英语名著读书笔记 Les Miserables范文

(作者:mnnana时间:2021-07-04 05:00:53)

第一篇:Les miserabLes

Les miserabLes

(the city is always been in dark, because the sun has never raised up. kids laugh at night, they laugh at the busy people who sleep at midnight)

“sh! it’s time to go!” a kid looked at the date book, and said in a low voice.

“it doesn’t matter, they have been asleep, and can’t hear us. but do you sure?” the other kid seemed nervous.

“linda! are you feared?! if so, you can go to bed now, forget where i am going! or follow me! ” mark said strongly.

mark and linda were twins, and they were bored in a remote village. they have lived there, and grown there for 14 years.

“i will follow you, but let me smell the soil one more time.” as the words, linda knelt down and hold the soil which was still warm. the wind which came from the deep of the woods was very frigid. it was blewing the autume leaves crazily and blewing the girl’s heart crazily.

but it’s time to go, to find their parents who had been gone for all the 13 years after giving birth to them.

they started their trip to the city where their parents had gone without waking up anyone.

“we have to take off at next station, let’s pick up luggag and get ready.” mark said on the chair on the train.

“oh! that must be the greatest news that i have heared in my life!”

after took off, they stood on the surface and didn’t know where to go. at the moment, they saw two persons walking toword them, a man and a woman.. “guys! are you new in this city?” the man asked.

“how do you know that?” linda asked without answering.

“because that’s our job, we are the guides here from the city’s government, could we help you?” the woman said.

“there is nothing as a free lunch, what should we pay for you?” linda asked. “nothing.” the woman said.

“that is so good!” mark shot excited.


“that can’t be better!” the woman broke linda’s words.

“well, it will only bother you.” linda said after a short thinking.

“ah, it’s my pleasure! my name is anna, he is cosmo.” the woman said.

“i am alice, this is my brother, james.” alice made up the new names for them. “ok, james and alice, nice to meet you.” anna said with a big smile.

“me, too.”

“well, could you tell us where you are going?”

“we are looking for the police staion.” linda said quikly.

“police station?”

“yes, we are looking for our……”

“damn! we just want to finish some formalities.” mark was broken by his sister. “oh! that sounds easily. let’s go there just 5 minutes walk from the station.” anna said, also with a big smile, but mark voted to his sister’s eyes to a query, and linda back to a “nothing” to her brother’s eyes.

just when they looked at each other, the man was going away.

“where is he going?” mark asked.

“he still has some work, don’t be care of that, let’s go on!” the woman explained. “ah ha! let’s go on!” mark echoed.

after 5 minutes, they arrived in front of a door which was read ,”east gate station, shanghai public security bureau” .

“here we are!” anna announced. “go to work, and i will wait for you here.” “thank you.” linda said confused and seriously.


第二篇:Les miserabLes

Les miserabLes

the novel basic plot is ran a rang pitiful life history. he originally is one poor family background worker, because the income insufficient family member gets by, by one time stole the bread is arrested is put in prison. in the passed 19 years firm prison and the bitter service life. the punishment completely after also has the larceny behavior, but benevolent bishop in the rice the sorrowful influence, the transformation is one shed oneself manner person. he uses an alias is madland, works as the entrepreneur, and is pushed for mayor. but soon and further because exposed the status is arrested is put in prison, after escapes rescues the deceased female worker fantin's daughter cosette match from one bastard hand special, went to paris. the ran a rang entire life fills is imprisoned the pain which the bitter service and drifts about destitute, this is the novel main clue.

" Les miserabLes " is the work which one realism and the romanticism unifies, the very many chapters glitter the realism glory, such as , in 1832 paris's street barricade war all wrote is quite real. but the romanticism technique quite was also obvious in the plot arrangement, writes the many extraordinary events. if ran a rang lets lie down is lifted in the coffin the monastery, he rescues from the street barricade marilius, all is strange, molds, environment description, symbolic and contrast technique aspect and so on utilization in the character image, also manifests the romanticism the characteristic

第三篇:影评on Les miserabLes 2

on Les miserabLes

the famous musical Les miserabLes is directed by tom hooper, who once gained the academy award for directing. it is based on the book of the same name by hugo, a master of literature.

i showed no interest in the musicals in the past, but Les miserabLes really touched me. even, i can feel what the roLes are feeling in the musical. it has the charm that one can concentrate on the development of the plot without any distraction. in a addition, the songs in the musical are fairly touching and full of affection, such as i dreamed a dream, castle on a cloud, empty chairs and empty tabLes, do you hear the people sing and so on.

among these songs, i love the i dreamed a dream especially. the interpretation of this song, in my opinion, is the most touching part of this musical. in the performance, i can hear not only sadness, pain but also the desperation.

i love the musical. at the same time, i show great respect for the actors. it is unbelievable that they are all non-professional with practicing hard for nine months. therefore, it is an excellent work, which is worth watching,

第四篇:Les miserabLes 英文电影剧本词汇篇vocabularies

Les miserabLes vocabularies


convict :a person who has been found guilty of a crime and sent to prison: monsieur: (french) sir 2.

