
(作者:ChooesyMax时间:2023-07-02 09:15:23)



游客的英文例句: 篇一


People in this shop are mainly tourists.


London is full of tourists in the summer.


The tourists drove northwest.



The tourists are sitting on a sylvan glade.


The tourist complained that the room was too dirty.


The square is bursting with tourists.


A dude ranch charges visitors money to stay and help work on the ranch.


I received considerable acclaim from tourists home and abroad.


Do guides all over the world bring tourists to all kinds of shops in any occasion?

1、Sightseers may be a little overwhelmed by the crowds and noise. 拥挤的人群和喧闹的噪音可能会让游客有些茫然不知所措。

2、Visitors are shown an audio-visual presen-tation before touring the cellars. 参观酒窖前,游客们先观看了有声的视频介绍。

3、Once at Elgin day-trippers visit a number of local sights. 一到达埃尔金,一日游的游客就参观了一些当地的风景名胜。

4、The view of lake and plunging cliffs seduces visitors. 湖光旖旎、峭壁峥嵘,游客们被深深吸引了。

5、It is a part of Britain as yet largely unaccustomed to tourists. 英国的这一块地方还很不为游客所熟悉。

6、They depend on the goodwill of visitors to pick up rubbish. 他们相信游客会自觉捡起垃圾。

7、Signs across the entrances warn all visitors to stub out their cigarettes. 入口处的告示牌提醒游客们熄灭香烟。

8、Like any tourist, I was bowled over by India. 跟所有其他游客一样,我被印度深深吸引了。

9、Tourist numbers from across the pond have dropped dramatically. 来自大西洋彼岸的游客数量已急剧减少。

10、The zoo was budgeting for 850,000 visitors this year. 动物园在编制预算时预计今年游客会达85万。

11、All that the tourists see are the externals of our faith. 游客们看到的只是我们信仰的表面情况。

12、The tourists snigger at the locals' outdated ways and dress. 游客们偷偷地取笑当地人落伍的做法和衣着。

13、Tourists can visit outlying areas like the Napa Valley Wine Country. 游客可以前往像纳帕谷酒乡这样远离城市喧嚣的地方游览。

14、Tourists were scrambling over the rocks looking for the perfect camera angle. 游客们在正爬上岩石寻找最佳的拍摄角度。

15、Padua and Vicenza are prosperous, well-preserved cities, not overrun by tourists. 帕多瓦和维琴察两市商业繁荣,建筑古迹保存良好,也没有蜂拥而至的游客。

16、Students travel the cheap lower deck and tourists the upper. 学生坐廉价的下层舱,游客坐上层舱。

17、Beach users have complained about people walking their dogs on the sand. 海滩上的游客投诉有人在沙滩上遛狗。

18、The Visitor Centre is open daily 8.30 a.m. – 4.30 p.m. 游客中心每日上午8:30至下午4:30开放。

19、She was cheered and clapped by tourists who jostled to see her. 那些拥挤着想见她一面的游客们朝她欢呼鼓掌。

20、Tourists can be vulnerable to scams and con schemes of all kinds. 游客们会很容易陷入各种形形色色的骗局。

大学校园应该对游客开放(中英文对照) 篇二

The university campus should be open to tourists

In fact, there are many royal gardens and parks, all of them obviously better than the scenery in the Universities. Why do you think people prefer visiting here with their children? The atmosphere of famous universities can motivate students visitors to seek more knowledge.That is because it is a dream goal for many Chinese parents and young ambitious students. Besides this, as more tourists come to visit universities, these universities can widen their influence as well and they can also make some profit from the tourism.

