Book5 Unit 4 Lesson 2 There is an old building in my school.英语教学设计范文

(作者:大硕59390时间:2021-11-27 09:08:02)

Book5 Unit 4 Lesson 2 There is an old building in my school.


知识目标:掌握单词:treebuildinggym send photo。

能力目标:掌握重难点句型:What’s your new school like?

It’s not big, but very beautiful. There is an old building in my school. There are many trees and flowers.



重点:掌握重难点句型:What’s your new school like?

It’s not big, but very beautiful. There is an old building in my school. There are many trees and flowers.

难点:There is/There are 的熟练运用。




I. Warm-up

1. 首先与学生热情的打招呼,师介绍自己喜欢drawing,问生‚Do you like ……?由师生对话引出chant.

read read readI like reading.

cookcook cookI like cooking.

draw drawdraw I like drawing.

watch watch watch I like watching TV.

dododoI like doing homework.


2.由chant内容引出:I like doing sports.讲授doing sports意思。师:

I like doing sports on the playground in my school.出示学校操场和学生活动的照片,帮助理解do sports。

出示四小学校照片:问生‚What aboutourschool?What’s your school like?

【设计意图】出示学校照片,主要是为了引出本课新句型:What’s your school like?然后同学们看见了自己的学校,自然比较熟悉,用英语描述也不在话下。

II. presentation

1. 由谈论自己和同学们的学校引出,我们的好朋友Li Ming和Lucy也在谈论Lucy的新学校。听课文第一段找出:Li Ming问Lucy什么问题?

2. 教授本课新句型:What’s your new school like? 在上一个环节生已经初步感知了这个句型,所以同学很容易掌握这个句型。然后进行师生对话练习。

3. 出示Lucy学校的图片,进行课文主要句型的教授There are many trees and flowers。讲授新单词tree,并总结字母组合ee 的发音。并且用不同的图片交换练习新句型。

4. 拓展There are many……用学习用品替换练习。

5. 第二遍听音,回答问题:What else are in Lucy’s school?听音划线。

6. 利用练习there is句型

There is a school. I like singing/having English /dancing……there.

7. 跟读课文注意引导学生模仿语音语调。


III. Practice.

1.练习区分there is和there are 句型的区别。


2、师出示一张课本中let‘s talk 中的图片让生小组找出图中there is ……和there are……都有什么?

3、What’s our school like?



IV. Summary:情感教育Love school!Enjoy school life!

V. Homework.

1.Imitate the dialogue.(比一比谁模仿的最像)

2.Introduce our school ,try to write it down.


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