parole: permission that is given to a prisoner to leave prison before the end of their sentence on condition that


behave well: 3. swine: an unpleasant person


knapsack: (old-fashioned or name)





bishop: a senior priest in charge of the work of the church in a city or district 6.

ransom: to pay money to sb so that they will set free the person that they are keeping as a prisoner: 7.

inspector: an officer of middle rank in the police force 8.




responsible for an area of local government in some countries, for example france, italy and japan 9.

rampant: (of sth bad) existing



everywhere in a way that cannot be controlled 10. filthy: 1.very dirty and

unpleasant: 2.very rude and offensive and usually connected with sex: 11. eccentric: considered by





strange or unusual12. hermit: a person who,




reasons, lives a very simple life alone and does not meet or talk to other people.

13. good riddance: an unkind

way of saying that you are pleased that sb/sth has gone:

14. dismissal: the act of

dismissing sb from their job

15. conceal: conceal sb/sth

(from sb/sth) (formal) to hide sb/sth:

16. innocent: not guilty of a

crime, etc.; not having done sth wrong

17. bastard: a person whose

parents were not married to each other when he or she was born

18. endow: to give a large

sum of money to a school, a college or another institution to provide it with an income

19. leverage: the ability to

influence what people do:diplomatic leverage 20. rib: any of the curved

bones that are connected to the spine and surround the chest:

21. kneecap: the small bone

that covers the front of the knee 22. caretaker:



whose job is to take care of a building such as a school or a block of flats or an apartment building 23. neglect: to not give

enough attention to sth 24. a clean slate: a record of

your work or behaviour that does not show any mistakes or bad things that you have done:25. prostitute: a person who

has sex for money 26. census: the process of

officially counting sth, especially a country’s population, and recording various facts27. denounce:


sb/sth (as sth) to strongly criticize sb/sth that you think is wrong, illegal, etc.: deprave: [vn] (formal) to make sb morally bad in my view this book would deprave young children.28. discreetly: careful in what

you say or do, in order to keep sth secret or to avoid


embarrassment or

difficulty for sb

29. hideous : very ugly or


30. sergeant: a police officer

just below the rank of an inspector 31. imprisonment:


passive] to put sb in a prison or another place

from which they cannot escape 32. exaggerate:



make sth seem larger, better, worse or more important than it really is:33. resent: verb, to feel

bitter or angry about sth, especially because you feel it is unfair:

34. slander: a false spoken

statement intended to damage the good opinion people have of sb; the legal offence of making this kind of statement:35. tramp: a person with no

home or job who travels from place to place, usually asking people in the street for food or money

36. snitch: snitch (on sb) (to

sb) (informal, disapproving) to tell a parent,



about sth wrong that another child has done37. scrape: to remove sth

from a surface by moving sth sharp and hard like a knife across it:

38. devious: behaving in a

dishonest or indirect way, or tricking people, in order to get sth

39. wretch: 1.a person that

you feel sympathy or pity for:

a poor wretch 2.(often humorous) an


unpleasant or annoying


40. rein: a long narrow

leather band that is fastened around a horse’s neck and is held by the rider in order to control the horse

41. aristocracy: people born

in the highest social class, who have special titLes42. guillotine: a machine,

originally from france, for cutting people’s heads off. it has a heavy blade that slides down a wooden frame.

43. orphan: a child whose

parents are dead44. suffrage: [u] the right to

vote in political elections: universal suffrage (= the right of all adults to vote) ? women’s suffrage 45. pathetic: making you feel

pity or sadness

46. disillusion: to destroy sb’s

belief in or good opinion of sb/sth:

i hate to disillusion you, but not everyone is as honest as you.

47. infiltrate: 1infiltrate (sb)

(into sth) to enter or make sb enter a place or an organization


especially in order to get information that can be used against it:

48. anarchist: a person who

believes that laws and governments are



49. seduce: 1.to persuade sb

to have sex with you, especially sb who is younger or who has Less

experience than you. 2,seduce



sth / into doing sth) to persuade sb to do sth that they would not usually agree to do by making it seem very attractive 50. outnumber: to be greater

in number than sb/sth: 51. troop: soldiers, especially

in large groups

52. reinforce: to send more

people or equipment in order to make an army, etc. stronger53. barricade:




objects placed across a road, etc. to stop people from getting past:54. surrender:


(yourself) (to sb) to admit that you have been defeated and want to stop fighting; to allow yourself to

be caught,


prisoner, etc.

