新人教版高一英语Unit 1 学案范文

(作者:潘绪杰时间:2021-08-30 16:36:53)

新人教版高一英语Unit 1 学案

教师寄语:A smooth sea never made a skillful mariner.平静的海洋训练不出熟练地水手。

Unit 1 单词预习学案

1. volunteer n.&v. 自愿;志愿者

Volunteer Club志愿者俱乐部(P12)

Any volunteers?有没有人自告奋勇?

Schools need volunteers to help children to read.


The girl could volunteer in an after- school study program to teach kids.


volunteer to do sth.自愿/主动提出做某事

Aunt Mary volunteered to clean up the kitchen. 玛丽阿姨主动要求清扫厨房。

补充: voluntary adj. 自愿的

2 . debaten.&v. 辩论;争论

Read the following tips for organizing an informal class debate.

The students had a heated debate on the subject.学生们就这一话题进行了激烈的辩论。

under debate正在讨论中beyond /without debate 无可争论

The two sides debated whether to raise the price of school meals.双方就是否应该提高学校用餐价格进行辩论。

debate with sb.about/on sth.就……与某人进行辩论

I debated with Mary about this problem.

3. prefervt.更喜欢 (preferred; preferred; preferring)

When I'm down or tired, I prefer movies that can cheer me up.


Nowadays most kids prefer watching TV to reading.

Now young people prefer to celebrate western festivals.现在年轻人更喜欢过西方的节日。

prefer to do sth. rather than do sth. 比起做某事更喜欢做某事

I prefer to go to the cinema rather than watch TV.

Rather than watch TV, I prefer to go to the cinema.

【拓展】preference n. [C; U] 偏爱;喜好+

A polar bear has a preference for cold weather.

Now employers will give a preference to the students who have graduated from universities in Project 985 and 211.现在雇主更优先考虑毕业于985 和211的大学毕业生。

4. contentn.内容;[pl] 目录; (书、讲话、节目等的)主题adj. 满意的

Thearticle is good in content.

There is no list of contents.没有章首目录。

What is the content of the report? 这个报告的主题是什么?

The teacher was content with what the students did.

5. suitable adj. 适合的;适用的 suitn. 套装v.适合

I hope that we'll find a suitable house very soon.

This program is not suitable for children. 这个节目儿童不宜。

The new style really suits her.

6. actually adv.事实上; 的确

Actually, I like acting better.实际上,我更喜欢演戏。(P13)

actualadj.真实的; 实际的

The actual cost was higher than we expected. 实际成本比我们预计的要高。

拓展:in fact = as a matter of fact= actually

7.challenge n. 挑战;艰巨任务 vt.怀疑;向……挑战

Going from junior high school to senior high school is a really big challenge.

My biggest challenge is learning how to behave at the dinner table.

The job doesn't really challenge him.这项工作不能真正地考验他。


Challengingadj. 有挑战性的 We found the task challenging.

challengedadj.受到挑战的 I feel that my honesty is seriously challenged.

8. confuse vt. 使糊涂;使迷惑 n. confusion 困惑

It is important to explain this again or we will confuse the students.

confusingadj. 难以理解的;不清楚的The first week was a little confusing.

confusedadj. 人感到糊涂的;迷惑的

People are confused about what they should eat to stay healthy.

9. fluent adj. (尤指外语)流利的;熟练的

He is a fluent speaker of English.She is fluent in five languages.

【拓展】fluentlyadv. 流利地;流畅地n. fluency 流利,流畅

10. graduate vi. & vt. 毕业;获得学位n. 毕业生

graduate from... 毕业于……(学校) graduate in... 毕业于……(专业)

She graduated from Harvard in history last year. 她去年毕业于哈佛大学历史系。

He is a graduate of Yale in history. 他是耶鲁大学历史系毕业生。

【拓展】 graduationn.毕业;毕业典礼After graduation, he became a teacher.

