外国名著英语读书笔记 Gone with the wind范文

(作者:lgptfj时间:2018-09-29 09:02:24)

第一篇:Gone with the wind英文读书笔记

the reading notes about <<Gone with the wind>> *about author

mitchell margaret was born in the southern united states in atlanta.<<Gone with the wind>> took her about 10 years to finish this great novel,and the only novel in her life.

*about novle

america civil war was looming(迫在眉睫) in april,1861.scarlett(人名,思嘉) who desired to excel over others was worried about her love.because she heard that ashley(人名,艾希丽)the person she was in love would be going to the wedding with hercousin,melanie(人名,媚兰).scarletts was too sad that she decided to make a bet about torrowow.she expressed her love to ashley at the party,but he is a gentlemanv who never do angthing unethical.an infatuation(痴心) of scarlettswas rejected. angrily is that,

*some scentence i really like

1.home,i will think of some way to get him back.after all,tomorrow is another day!

2.you are throwing away happiness with both hands.and

reading out for something that will never make you happy.

3.maybe god wants us to meet a few wrong people befor meeting the right one,so that when we finally meet the person,we will know how to be greateful.

4.whatever comes,i will love you,just as i do now.until i die.

*some thing about novle

but rhett(人名:瑞德)signed a pledge (许诺誓言) never to reveal scarletts secret. scarlett whose vanity(自尊心) was hurt decided to get married with melanie s brother losing her marbles(失去理智).she wanted to revenge ashley。after marrige, both charlie and ashley went to the front and fight. charlie died of an illness two month ago and 16-year-old scarlett became a widow.

at the beginning of the war,slace owners were too arrogant(自大的) to never face the strenghth of enemy. however, rhett realized the failure of the southern troop. rhett was always persistent(执着) and atached to the persuit of love, because scarletts attractive appearence and stubborn personality.scarlett could not bear loneliness, so

she not object to associate with rhett. with the moral conservative surrounding(在保守的道德环境下),their action arouse dissatisfaction around them.scarlett found they have a lot in common, she was attracted to him incoluntary(不由自主的).when ashley came home om chirsmas day ,scarlett was still loved him.

the civil was going on ,lincoln s emancipation proclamation got people s widely support.the sorth would be defeated within a short time run away.everyone else was jittery(人心惶惶),atlanta is not safe .at this time melanie s giving birth was coming.to keep the promise of ashley,scarlett decide to stay with melanie to help her , melanie who had a difficult labour is endangerous.in desperation(迫于无奈),scarlett delivered her baby without experience.atlanta became an dangerous city, arsenal zre risk of explosion would happen at anytime.scalett believed the moment that she teached tara ,she would put down the burden(负担)。

many big manors was destroied ,tara was lucky to survived.her father did not accept the truth and was mad.

innocent sisters and servants neither help her ,nor bring more burden.manor was poor, all the family was lost in hurgry scare. scarlett promised that she prefer to steal or kill,rather than let the family hungry.she try her best to manage the family.athough the life was hard ,the job was heavy.the different experience turn a caprice(任性) girl into a independent women. one day,a desertion(逃兵) broke into manor,scarlett shot him to died.

it is spring in 1865, ended up with the victory of the north. ashley came home,but post-war reconstruction period is hard and cruel.father angered by high property taxes,when he was riding horse catght villains, he fell off and died. scarlett met the wall(遇到了绝境),she wanted to run away with ashley.but she was refused. later on ,she heared about rhett was rich and decided to give up dignith(放弃尊严) to rhett for help.when wore the dress which is transformed from curtain,she was teased.on the way from the prison,she met frank who just had a sum of money.scarlett displayed the method(施展手段) and let him marry with her.as long as keep tara,she did not care others opinions.

after wedding,scarlett opened a wood factory.under her elaboration(苦心经营 ),the business was thriving(兴旺).during the period,there were terrorist activities in the south,frank was killed by terrorist. rhett proposed to her and she agreed to.rhett said he could not look at her marry the man she do not love.in order to his moneny,they married.it caused a sensation.(引起轩然大波)

scarlett gave him a daughter,but she deeply infatuated with(深深迷恋着) ashley.it is ashley s birthday,they remembered the past and hugged .unfortunately,someone came across. melanie rose up (挺身而出)and protect them.tragedy struck again(悲剧再次降临),their daughter was died by hiding horse.scarlett finally understood that ashley who did nothing(attempt and accomplish nothing无所作为) is far from her mr. right(远非她的意中人),rhett only suitable for herself.she realized she really in love with rhett,and she vindicated(表白) to him。but rhett was losing his heart.(心灰意冷)

rhett was Gone,but scarlett was not depressed.she decided to go back tara to start a new life.because tomorrow

is another day!

