
(作者:wyg0794时间:2023-07-17 12:13:51)



多云的英文单词是什么样的 篇一

多云的英文单词:broken sky

1、I look into the distance that the rise of the blue sky, the sky is left floating in white clouds, like a broken heart miss a line of one end of kite flying in the clouds, at this very moment my heart is sweet.


2、You are shooting star that traverd the sky, bursting out your pulchritude which made heart broken for a instant; you are a cloud of


3、The strange silence, broken only by the measured dip of the oar and the soft plashing of the water against your cleaving prow, and the occasional hoarse cries of the gondoliers as you pass another of these black, funeral barges; the few and feeble lamps, giving you momentary glimpses of balconies and finely carven arches; the sudden intensification of the silence and the darkness as you abruptly leave the Grand Canal and slip along one of the narrower waterways, always with tall houses on both sides of you, and above you a clear sky of stars, stars reflected tremblingly on the black waters----thousands of tourists must have tried to describe all this, but the magic and the mystery and the beauty of it defy human speech.


4、The strange silence, broken only by the measured dip of the oar and the soft plashing of the water against your cleaving prow, and the occasional hoarsecries of the gondoliers as you pass another of these black, funeral barges; the few and feeble lamps, giving you momentary glimpses of balconies and finely carven arches; the sudden intensification of the silence and the darkness as you abruptly leave the Grand Canal and slip along one of the narrower waterways, always with tall houses on both sides of you, and above you a clear sky of stars, stars reflected tremblingly on the black waters----thousands of tourists must have tried to describe all this, but the magic and the mystery and the beauty of it defy human speech.


有关气候的英语词汇 篇二

狂风 squall

烈风 strong gale

温带气候 temperate climate

雨季 rainy season

狂风 storm

湿润气候 humid climate

雨点 raindrops

暴风 violent storm

温带草原气候 temperate grassy climate

东北信风 northeast trades

飓风 hurricane

热带雨林气候 tropical rainy climate

东南风 southeaster

台风 typhoon

热带海洋气候 tropical marine climate

风级 wind scale

龙卷风 tornado

虹 rainbow

间歇雨 intermittent rain

小雨 light rain

阵雨 shower

冰点 freezing point

雪花 snow flake

中浪 rough seas

西南风 southwester

晴 clear

大浪 very rough seas

冷峰 cold front

顺风 favorable wind

强浪 high seas

低气压 low-pressure

闷热天气 muggy weather

巨浪 very high seas

雨量 rainfall

雹 hail

狂浪 monster waves

东北风 northeaster

多云的英文单词是什么样的 篇三


Among them, 18 to 19 during the day and night, the northern, central, eastern region in turn to heavy rain showers, local heavy rainfall; the western region of small to moderate rain to cloudy, local rain; the southern region to light to moderate rain showers, local heavy rain.


It`s a cloudy day.


It will be from overcast to cloudy today.


I am touched by the prayers of God, the sky became bright浓阴up, even changing to mostly cloudy, cloudy to sunny, blue sky and white clouds appeared, as if opening a mystery, Hubble Alaska glaciers of the show will be perfect in front of us.


Appendix 2 Models, Specifications and Technical Indices ofthe Contract Products


The weather looks dull and cloudy; I think it`s going to rain.


A cloudy day, the celebration of china 50 years birthday was hold in Tian an men plaza. We were playing the Majing while watching the TV live. Then we ate Huoguo in moon and stayed all day in my classmate home in xierqi far away from Tian an men, but we were all excited very much because we were so young that time.

多云的英文单词是什么样的 篇四


英 [kladi] 美 [kladi]

形容词 多云的; 阴天的; 朦胧的; 愁容满面的

1、I braved severely cold to return to be separated by 2, 000 miles morethan 20 years hometowns not to go Time is a severe winter, advancesgradually when the hometown the weather cloudy has been filthy Thecold wind blows in the cabin hum the sound As soon as looks from theloose crack to outside, under the greenish yellow nadir far and nearthe horizontal several Xiao Suo deserted village, is not having someliveliness My heart be out of control dismal to get up!


2、Buddha found that the day is cloudy, Master Miao-sheng thought, if this is the Manjusri sensitivity of living creatures will be fine, I would like immediately after the fine; two lay at that time to take mushrooms, holding back a pile of mushrooms, read Master Miao-sheng said, smoothing the top of mushrooms like a monk's head, the future after the construction of this temple monks have become the first batch of 33, and the number of mushrooms, theyshu liao shu, the hands of three 12 out of a mushroom on the ground, just 32; day a bird flew overhead from the Buddha in Taiwan total of five times between the two pine trees, there are other Baorui with the emergence of the evening they have been five point back to Temple.


3、If you like the one as cloudy


4、The history of wine is a cloudy one, at least before


5、These day-long weather are very good, but is only thought that today is quite good one day, clear extension cloudy - 3℃~7℃。


多云的英文读法 篇五

cloudy英 [ˈklaʊdi]美 [ˈklaʊdi]

多云的词组习语 篇六

partly cloudy


cloudy day


cloudy bay


cloudy agent


多云的英文例句 篇七

1、a grey, cloudy day


2、Only a tiny patch of blue was visible in the cloudy sky.


3、Bob always enjoys sailing, even though the weather is cloudy.

鲍勃总是很喜欢航行, 即使空中乌云密布。

4、It's so cloudy and cold that it's likely to snow.


5、Cloudy sky drove the bathers off the beach.


6、We observed that it had turned cloudy.


7、Cloudy skies grounded planes to Washington.


8、It was cloudy yesterday.


9、This afternoon will be cloudy, turning clear.


10、The prospect for passage of the bill was somewhat cloudy, in view of its evident unconstitutionality.

由于这个议案明显地违反了宪法, 它能否得到通过的前景就有点不明显了。

11、The lime water has turned cloudy, therefore carbon dioxide has been produced during the experiment.

石灰水变得混浊了, 可见在实验中有二氧化碳生成了。

12、It is not uncommon that a sunny morning will turn out to be a cloudy day at this time of the year.


13、Men are subject to sudden changes of fortune as the moon is subject to the changes of being full and crescent, cloudy and clear.

人有旦夕祸福, 月有阴晴圆缺。

14、Outside, it was cloudy and blowing a few flakes of snow.


15、White always mates, he thought with a sort of cloudy mysticism.

白子总将死对方, 他带着一种模模糊糊的神秘感觉这么想。

