外国名著英语读书笔记 Wuthering Heights范文

(作者:xuj79_nancj时间:2018-10-02 05:03:02)

第一篇:Wuthering Heights

my feelings after reading Wuthering Heights

第二篇:Wuthering Heights

oldearnshawadoptsan orphan and named himheathcliff and loveshim very much.hindley is jealous of him so he teated him badly after the death of his father .

hindley has a sister called catherine , who grows up together with heathcliff andin love with each other.but catherine marries edgar because heathcliff is poor. heathcliff leaves and back to the town 3 years later as a rich man.he marries edgar’s sister asrevenge .besides, he takes all the property of hindley and treats hindley’s son hareton as a slave.catherine died due to her illness while heathcliff can not recover form the lose of catherine,he makes edgar’s daughter cathy marries his sick son linton,after linton’s death he realized the meaningless of his revenge and allows hareton to be in love with cathy.at the end he dies of hunger for he doesn’t eat anything .

第三篇:Wuthering Heights


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review on Wuthering Heights

i. introduction

Wuthering height was written by emily bronte, who was a famous female writer. emily bronte was born in 1818. and she lived most of her life in the yorkshire moors that she immortalized in Wuthering Heights. she was the fifth in a family of six children, growing up in a stone personage in a village called haworth. when emily was only two years old, their mother maria was died. the young brontes were sent to a school for poor children of clergymen, a dreadful place that inspired the fictional school in emily’s sister charlotte bronte’s jane eyre. later, they came home to haworth, where they were cared by an aunt. poetry, history, and politics were among the conversation topics at home. such talk fed the active imaginations of the bronte children. of the three writing bronte sisters, emily was the most peculiar one. reclusive and nontalkative, she attended to her chores with a dutiful, stoic nature. only while roaming the moors did she become truly alive. in fact, during the brief times she spent away from haworth, at school in brussels with charlotte as a young woman. she became homesick and physically ill. though being confronted with such difficulties, she kept writing. when Wuthering Heights was published in 1847, the pen name she chose caused much confusion and it was often assumed that jane eyre and Wuthering Heights were written by the same person. emily’s novel was badly edited and received mixed reviews. nonetheless, emily began to work on her second novel. in 1848, a year after the publication of Wuthering Heights, emily caught a cold at a funeral, which, with her typical stoicism, she ignored. the cold steadily developed into a far more serious illness, but emily refused all medical advice.

at last, barely capable of breathing without going into a fit of coughing, she steadfastly attended to her usual chores. after emily had been ill for nearly two months, on december 19, 1848, she broke down. shortly after, she died. and yet, she is remembered as charlotte once described her: “stronger than a man, simpler than a child, her nature stood alone.”

chen yafei, class 1, 2014, foreign languages school

when the novel began, it was 1801. mr. lockwood, the narrator of the story arrived at thrushcross grange, a grand house that he was renting from heathcliff, who lived at nearby Wuthering Heights. he spent a night at Wuthering Heights and had a terrifying dream. later, lockwood asked the housekeeper mrs. nelly dean to tell the story of heathcliff and Wuthering Heights.

it was a story that flashed back thirty years to 1771, when mr. earnshaw brought a street orphan home. he called him heathcliff and intended to raise him alongside his own children, catherine and hindley. hindley was intensively jealous of the new arrival and saw him as an interloper and rival. however, catherine became heathcliff’s inseparable friend and fell in love with him. after mr. earnshaw’s death, hindley took over the estate. he brutalized heathcliff, forcing him to work as a hired hand. and he forbade his sister to be with heathcliff. later, catherine became a friend of edgar, who was a mild and refined young man and agreed to marry him. heathcliff was very depressed and angry, then he left Wuthering Heights. some time later, he returned and he had mysteriously become very wealthy. he began to take revenge on those who prevented him from being with catherine. through his efforts, he took ownership of Wuthering Heights upon hindley’s death. intent on ruining edgar, heathcliff married edgar’s sister isabella, which placed him in a position to inherit thrushcross grange after edgar’s death. catherine became very ill after heathcliff’s return and died a few hours after giving birth to a daughter also named catherine. later, heathcliff became more bitter and revengeful. his wife isabella left him and subsequently gave birth to a boy, linton. meanwhile, heathcliff succeeded in taking ownership of Wuthering Heights and vowed to raise hindley’s son, harenton. then, in order to rule the property of his enemy, he persuaded catherine to marry linton. soon after, edgar linton died, followed shortly by linton heathcliff. this left catherine a widow at Wuthering Heights, as heathcliff had gained compete control of both Wuthering Heights and thrushcross grange. even thus, he was not happy at all. at last, he committed himself and he was buried near to catherine.

the whole story was really a tragedy. mr. lockwood was shocked by the story and the story concluded with mr. lockwood visiting the grave.

the novel divides into several chapters, and each chapter seems to set up a lesson for us to learn.

