A comparison of Chinese and Korean dining etiquette 中韩饮食礼仪之比较范文

(作者:qquser8173447时间:2021-05-26 14:23:34)

A comparison of Chinese and Korean dining etiquette

Both China and South Korea attach great importance to etiquette. Nothing can be accomplished without norms or standards. Certain etiquette should continue to be practiced and continued. The following will be China and South Korea, two countries that attach importance to etiquette, to compare and analyze the significance of attaching importance to food etiquette and their respective characteristics.

1.Mealetiquette in China

Pre Meal Etiquette

Chinese people usually use round tables when dining. Seat is very important in Chinese dining etiquette. The main seat must be the inviter, the person who pays the bill. The main seat refers to the central position farthest from the door, also known as the main chair. Sitting opposite the main seat is the inviter's assistant, also known as the second chair. The chief guest and the second chief guest sit on the right and left side of the inviter or the host, and the third and fourth guests sit on the right and left side of the second chair. It is considered a faux pas to ask the inviter to sit opposite the guest or to sit the guest at the head of the table. The manner in Chinese culture is order to make guests not so nervous. A Chinese round table can usually accommodate about ten or twelve people, and the rest of the seats can be sat in no order. If sitting next to an elderly person or a woman, offer to help them sit down firstly.

In Meal Etiquette

(1)Rice and vegetables can be eat together, but soup class must be the last to drink. If there are a lot of dishes, people can eat them first and then rice, and finally drink soup.

(2)Chopsticks and spoons should be used strictly separately. The spoon is only used for soup. Only use chopsticks when eating noodles, and be sure to turn the spoon over after eating soup.

(3)Don't be picky about food. Don't just eat your favorite dishes, or rush to pile them on your plate. Eat gracefully, without touching your neighbor, without moving your plate to the table, and without spilling the soup. Don't make unnecessary noises.

(4)Don't overdo the dishes when you take them. To eat slowly, this is not only conducive to digestion, but also the table etiquette requirements. You should never cram large chunks into your mouth or gulp them down, as this will give the impression of greed. When the food on the plate is finished, if it is not enough, you can take it again. If the waiter points the dish, it is necessary to add, and then take it when the waiter serves. If you cannot eat or do not like to eat dishes, when the waiter or host dishes, do not refuse, desirable a small amount on the plate, and said "Thank you, it’s enough." Don't show an embarrassed expression when you don't like the dish.

(5)Don't use one bowl before using another, except under very special situation. This is especially not the case when eating at home or out with ladies, because having two bowls means having two families.

(6)Don't tap your bowl with chopsticks and spoon, because beggars do that when they ask for food.

(7)Do not buckle the rice bowl on the table or put chopsticks on the rice. The former is because of sick to eat medicine to buckle the medicine bowl, and the latter is the meaning of sacrifice rice.

(8)Don't eat and talk at the same time. The bones and fish bones in the mouth do not spit on the table—it can be used napkin to cover the mouth, with chopsticks to take out on the plate. Don't eat the food that fell on the table. Don't play with your chopsticks or point them at others during the meal. Don't pick your mouth with your hands. When using a toothpick, cover your mouth with your hand or napkin. Don't let the cutlery make any noise.

(9)Lefty dishes and used tableware toothpick, should be placed on the plate, not on the table.

After Meal Etiquette

(1)After the meal, you can use napkin or tissue to wipe the mouth, but should not wipe the head and neck or chest.

(2)Don't burp uncontrollably after a meal.

(3)The guest is not allowed to leave the table until the host signals the end.

2.Mealetiquette in South Korea

Korean dining etiquette can be divided into three types: pre meal etiquette, in meal etiquette and after meal etiquette.

Pre Meal Etiquette

Washing hands before meals is not only for hygiene, but also for eating with a calm and pious attitude. The towel handed before meals is best used only to wipe hands. Of course, it is also used to wipe face, hair and even armpit, but it looks very unsightly, It's also impolite to others. It's better to put the towel by the table.