11. recommendvt.建议;推荐;介绍

recommend sth. to sb. 向某人推荐某物

I recommended the book to all my students. 我向我所有的学生都推荐这本书。

recommend doing sth 建议干某事

He recommended reading the book before seeing the movie.

recommend sb to do sth建议某人干某事

She recommend us not to travel on Thanksgiving Day.

recommend + that从句(从句中用虚拟语气“should+动词原形”, should常可省略)

She recommend that we(should )not travel on Thanksgiving Day.

It is strongly recommended that the machines(should )be checked every year.


12. advancedadj. 高级的;高等的;先进的

This park in France uses the most advanced technology.

advancen.前进;发展 recent advances in medical science 医学的最新进展

vi. 前进;发展 vt. 发展;促进

They had advanced 20 miles by nightfall. 夜幕降临时,他们已推进了20英里。

This research has helped to advance our understanding of language learning.

in advance 提前It's cheaper if you book the tickets in advance.

13. quitvi. & vt.(quit, quit, quitting)停止;戒掉; 离开(工作职位、学校等)

Obviously, I was unhappy,but I won’t quit.

She quit her job last year because of bad health.

quit doing sth.停止干某事

Eventually she quit teaching and worked as a full-time wife.

14. responsibleadj.负责的;有责任的

be responsible for 对……负责任

The car driver was responsible for the accident. 司机对这次事故负责任。

Choose wisely and be responsible for your decisions and actions.

【拓展】responsiblyadv.负责地; 有责任感地 responsibility n.责任;义务

rights and responsibilities 权利和义务

He has a strong sense of responsibility. 他有很强的责任感。

15. schedule n.工作计划; 日程安排

I need to make a workable schedule.我需要制定一个可行的时间表。

a train schedule 列车时刻表 ahead of/ on / behind schedule 先于/按照/迟于预定时间

vt. 安排;预定 I've scheduled a concert next week.

The meeting is scheduled for Friday afternoon.

I'm scheduled to arrive in Beijing at 5 o'clock.

16. expertn. 专家;行家adj.熟练的;内行的;专家的

If people have problems, they should get advice from an expert.

He’s an expert in/ on/ at international trade.

We need some expert help. 我们需要一些内行的帮助。

She is expert in/ on/ at teaching kids. 她在教孩子学习方面经验丰富。

17. behavior n.行为; 举止 good/bad behaviour 良好 / 恶劣行为

I recommend that you talk to your friend about his behavior .

【拓展】behavevi. & vt.表现; 举止端正;有礼貌;(使)守规矩

They behaved very badly towards their guests. 他们对客人们很不礼貌。

He behaved like a true gentleman.

behave yourself守规矩;举止得体

Did you behave yourself at the party?

18. attract vt.吸引;引起……的注意(或兴趣)

The exhibition has attracted thousands of visitors.

Thisadvertisementisintended to attract the attention of housewives.


【拓展】attractionn. 吸引;吸引力 attractive adj. 有魅力的;吸引人的

A big house with a beautiful garden is attractive to many people.

The film sets have become a tourist attraction. 电影拍摄场景已成为一个旅游胜地。

19. focusvt.& vi. 集中(精力、注意力等);(使)调节焦距 n. 中心;重点;焦点

focus on (doing) sth集中于(做)某事;聚焦于

But spending too much time online is unhealthyand makes it very difficult to focus on other things in life.


The discussion focused on three main problems.

focus sth on (doing) sth集中(注意力、精力等)于

Please focus your attention on your studies and not on your hobbies.


He is always the focus of everyone's attention.他始终是大家关注的中心。

20. addictedadj. 有瘾的; 上瘾的;入迷的

be/become addicted to对……很入迷

Some students even become addicted to the Internetand cannot concentrate on school and family life. 有些学生甚至沉迷于网络不能专注于学校和家庭生活。


a drug/nicotine addict 吸食毒品 / 尼古丁成瘾的人

She is a TV addict and watches as much as she can.

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