
(作者:Luna4289时间:2021-01-15 14:25:04)


一、 非谓语动词(有动词的性质和原义,但无法作动词使用)作主语

1. 不定式和动名词作主语的区别

1) 总的概述:

Ø 不定式作主语——具体的,一次性的

To understandothers is hard.

Ø 动名词作主语——一般的,经常性的

Washing clothes is her daily job.

Ø 分词不能作主语——分词有形/副的作用,但主语只能是带有名词意义的词

2) 具体用法:

Ø 动名词在句型里作主语的运用:

i. It’s no good/ useless/ a waste of time/ a good pleasure + doing sth. (it’s+形容词/形容词性短语+doing)

It’s a waste of time dating you.

ii. It’s + adj. + 动名词

It’s delighted playing.

iii. There was/ is + no + doing

There is no standing still in this life.

2. 非谓语动词的逻辑主语

1) 不定式的逻辑主语

不定式不能作自己的主语,但在意思上仍然有履行该动作的逻辑主语,其逻辑主语前总有“for/ of”的标志。

It’s foolish of you to stay away from your family.

The hardest thing is for him to give up.

She was sent there to be trained as a teacher.

2) 动名词的逻辑主语


Your being curious almost hurt yourself.

3) There be句型

Ø Of there being

He spoke of there being a magnificent ranch.

Ø For / about there to be

It’s easy for there to be a gap between parents and children.

二、 非谓语动词作宾语

1. 动名词作宾语

1) 能接动名词作宾语的动词

Ø 为避免危险-禁止犯罪-若犯,应坦白/承认

escape/ avoid-forbid- confess/ acknowledge/ admit

Ø 男方推迟约会-女方介意,忍耐,原谅-再犯,放弃

put off/delay-mind/tolerate/endure/excuse/pardon/forgive-give up

Ø 提倡的建议-被民众喜欢/感激

advocate/ suggest-enjoy/ appreciate

2) 介词后只能接动名词

Ø Feel like doing sth.

Ø Be/ get used to doing sth.

Ø 其他的都是介词+(in)doing sth.

2. 不定式作宾语

1) 能接不定式为宾语的动词

Ø 往往差生-自愿参军-准备提出申请-等待同意

tend-volunteer-prepare/ offer-agree

Ø 渴望梦想-下定决心-做好计划/打算-尽力/设法去实现

long-determine-plan/ aim-endeavor/manage

Ø 未能拒绝要求-假装(做表面工作)

fail/ refuse/ ask/ claim/ demand-pretend

2) 连词except/ but与不定式

Ø except/but只能与不定式,不能与动名词连用

We have no choicebut to wait.

Ø 但若前有do,则except/but后也只能加do(前后一致)

Iwould do anything for you except to be a commissioner.

3. 能接动名词和不定式作宾语的动词

1) 接动名词/不定式,意思都不变的动词

Ø 喜欢一个人-憎恨麻烦-宁可不追求




Ø 若like/love/hate/prefer前有should/would,则只能接不定式(本来would/should只能接动原,为让步,加带“to”的动原)

Iwould like to have a drink.

2) 接动名词/不定式,会改变本义的动词

Ø 进程改变(to do未完成;doing正在做/做过了)


remember/forget-regret-stop-go on

Ø 意义改变


need-try/ stand-mean/ help

To do人 设法做 不忍心 想要做 帮助

Doing物(主作被) 试着做 忍受 意味着 禁不止

3) 在这些动词这,动名词作宾语,不定式作宾语补足语


permit/ allow-recommend-forbid-advise

Idon’t allow you to go.

My dad doesn’t allow smokingin our family.

三、 非谓语动词作补语(作补充说明,无法删去)

1. 总的概述

1) 分词作补语-现在分词~动作正在进行/状态;过去分词~被动

Iheard someone knocking at the door.(就省去that和was了)

She kept us waiting for 2 hours!

Iheard the song sung.(用歌被唱表示人在唱歌)


Please remind me to take my medicine.

2. 具体规则-能接不定式作补语的动词


1) Want/wish-后加(to be) done

Iwant it finished today.

2) 表示劝请/要求

Ø Teach/ ask/ remind…表示劝请/要求的动词后都可以接sb. to do sth.

Ididn’t ask you to do it for me.

Ø Hope/ agree/ suggest/demand/decide后不可加sb. to do sth.

Hope/ agree/ suggest + that

Demand/ decide + to do

3) 使役动词have/make/let后加不带to的不定式,但在动词为主语的被动语态时可接to do

He makes his son study.

He was made to study.

4) Help后加不加to都无所谓

You got to help me to fix it.

Idon’twant to help you fix it.

四、 非谓语动词作表语

1. 分词作表语(形容词性,非动词)

现在分词-性质:It is exciting.

过去分词-状态:The store is closed.

2. 动名词作表语(经常性的,一般的)

Washing clothes is my daily task.

3. 不定式作表语(一次性的,具体的)


The last thing Iwant to do is (to) arguewith you.

4. 分词、动名词和不定式的否定形式

分词:Not obtaining a ticket for the match

动名词:Not being tall

不定式:Not to be tall

五、 非谓语动词作定语

1. 分词作定语(有潜在的主谓关系)


The racing horse = thehorse is racing


A fallen leaf = a leaf that alreadyfallen.

The buildingcompleted before = the buildingwas completed before.

2. 动名词作定语(用途)

The washing machine= themachineis for washing.

3. 不定式作定语(未完成)

The meeting to be continued is on our top agenda.

六、 非谓语动词作状语

1. 分词与不定式在句中作状语的区别

1) 分词-时间/原因/让步/条件/方式/伴随

Ø 伴随:Iwas sad, wandering alone the river.

Ø 原因:Being a good father, Ineed to work harder.

Ø 条件:Given more time, Icould make it.

2) 不定式-目的/结果/原因

Ø 目的:To satisfymyself, Idecide to have a good meal.

Ø 结果:Iwas too scareto ask him. / The three men tried many times to sneak across the border into the neighboring country, only to be captured by the police each time.

2. 独立结构

1) 分词的独立结构(修饰分句)


The guest having departed, I laid on my bed and fall asleep.

Time permitting, we should stay here a littlebit longer.

Her son lost, she got crazy.

2) 某些不加逻辑主语的分词短语的独立结构(修饰全句)

Ø 总的/严格来说-假设这是判断题-该如何判断是否正确呢

Generally/strictly speaking-provided/providing/suppose/


Ø 谈到未来的职业选择-考虑到我的兴趣-是在关于教育,包括语言方面的-既然是这样,所以我决定考研

talking of-considering/ given-regarding/concerning-including-seeing that

3) 不定式的独立结构

To tell the truth; to be plain with you; to be brief; to be honest; to sum up; to cut a long story short; to say the least; to be sure; to begin with; not to mention; strange to say; needless to say; to conclude


4) There being句型可以使用独立主格结构作原因状语

There being nothingmore for discussion, the meeting ended earlier.

There being no cause for alarm, the old man went back to his room.
