! the road

to success is never smooth or easy! but we truly believe that our dreams will come

true alive!

男:ladies and gentlemen: the first recitation competition of the new conception is over.

合:thank you for coming tonight ! good night!




x:good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen, welcome to huang pi no1 middle school 2014

english speaking competition. my name is lu xiang wei, beside me is gao hua, you might recognize. she is co-host of big movements of our school.



x:well this competition is organized by youth communist league committee of huang pi

no1 middle school and undertaken by english educational research group. in today's grand final, there are 10 finalists; they are all the winners of the preliminaries. these contestants have given very impressive performances, so, we know that today will be a very rigorous competition.

y: 本次比赛由学校团委主办,外语系承办。今天的决赛环节,总共有10名选手,他们都是前一阶段热身比赛当中的优秀选手。他们前面部分的表现给老师和同学留下了深刻的印象。所以,我们相信今天的比赛将会是一场更加严酷的竞争!

x: firstly, let's introuduce today's honorable leaders and judges. i have the great privilege of presenting today's judges for this speech contest.

ladies and gentlemen, mr() headmaster of pan long branch school of huang pi no. 1 middle school

y: 让我们再次以热烈的掌声欢迎各位领导和老师!今天来到比赛现场的还有盘龙校区的所有同学们。欢迎你们的到来。

x:now please welcome mr ()o give us a speech.

y:下面有请() 讲话

x: thank you, our dear headmaster, thank you for your peech------now let me introduce the

regulations of this final. the final has only one part--- prepared speech. in this part, each of the contestants will have 3-5 minutes to deliver a prepared speech. there are two topics for the prepared speech“low-carbon life” and “two-oriented society”, namely. a resource-saving and environment-friendly society. for this section ,the full score is 10.



x:when the contestant’s time is used up, a staff member will raise up his hand to remind the

contestant of the time. the contestant must stop within 15 seconds, otherwise his or her timing score will be deducted, or foe the prepared speech time is less than 3 minutes the contestant’s timing score will be deducted.



x: the judging panel will give scores on the spot. in this round, after each contestant finish the

speech, the score will be announced immediately. after all the finalists finish the speech, the scores of all the speakers will be announced.

y: 评委老师当场打分,每3人公布一次分数。最后三名选手的成绩和最后的排名一起公布。

x: miss gao. i have a strong desire to see the competition. okay, are you ready to see what’s going to happen today? then, let’s get started. now, let’s welcome contestant no.1......contestant no.2 please get ready.

y: 比赛正式开始,下面有请一号选手,请二号选手做好准备。

y : 现在比赛的最终排名已经出来了。-=-------------------

x:let me announce the list of third prize-----------(三等奖名单)

let’s welcome mr.—award prize for these winners.thank you mr.—

x:allow me to announce the list of second prize-----------(二等奖名单)

x: congratulations everybody. you are really excellent. thank you for your outstanding performance. ladies and gentlemen ,now, qingdao huanghai college 2014 english speaking competition is ending.i know we are all deeply impressed by the wonderful speeches presented by the 15 contestants. thank you for your hard work. boys and girls,(转向听众)let's give them a big round of applause.(为参赛者鼓掌)

x: ladies and gentlemen, honorable teachers, my fellow studentshuangpi no1 middle school 2014 english speaking competition is close. once again thank you for your time.

y: 各位领导,各位老师,亲爱的同学们,黄陂一中2014年英语演讲比赛到此结束!谢谢大家光临,再会!