In Meal Etiquette

Don't wear a hat when eating, otherwise it means to be poor for life. When sitting with the elderly, the sitting posture should be correct. During the meal, both the guests and the host should sit on their legs. If you should kneel down on the sole of your feet in front of your elders, no matter who you are, you should never stretch or spread your legs, otherwise it will be considered impolite or insulting. Here is the etiquette that should be kept in the process of dining.

(1)When having a meal with the elders, the elders should start eating first, and then the younger ones should start eating later.

(2)Never use both hands to hold chopsticks and spoon at the same time. When using chopsticks, place the spoon on the table and do not make a sound of chopsticks touching end to end.

(3)Don't put chopsticks and spoons on the bowl, don't take up the bowl and eat.

(4)Put proper food in your mouth and don't eat while you're talking.

(5)When drinking kimchi soup, do not pick up the bowl to drink, use a spoon to scoop soup without making noise and to drink slowly. Try not to make a noise while drinking.

(6)Avoid sneezing and coughing, cover it with your hands or a towel, and try not to look messy.

(7)Don't mess around in your meal. Start eating from one side and don't pick and choose with your chopsticks.

(8)The shared food should be put on their own plates for later eating, and the vinegar sauce and chili sauce should also be dipped on the plates.

(9)Don't dip the spoon with rice grain or oil spoon when eating.

(10)When swallowing bones or fishbones, you should avoid others, quietly hold them on paper, and then throw them away. Don't throw them directly on the table or on the ground.

After Meal Etiquette

The youngers can't leave their seats when the elders are still eating. Don't put chopsticks on their rice bowls or tables. They can't put them down until they have finished eating. When they have finished eating, they should say "I've finished eating.".

3.Similarities of mealetiquette between China and South Korea

First of all, both China and South Korea have strict traditional dietary etiquette. Strict etiquette is the reflection of strict hierarchy. When Korean people eat, the elder takes the spoon and chopsticks first, and the younger takes the spoon and chopsticks again. Just as Chinese people abide by the strict seat order, it is a reflection of hierarchy.

Secondly, filial piety is reflected in Chinese and Korean food etiquette. In South Korea, when young people drink in front of their elders, it is the right etiquette to turn around and drink. In China, there is also a saying that "father and son are not at the same table", that is, father and son can not eat at the same table. This is the performance of young people's respect for their elders.

Thirdly, in the book of rites, there is "different seats for men and women at the age of seven", that is, men and women cannot sit together if they are more than seven years old. China and South Korea, as countries advocating Confucianism, attach great importance to this, which is also the embodiment of the different ideas between men and women. And in South Korea, compared with women's table, the quantity and variety of food on men's table are much stronger, which is also the embodiment of the traditional Confucian thought of "men are superior to women".

Finally, ancient China and South Korea both valued cooperation and unity, and despised individuality. Therefore, when eating with others, they should not eat too fast or too slowly. They should keep pace with others, and they should not leave at will. This kind of etiquette shows people the care and care of China and South Korea for others.

4.Differences of mealetiquette between China and South Korea

In China, when eating rice, noodles or soup, one does not eat with one's head lowered, because it is considered a pig to eat with one's head lowered. In Korea, on the contrary, it is considered a beggar to eat with one's head held up, which is not in line with etiquette. Koreans usually use flat pointed chopsticks made of stainless steel. Chinese and Japanese have the habit of eating with the rice bowl in hand, but Koreans regard this behavior as unruly. And don't touch the rice bowl with your mouth. The bowl with a round bottom and lid sits on the table, without a handle for you to hold. And that the heat that the rice transfers to the bowl, it makes sense not to touch it.

As for the bowl lid, you can remove it and place it on the table as you like. Since not carrying the bowl, the left hand must be obedient, must hide under the table. The right hand must first pick up the spoon, from the water pickle filled with a mouthful of soup to drink, then use the spoon to eat a mouthful of rice, and then drink a mouthful of soup, and then eat a mouthful of dinner, you can eat anything at will. This is the order in which Korean people eat.


[1]杜春晓. 跨文化交际下中、韩饮食文化的对比研究[D].郑州大学,2017.





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