55. firing squad: a group of

soldiers who are ordered to shoot and kill sb who is found guilty of a crime: 56. amnesty:

an official statement



people who have been put in prison for crimes against the state to go free

57. memo: an official note





another in the same organization

58. quarry: a place where

large amounts of stone, etc. are dug out of the ground

第五篇:book review of the Les miserabLes

book review of the Les miserabLes

Les miserabLes is a french historical novel by victor hugo, first published in 1862, that is considered one of the greatest novels of the 19th century. beginning in 1815 and culminating in the 1832 june rebellion in paris, the novel follows the lives and interactions of several characters, focusing on the struggLes of ex-convict jean valjean and his experience of redemption.

examining the nature of law and grace, the novel elaborates upon the history of france, the architecture and urban design of paris, politics, moral philosophy, antimonarchism, justice, religion, and the types and nature of romantic and familial love. Les misérabLes has been popularized through numerous adaptations for the stage, television, and film, including a musical a musical and a film adaptation film of that musical.

the appearance of the novel was a highly anticipated event, as victor hugo enjoyed a reputation as one of france's foremost poets in the middle of the nineteenth century. the new york times announced its forthcoming publication as early as april 1860. hugo forbade his publishers from summarizing his story and refused to authorize the publication of excerpts in advance of publication. he instructed them to build on his earlier success and suggested this approach: "what victor h. did for the gothic world in notre-dame of paris, he accomplishes for the modern world inLes miserabLes". a massive advertising campaign preceded the release of the first two volumes of Les misérablein brussels on 30 or 31 march and in paris on 3 april 1862. the remaining volumes appeared on 15 may 1862. critical reactions were wide-ranging and often negative. some critics found the subject matter immoral, others complained of its excessive sentimentality, and others were disquieted by its apparent sympathy with the revolutionaries. l. gauthier wrote in le monde of 17 august 1862: "one cannot read without an unconquerable disgust all the details monsieur hugo gives regarding the successful planning of riots. flanbert found "neither truth nor greatness" in it. he complained that the characters were crude stereotypes who all "speak very well – but all in the same way". he deemed it an "infantile" effort and brought an end to hugo's career like "the fall of a god".in a newspaper review, charLes baudelaire charLes praised hugo's success in focusing public attention on social problems, though he believed that such propaganda was the opposite of art. in private he castigated it as "tasteLess and inept".

the novel basic plot is jean valjean pitiful life history. he originally is one poor family background worker, because the income insufficient family member gets by, by one time stole the bread is arrested is put in prison. passed 19 years firm prison and the bitter service life. the punishment completely after also has the larceny behavior, but benevolent bishop in the rice the sorrowful influence, the transformation is one shed oneself manner person. he uses an alias is madland, works as the entrepreneur, and is pushed for mayor. but soon and further because exposed the status is arrested is put in prison, after escapes rescues the deceased female worker fantin's daughter cosette match from one bastard hand special, went to paris. after again unceasingly encountered police's pursuit. the jean valjean entire life fills is imprisoned the pain

which the bitter service and drifts about destitute, this is the novel main clue.

as the novel said, “man has upon him his fLesh, which is at once his burden and his temptation. he drags it with him and yields to it. he must watch it, cheek it, repress it, and obey it only at the last extremity. there may be some fault even in this obedience; but the fault thus committed is venial; it is a fall, but a fall on the knees which may terminate in prayer. ” to be a saint is the exception; to be an upright man is the rule. err, fall, sin if you will, but be upright. the least possible sin is the law of man. no sin at all is the dream of the angle. all which is terrestrial is subject to sin. sin is a gravitation. jean valjean had entered the galleys sobbing and shuddering; he emerged impassive. he had entered in despair; he emerged gloomy. what had taken place in that soul? let us try to say it. it is necessary that society should look at these things, because it is itself which creates them.

he was, as we have said, an ignorant man, but he was not a fool. the light of nature was ignited in him. unhappiness, which also possesses a clearness of vision of its own, augmented the small amount of daylight which existed in this mind. beneath the cudgel, beneath the chain, in the cell, in hardship, beneath the burning sun of the galleys, upon the plank bed of the convict, he withdrew into his own consciousness and meditated.

all these things, realities full of specters, phantasmagorias full of realities, had eventually created for him a sort of interior state which is almost indescribable. it will be perceived that it was not without reason that jean valjean’s passport described him as a very dangerous man. from year to year this soul had dried away slowly, but with fatal sureness. when the heart is dry, the eye is dry. on his departure from the galleys it had been nineteen years since he had shed a tear.

in the chapter 4, that day was composed of dawn, from one end to the other. all nature seemed to be having a holiday, and to be laughing. the flower-beds of saint-cloud perfumed the air; the breath of the seine rustled the leaves vaguely; the branches gesticulated in the wind, bees pillaged the jasmines; a whole bohemia of butterflies swooped dawn upon the yarrow, the clover, and the sterile oats; in the august park of the king of france there was a pack of vagabonds, the birds. it is very beautiful.

in the end, cosette and marius fell on their knees, in despair, suffocating with tears, each beneath ones of jean valjean’s hands. those august hands no longer moved. he had fallen backwards, the light of the candLes illuminated him. his was dead. the night was starLess and extremely dark. no doubt, in the gloom, some immense angle stood erect with wings outspread, awaiting that soul.only, many years ago, a hand wrote upon it in pencil these four lines, which have become gradually illegible beneath the rain and the dust, and which are, to-day, probably effaced:

he sleeps. although his fate was very strange, he lived. he died when he had no longer his angle. the thing came to pass simply, of itself, as the night comes when day is gone.


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