第二篇:Gone with the wind 乱世佳人读书笔记(自己写的)

the report on Gone with the wind

Gone with the wind, an american novel by margaret mitchell published in 1936 and won the pulitzer prize in 1937. the novel is one of the most popular of all time, and an american film adaptation of the same name released in 1939 became the highest-grossing film in the history of hollywood and received a record-breaking number of academy awards.

mitchell's work relates the story of a rebellious georgia woman named scarlett o'hara and her travails with friends, family and lovers in the midst of the antebellum south, the american civil war, and the reconstruction period. it also tells the story of the love that blossom between scarlett o'hara and rhett butler.

introduction of the author

margaret mitchell was born in atlanta. her mother, maybelle mitchell, was a suffragist and father, eugene mitchell, a prominent lawyer and president of the atlanta historical society. mitchell grew up listening to stories about old atlanta, and the battles the confederate army had fought there during the american civil war. at the age of fifteen, she wrote in her journal: "if i were a boy, i would try for west point, if i could make it, or well i'd be a prize fighter – anything for the thrills." mitchell graduated from the local washington seminary and started to study medicine at smith college in 1918. she had adopted her mother's feminist leanings, which clashed with her father's conservatism – in the new surroundings, she lived fully the jazz age.

when mitchell's mother died in 1919, she returned to home to keep house for her father and brother. in 1922, she married berrien "red" upshaw. the disastrous marriage was climaxed by spousal rape and was annulled 1924. mitchell launched her career as a journalist under the name peggy mitchell, writing articles, interviews, sketches, and book reviews for the atlanta journal. four years later, she resigned after an ankle injury. her second husband, john robert marsh, an advertising manager, encouraged mitchell in her writing aspirations. from 1926 to 1929, she wrote Gone with the wind. the outcome, a thousand page novel, was published by the macmillan publishing company in 1936. the retail(零售) price of the book was $3.00.

plot summary

scarlett o'hara is the belle of the county and knows it. she participates in a seemingly endless round of parties, dances and barbecues, always surrounded by boys with whom she appears to be playing an elaborate game. she receives the first shock of her young life when ashley wilkes, son of a neighboring plantation owner, announces his engagement to his cousin melanie hamilton. when she cannot convince ashley to change his plan, she quickly throws herself at charles hamilton who is shocked and thrilled to think that she would even consider him. her plans are further disrupted when war breaks out, taking the young men away as soldiers, and charles is among the first to die. she spends several years in atlanta where she tries to enjoy life in her own way in spite of the disapproval of other women of her class.

her life is further complicated by the presence of rhett butler who is known to be a privateer and opportunist and is "not received" in his own hometown of savannah. scarlett admits that she is fond of rhett, but his candor and frank observations of her character infuriate her whenever he is near. during the siege of atlanta, she flees home to tara along with her sister-in-law, melanie, and the newborn baby beau. there she learns to survive unspeakable hardships from work in the fields to shooting a yankee soldier in defense of her home.

just when scarlett thinks the war is over and she can finally put tara to rights, a major crisis comes in the form of new taxes-levied deliberately by the new government administrators and scalawags to try to take tara away from her.

she returns to atlanta, hoping to trick rhett into marrying her so she will have access to his money. when this fails, she steals her sister's fiancé, who happens to have a store and a little money saved toward his wedding. she marries him and takes his savings to pay her taxes. two weeks after the wedding, she borrows money from rhett to buy a lumber mill. she manages the mill herself and runs sharp bargains with her lumber, stealing customers from other lumber mills and preying on the sympathies of yankees to sell her own. as the political climate in atlanta worsens, scarlett's careless behavior turns the people even more solidly against her. finally, expectations are fulfilled and scarlett is attacked. the ku klux klan, of which nearly all the men are a part, pursues vengeance on her behalf and her second husband, frank is killed.

scarlett finally marries rhett who believes he can't get her any other way, and the two have a tempestuous marriage in which scarlett often fantasizes that rhett is ashley. any chance of salvaging a relationship with rhett is lost when

their four-year old bonnie dies in a fall from her pony. when melanie dies, leaving scarlett virtually friendless, and then rhett leaves her, she returns again to tara. the only thing she still has, and "tomorrow is another day."