some people argued that it is a good thing for the students to visit the famous university campus in that it can enable the middle students to get more information about the university and they can have enough time and opportunity to prepare themselves with the chance to get into the university. The merits of this is obvious. In the first place, Openning the University Campus to Tourists is propitious to enhance our university fame. In the second place, the tourists increase a scenery to visit. The university campus should be open to tourist for visiting well-known university campus always likes to relive their college dreams. Especially the majority of tourists will together with their children. They say let their children visit the well-known university which is an important thing to their children’ future further on broaden children's horizon. On the other hand, University campus should open word is bound to cause all sorts of security lapses, Such as fighting and fire and so on. Everyone want to visit well-known university campus. But we should make something be in order. Then the university could limit the quality of tourists and opening time. Tourists and the university both have a responsibility to make campus's environment wonderful. With the coming of great number of tourists ,universities may obtain a lot of money to renew and modernize teaching buildings,consequently improve the whole campus environment.Second ,middle school students can have a good impression of the universities ,which will set a good definite goal for themselves 。I used to hear a story that one naught boy did not like study at all ,but one day his wise parents brought him to visit peking university ,he has completely overturned by the culture and intellectual ambiance. In my opinion, I think university should be open to public,since it is our government that spend the money on college education. what is more,there are many royal gardens and parks, all of them are obviously better than the scenery in the Universities. Why do you think people prefer visiting here with their children? That is because it is a dream goal for many Chinese parents and young ambitious students. Besides this, as more tourists come to visit universities, these universities can widen their influence. At the same time,school should strengthen the management of campus security and insure that students' learning life will not be affect. In summary: First, the university is open to visitors, not only to ease the tension tourist attractions, but also to satisfy people for scientific, cultural, humanistic spirit of admiration. This is without investing to have good social investment, the country's good. Second, the university as a social welfare agency, the government invested a lot of money, the university can promote economic development and opening up nearby, operating properly, can bring some benefits to the school, both to meet the tourists, but also conducive to the school, can be described as a double-win behavior 。 Third, the university as a cultural organization, both social choice, cultural heritage sites specifically, but also innovation, culture, an important base for radiation. Therefore, the university functions, not only transport technology and talent to the community, it should be spread culture to the community, so bring the whole social and cultural development. Fourth, practice makes perfect, the Open University is not only able to provide the opportunity for students to practice what they have learned, and contact with the community, but also reflects the university inclusive concept, and ultimately to promote social and cultural development, just as China's reform and opening up in1978, we can’t stop the advance because of fear problems, as long as the open, some of the problems will be solved naturally. Fifth, the famous universities should assume their social responsibilities,and in a timely manner show a broad open humanistic care for people. Through scientific management, reasonable ease, visitors also will be able to set a good example, really fall into the hearts of the academic temple, quietly feel charm from knowledge.

Sixth, the Chinese Ministry of Education in 2013, according to statistics, in addition to the military, diplomatic and other institutions, above 90 percent of Chinese university are open to visitors, there is a reasonable, objective data that best describes the problem, so open is the trend, not facts argue.







1) Each candidate gives an opening statement to illustrate your viewpoint clearly. (1 minute each) 2) Two candidates debate on the issue by asking and responding to the opponent for more details. Each candidate should have an adequate background of the positions and arguments that you will be proposing. (5-6minutes) 3) Each candidate gives a final conclusive argument/statement at the end of the debate. (1 minute)

大学校园应不应该向游客开放 篇三



高校,是否有权利将心怀憧憬与敬仰的游客拒之门外? 我校位于上海高校云集的松江大学城,目前是面向社会开放的。松江大学城一共有七所高校,从上海市交通局近年来出具的数据来看,大学城的人流量在全市也居于前列。我们平时坐地铁也可以发现,连接市区与大学城的九号线无论何时总是人群爆满,可以说是上海市轨道交通最为拥挤和繁忙的一条线。其中,不乏慕名而来各个大学参观的游客。





上海海事大学校园及周边中英文对照(仅供参考 篇四


法学院law school 外国语学院college of foreign languages 物流工程学院Logistics Engineering College 商船学院 Merchant Marine College 科研楼research activities building 文理学院school of arts and sciences 海洋材料与工程研究院Marine materials and engineering research institute 信息工程学院college of information engineering 海洋工程环境学院Institute of Marine engineering environment 交通运输学院 College of Transport and communications 经济管理学院School of Economics and Management 图书馆library 教务处office of teaching affairs 学生服务中心Student Services Centre 工程训练中心 Engineering training center 电工电子实验中心Electrical & Electronic Experimental Center 第一教学区The first school districts 第二教学区 第三教学区 邮局post office 海馨楼Hai xin building 海琴楼hai qin building 海联楼 hai lian building 商船男生公寓The boys apartment 学生公寓student dormitory student apartment 罗森超市Rosen supermarket 联华超市Lianhua supermarket 餐馆restaurant 南区体育场The southern district of the stadium 四号门No. 4 gate 大礼堂auditorium 后勤服务中心Logistics Service Center 保卫处security office 校医院school infirmary 共享区shared region 东海the East China Sea 上海海洋大学Shanghai Ocean University 航海博物馆Maritime Museum 滴水湖DiShui Lake 车站station 东海大桥East China Sea Bridge 地铁16号线Shanghai Metro Line 16 地铁站subway station 公交车Bus

游客的英文释义: 篇五

visitor ; tourist ; excursionist ; sightseer ;

[电影]The Tourist

网 络The Tourist;tourist;visitor;tourists

