《新起点英语》一年级下册《Unit3 Toys Story Time》说课稿范文

(作者:新时代双语学校邸秋月时间:2019-04-05 22:01:36)


《新起点英语》一年级下册《Unit3 Toys  Story Time








Hello, everyone! I’m glad to stand here and talk about Unit 3 Toys Story Time. I’ll talk from the following aspects:

     ·Analysis of the teaching materials(说教材)

·Analysis of the students(说学生)

·Teaching aims(说目标)

·Key points and difficult points(说重难点)

·Teaching methods and learning methods(说教法和学法)

·Teaching procedures and purposes(教学过程和设计意图)

一、     Analysis of the teaching materials(说教材)

我所说的教材是人教版新起点英语一年级下册,本册教材共分为6个话题:教室(classroom)、房间(room)、玩具(toys)、食物(food)、饮料(drink)和服装(clothes)。本册教材的目的主要是激发学生的学习兴趣,培养学生初步运用英语进行日常交流的能力。今天我说的是Unit 3 Toys 中的小故事。小故事为单元的最后一课时,综合性比较强,主要考查学生对本单元知识的综合运用能力。

I will talk about New Starting Line English. It includes 6 units: classroomroomtoysfooddrink and clothes. This book is to stimulate the students’ interests of learning English and cultivate the communicative abilities. Today I will talk about the story in Unit 3, which is the last lesson in this Unit. And it is to test the comprehensive language applied ability of students.

二、Analysis of the students(说学生)

      一年级的学生活泼好动,对新鲜事物充满了好奇心,渴望获得更多的英语知识,所以教师应该了解学生的心理特点,从培养学生的兴趣出发,在教学中采用多种手段,让孩子在听听说说中模仿英语,在玩玩唱唱中游戏英语,在讲讲演演中掌握英语。 同时,一年级学生由于英语储备量不够,所以还要注重重复、练习和运用。

    Students in Grade One are active and have curiosities for everything. They are eager to learn more English. So teacher must know the characters of children’s psychology and develop their interests. In the class, teacher should adopt many teaching methods. At the same time, students in Grade One don’t have enough English knowledge, so teacher should pay attention to the practice and application.

三、Teaching aims(说目标)

·知识与技能(Knowledge and skills)


2.能够灵活运用本单元重点句型:Can I have your? Sure. Here you are.


·过程与方法(Process and methods)


2. 通过师生、生生的互动引出并操练句型。

3. 通过听、说以及表演的形式学习小故事并创编小故事。

·情感态度与价值观(Emotional attitudes and values):


四、Key points and difficult points(说重难点)

·Key points(重点)

  1. 能够在教师的帮助下借助图片听懂简单的小故事,并尝试表演。

     2. 能够在不同的情境下灵活运用句型:Can I have your? Sure.   Here you are.

·Difficult points(难点):能够创编对话,在不同的情境中灵活运用句型:Can I have your? Sure. Here you are.

五、Teaching methods and learning methods(说教法和学法)



1.实物教学法(Object teaching method)


2.情境教学法 (Situational teaching method)



     3.任务型教学法(Task-based teaching method)

     在讲授小故事时,第一遍整体听,在听之前我提出一个问题:“What toys can you see?”让学生们带着任务听故事,培养学生的学习能力。


小组合作学习法(Team cooperation learning method

角色表演法(Role-playing method)


 六、Teaching procedures and purposes(说教学过程和设计意图)

(一)Warm up(热身)

  1. Greetings

  2.Sing a song

【设计意图】首先,与孩子们分享一首熟悉的歌谣《Toy train》,一方面,调动学生的学习热情,营造一种轻松活泼的课堂氛围;另一方面帮助学生复习玩具名称,为后面环节作铺垫。

PurposeI’ll start with a song, so that we can have a lively atmosphere and we can also review some words we have learned.

(二)Revision and new(复习及新授)

  1. T: (教师拿来一篮子玩具) Look I have many gifts for you. What are they? (教师依次出示玩具) What’s this? S: It’s a …

        【设计意图】实物教学更直观,各式各样的玩具一下子能吸引学生的注意力, 同时复习了有关玩具的词汇。

       PurposeObject teaching is more intuitive and can catch the attention of students. At the same time, review the words about toys.

       2. T: What do you want?

S: Can I have a …?

T: Sure. Here you are.


       PurposeTeacher-student interaction lays the foundation of the following learning.

       3. T: (教师将玩具分完,做伤心的表情)Oh, I have no toys now. Can I have your…?板书句型

         S: Sure. Here you are.



       PurposeTeacher-student interaction leads in the new sentence.

       4. T: Good! Now do you want to play with the toys? (S: Yes.)

         T: You can ask like this: “Can I have your…?” Let’s share, OK?

         板书句型:Let’s share.



        PurposeGive play to the students’ subjectivity and improve the ability of oral communication.

       5. T: Good job! We learn to share now. How about the panda? Let’s go into a story about “share”.


        PurposeGo into the story and attract students’ attention.

(1) T: First, let’s listen. Think about a question: What toys can you see?


(2) T: This time, let’s listen and repeat. Pay attention to your pronunciation and tones.


(3) Practice reading: read by students; read in roles.


(4) Work in pairs and act the story.



PurposeCultivate the abilities through various forms of listeningreading and acting, which stimulate the students’ interests.

()Extended activities (拓展活动)

T: All of you did a good job! In our life, we can not only share toys, but also we can share many good things, for example: stationery, fruit and so on. Now create a dialogue with your friends.

【设计意图】通过创编对话,让学生更灵活地运用所学句型:Can I have your…? Sure. Here you are.

PurposeBy creating the new dialogue, students can use the sentence more flexibly.


T: Everybody is great this class. From now on, let’s learn to share good things with others and gain happiness.(出示幻灯片)


PurposeSublimate emotion and educate students to learn to share.

Blackboard design:

          Unit 3 Toys  Story Time

Can I have your…?

Sure. Here you are.

Let’s share.

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