characters analysis

scarlett o’hara

she is the main character of the novel. she is the daughter of gerald and ellen o'hara and is accustomed to getting her own way, whether with clothes or boys. she surrounds herself with young men, flirting mercilessly and is not above stealing the beaux of other girls. she is willful, conniving, and yet far more intelligent than well-bred girls are supposed to be.

ashley wilkes

husband to melanie hamilton and object of scarlett's life-long fantasy. he is a true member of the old south who feels unable to cope with the new world.

melanie hamilton

wife to ashley wilkes and sister-in-law to scarlett. described by rhett as the only truly kind person he has ever known. unable to believe anything bad about people she loves.

rhett butler

scarlett's lifelong antagonist who is in love with her from the moment he sees her. he is an opportunist willing to take advantage of any situation, but not without kindness or generosity under the right conditions.


scarlett's childhood nurse and life-long servant and companion. mammy understands scarlett better than scarlett understands herself and is remarkably intuitive, but also protective and motherly.


the mood of this novel is very sympathetic toward the south and the old customs, but avoids sentimentality. the narrator objectively acknowledges the changes brought by the war and the need to accept and live with change. although she creates scarlett as a rather unlovable character, a reader soon develops a love/hate sensation toward her. the historical passages are presented as objective and factual which makes them seem more accurate than they are at times.

with its richly detailed evocation of a former age, its narrative engagement, its compelling portrait of the archetypal human instinct for survival, and its reflection of the contrariness of romantic dreams, Gone with the wind continues to capture entertain, excite, and sometimes exasperate readers. as well as being a gripping novel of epic proportions, it is valuable as a historical document—though one that must be carefully read. a vivid record of a segment of life in the nineteenth-century south, the novel is also the record of a twentieth-century sensibility's engagement with the region's past.

mitchell's work broke sales records, its scope and vision was compared with tolstoy's war and peace, the new yorker praised it, and the poet and critic john crowe ransom admired "the architectural persistence behind the big work", but criticized it as overly southern, particularly in its treatment of reconstruction. malcolm cowley's disdain in his review originated partly from the view, that mitchell had written a bestseller. john peale bishop dismissed it as merely "one more of those 1000 page novels, competent but neither very good nor very sound." not surprisingly, Gone with the wind was awarded the pulitzer prize in 1937.

major themes

fantasy versus reality

loss and change


第三篇:Gone with the wind

Gone with the wind

atlantan margaret mitchell's 1936 novel of the civil war and reconstruction in georgia, Gone with the wind, occupies an important place in any history of twentieth-century american literature. dismissed by most academic literary critics for being uneven, flawed, and conventionally written in an age marked by literary experimentation, and attacked by some cultural commentators as promulgating racist myths and undermining the very foundations of its basically feminist paradigm, the best-selling novel of the twentieth century continues to withstand its detractors.

scarlett is a woman who can deal with a nation at war , atlanta burning , the union army carrying off everything from her beloved tara , the carpetbaggers who arrive after the war . scarlett is beautiful. but ashley, the man she has wanted for so long , is going to marry his placid cousin.mammy warns scarlett to behave herself at the party at twelve oaks. there is a new man there that day, the day the civil war begins. scarlett does not know he is in the room when she pleads with ashley to choose her instead of melanie.

with its richly detailed evocation of a former age, its narrative engagement, its compelling portrait of the archetypal human instinct for survival, and its reflection of the contrariness of romantic dreams, Gone with the wind continues to capture entertain, excite, and sometimes exasperate readers. as well as being a gripping novel of epic proportions, it is valuable as a historical document—though one that must be carefully read. a vivid record of a segment of life in the nineteenth-century south, the novel is also the record of a twentieth-century sensibility's engagement with the region's past.

第四篇:Gone with the wind

book report of Gone with the wind

background of the noveland about the author:

Gone with the wind is written by margret mitchell. margaret mitchell was an american author who won the pulitzer prize in 1937 for her novel Gone with the wind and she only wrote this one book in her entire life. Gone with the wind is one of the most famous romantic novels. the novel is set in the time of the american civil war, from 1861 to 1865 when the southern plantation owners fought against the northern yankees for the right to own slaves

main characters in the novel

the main characters in the story are melanie, ashley, scarlett, and rhett. kind, sympathetic, lovable woman. she loved everyone, and everyone loved her back. though she is weak outside, inside her is a glow that is very powerful. was weak, i mean weak both inside and outside, so he needed melanie to help him through things. althoughat the beginning of the novel, he behaved like a gentleman. he was full of knowledge, he may be read lots of books, but he was short of some spirits, like courage, boldness, flexibility.

as far as , not every people loved her. indeed her character is very imcompatible. to some extent, she was hopelessly selfish, vain, deluded and foolish, but she was also an extremely active, loyal and strong character who can be relied upon to say and do just exactly what she thinks, regardless of the impact on other people. —his humor, wisdom, and his patience to scarlett. he devoted himself to scarlett. no matter how badly scarlett treated him, he was always lenient.

he wanted to take care of her and give her everything she wanted and he wanted scarlett happy. he was full of patience when he faced scarlett. however, scarlett refused all his love and ruined all the thing, and hurt him so much.

summary of the article

there are four main characters in the novel, all introduced very early on of whom. scarlett o?hara is a spoilt society beauty with “bristling black eyelashes” the storyline centresaroundscarlett?s life at the time of the civil war and the other characters which interact with her.

the book starts with the heroine of the piece, 17 year old miss scarlett o?hara flirting to the best of her capacity with the handsome tarleton twins on the porch of tara. throughout the novel scarlett makes some appalling decisions, such as marrying the shy, nervous charles hamilton (melanie?s brother) for spite because ashley dared to marry melanie. matters are made even worse when charles dies while at war, and scarlett is doomed to years of widowhood, wearing black and no dancing. worse than this even, she is pregnant with her first child, a fact she despises. however, scarlett is not one to be held down for long and she quickly rebels against the constraints the society imposes by both dancing and wearing brightly coloured clothing (at rhett?s impetus) while still in mourning

第五篇:Gone with the wind

Gone with the wind

class 119name 王小男

tow years ago, i just have heart the famous words: “tomorrow is another day.” which story be told by my english teacher almost everyday. at that moment, i know nothing about it. but i’m curious why it gains so high praise in the literature history. when i read the book, to be frank, it deserves all the praise.

Gone with the wind, is an american romantic novel written by margaret mitchell. as we all know, novel understand is based on the civil war which happended in the united states. i have to say, i’m greatly impressed by the characters, there are some opinion of my own about it.

the heroine, scarlett, i can’t help sighing for her fool on love and admiring her brave in life. she inherits the strong will of her irish father gerald o’hara and has a warm-heart mother, who form a good , well-respected family. she is a person has different characters, simple and also complex.ⅰ.before the war

she is just a beautiful, stubborn, proud princess. there are many young men around her, her world is filled with dance and party. she is silly and innocent on love, if i may say so. first, she marry hamilton charles without thinking. maybe she loves tow men in her life, but she doesn’t know which is her mr.right. if she knows, she won’t love ashley by one side; if she understands, she won’t lose rhett.she just like a little girl, her wishful thinking to love ashley, willing to do anything for him until she discover that what she loves is the ashley in her imagination. we all fell pity about the not happy ending, but we should know there is no real perfect in the world. and do not think others to hello for granted, learn to cherish will gain happiness.

ⅱ.during the war

war changed all people’s life, include her. form the inside, she is a bull-headed, brave girl. in the hardship, she shoulders the burdens of the family and friends. she doesn’t leave melanie alone in the war, no matter how much dislike her. returned the ruined home, she lay down to work like farm warker, picking cotton and plowing, just for keep food in mouths. to protect family and tara, she even killed a northerner. later, she doesn’t care about rhett’s insultion, abased herself to get funds to pay the taxes. finally, she married her sister’s beau by cunning trick. all the thing she has done is for tara, her only home. she said: “i can’t let tara go, i can’t let it go while there is a breath left in my body.” she is so brave that always keeps struggling with life. even when she get rid of hungry, she disregards the community to creat her own business---mill. it is not be allowed in that time. i think the modern lady should live indepently like her, don’t relay on anybody.

you know, scarlett isn’t a angle at all. when her husband died in war, she isn’t heart-broken, and also dance with others. she seized her sister’s beau, and made frank miserable, kill him

indirectly. she uses convicts, which achieves high diversion at low cost. she builds new house to show off, want everybody who is been mean to her to be pea green with envy. in children’s eyes, she is a bad temped mother. she is so bad that i tend to hate her. but i’m not.

here some words in novel:

“as god is my witness, they’re not going to lick me. i’m going to live though this, and when it’s all over, i’ll never be hungry again, on, nor any of my folk. if i have to lie, steal, cheat or kill. as god is my witness, i’ll never be hungry again.” form the words, we can fell her strong will for survival, and you will forgive her. in fact, she is such a contradictory, let people love and make person hate.

ⅲ.conclusion of her

in the ending, there is a famous words: “ tomorrow is another day.” many people think it indication scarlett make up with rhett. i don’t agree completely. as the old saying : only when people lose something they come to know how much precious it is. when rhett Gone, scarlett realize that she is throwing away happiness with both hands. i think this words stand for a new life, a new start to pursue her happiness with a clear purpose. it’s almost never too late to do what you want to do, on some scale, the key is to move farward, to make changes. as we all know, tomorrow is another day!

the another in book that i admire is melanie, she is be soft inside despite one is hard shell. “she is a handful of expensive madam that i has seen.” rhett said. she is strong and patriotic, she uses her heart love nearby all people. she is always thinking others instead so herself. when her husband fight in war, she is saying nothing but to wait. when she and scarlett back home, she does housework hard even though in poor health. after killing the northerner, she did not out of control, but help to bury the corpse, searching the money, eiping the blood stain. i remember one sence: the war finally ends, north guy soldier who she hate before arrives at her home to look for food, she give him food without hesitate. she hopes her husband will be helped like what she is doing now. although she is in poor condition. one more thing, when the night the soldier guard outside their room, she behaved calmly. she reads book for everyone, i don’t know what was in her mind at that rough time, she makes me shocked. she loves scarlett, and trusts her. she chooses to believe her when the rumor rises. she is just like a saint in the book. but she died, for insist on give birth to a baby. looking at her, i can’t help the women in ancient times. they work hard in spite of criticism, assist husband and bring up children. then silent died, leaves people missed them forever.

rhett, scarlett described him as this: “you’re a conceited, black-hearted varmint people. not a gentlemen.” on the contrary, i think he is a charming men, who is brave, since and righteous .in many times, he seems immoral. he should not invite scarlett to dance at a donating party. it’s a rude

behavior to a widow. but he did , he don’t care about the boring rules. he is sincere exactly. he said he isn’t neither noble nor heroic, he just believe in rhett butler. he does everything for profit. it sounds selfish and unpatriotic, isn’t it?but in my oponion , hypocrite more terrible than true villain. what’s more, i’m admiring the writer’s skill. the plot rise and falls, beyond imagination. at the last moment, rhett joins army, because he will be ashamed of losing causes. form his inside, to be frank ,he is a hero .

now, it’s time for his emotion world. rhett loves scarlett deeply. everything he has done for scarlett makes me moved.

during the war, he risk his life to take scarlett and melannie away form atlanta;

after the war, he keeps her company when she drives alone through shantytown ;

after they married, he makes tara as fine as a plantation as it ever was whatever it costs; there are too many examples to list, in a word, he will do anything as long as scarlett needs. even he knows clearly that scalett loves ashley, she is a selfish and shrewd women, marry him for money. but he accepts all. in reality, we have seen a boy or girl fall in love with another because the good things they show, separate in the end since they find the other’s weakness. he loves scarlett beyond everything, no matter she is mean. when scarlett said she doesn’t want any baby, rhett gives his whole love to bonnie, their daughter, the first person who is ever completely belong to him. he pets her, spoil her, just regards bannie as little scarlett. in oder to helping daughter gain well respect , he do everything he can do. when bonnie cried in the darkness, he fire the people with angry. in the end, bonnie died. his heart, died too. he choose to leave.

i think he is tired or running after scarlett so long time, he said he wants peace. remind me of a word: “active long will be very tired, care about for a long time will crash.” writer leaves room for us to imagine they make up or not. it’s hard to say. everyone has own ideas. but i think the ending is not important any more. if they do, it’s a happy ending; if they don’t, we can reguard it as a story which about the tragedy of love, the growth of comedy. the important is learn something form it.

every time to read classics, is a spiritual journey. in the journey, i learn a lot form it, about the war, in particular, about the growth, about the love. there is more books which is worthy to read, just like Gone with the wind, also flashing a bright light in the history of literature.

looking forward to the nest trip, expect more surprise and harvest.

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