when i was reading this novel, what impressed me most was the unhappy marriages. in this novel there existed several unhappy marriages. one of the examples was the marriage between isabella and heathcliff. isabella didn’t know heathcliff well when she married him. she was just attracted by his appearance, but later she realized that heaththcliff was not a gentleman at all. as a result, what she only could do was to regret for herself. another example had happened between catherine and edgar. although she had been happy at the beginning of the marriage, after a while, she became bored and she also realized that her true love was heathcliff. in my opinion, her choosing to marry edgar was just because she wanted to be rich and to be the greatest woman in the neighborhood. till now, i can remember clearly that catherine said to mrs. dean: “it would degrade me to marry heathcliff now.” from her words, we can see that she cared wealth and social status more than true love, which should be responsible for her unhappy marriage. in our daily lives, there also exist many people who share the same opinion with catherine. there is no doubt that they also have suffered a lot from their unhappy marriages. it is my personal belief that a successful marriage should not be based on wealth, beauty or social status. however, the true love, respect, knowing about the one you choose are the essential factors in marriage. to everyone, marriage seems to be one of the most important things in life. it has great influence on our daily lives, our physical and mental health, our social relationship and even our fate. so, we should take our marriage seriously and choose the one who is really right for us. thus, can we have a successful marriage and a happy life.

after reading the whole story, i was shocked by heathcliff’s revenge and learned a lot from it. because of the animosities between himself and others, heathcliff used all means he could to take revenge on them. not only did his wicked actions do lots of harm to others, but also these actions hurt himself a lot. during the process of taking revenge on others, his sense of superiority had faded away. then his appearance began to reflect the state of his mind. his walk lacked confidence; he looked disagreeable, and spoke seldom. even though he succeeded in taking possession of all the wealth, he was not happy at all. at last, he

committed himself. as it says that “whoever seeks revenge should dig two graves.” just like heathcliff, if he could recognize this principle and follow it, all the tragedies could be avoided. it is widely known that to forgive and forget offenses enable imperfect people to grow and improve. maybe, it is easier said than done. however, the longer you wait to forgive someone, the harder it becomes. in our daily lives, it is unavoidable to hurt others or to be hurt by others. if we are too sensitive to it and pay much attention on it, we’ll be unhappy all day and we can not get along well with others around us. our society worships harmony. being tolerant and having a harmonious relationship with others will benefit us a lot. next time when you get hurt, remember the saying “to err is human; to forgive, divine.” and follow those instructions. only in this way can we live happily and make our society more harmonious.

all in all, i really learned a lot from this novel. it deserves our reading.

第四篇:读后感 Wuthering Heights

Wuthering Heights

emily published only one novel, Wuthering Heights, but this single work has its place among the masterpieces of english literature.

emily was born in thornton, yorkshire, in the north of

england and died of tuberculosis in the late 1848. when bronte sisters are young, their father asked them to read many books: the bible, homer, virgil, shakespeare, milton, byron, scott and many others. the children also read enthusiastically articles on current affairs.

unlike charlotte, emily had no close friends. she wrote a few letters and was interested in mysticism. her first novel, Wuthering Heights, a story-within-a-story, did not gain immediate success as charlotte's jane eyre, but it has got later fame as one of the most intense novels written in the english language. in contrast to charlotte and anne, whose novels take the form of autobiographies written by authoritative and reliable narrators, emily introduced an unreliable narrator, lockwood.

lockwood, the narrator, is a gentleman visiting the yorkshire moors where the novel is set, and of mrs. dean, housekeeper to the earnshaw family, who had been witness of the life of the original owners of the Heights. bronte draws a

powerful picture of the strange man heathcliff, who is brought to Heights from the streets of liverpool by mr. earnshaw. heathcliff is treated as earnshaw's own children, catherine and hindley. after mr. earnshaw’s death heathcliff is bullied by hindley, who loves catherine, but she marries edgar linton. heathcliff 's destructive force is unleashed, and his first victim is catherine, who dies giving birth to a girl, another catherine. isabella linton, edgar's sister, whom he had married, flees to the south. their son linton and catherine are married, but always sickly linton dies. hareton, hindley's son, and the young widow became close. increasingly isolated and alienated from daily life, heathcliff experiences visions, and he longs for the death that will reunite him with catherine.

in early time, there are many critics on this novel. some

people called it a "strange, inartistic story", but commented that every chapter seems to contain a "sort of rugged power". it

supported the second point made in the athenaeum, suggesting that the general effect of the novel was "inexpressibly painful", but adding that all of its subjects were either "utterly hateful or thoroughly contemptible".

there some symbols in the novel, for example, the moors

and the ghosts.

the constant emphasis on landscape within the text of

Wuthering Heights endows the setting with symbolic

importance. moorland cannot be cultivated, and its uniformity makes navigation difficult. it features particularly waterlogged patches in which people could potentially drown. thus, the moors serve very well as symbols of the wild threat posed by nature. as the setting for the beginnings of catherine and heathcliff’s bond, the moorland transfers its symbolic

associations onto the love affair.

ghosts appear throughout Wuthering Heights, as they do in most other works of gothic fiction, yet bronte always presents them in such a way that whether they really exist remains ambiguous. thus the world of the novel can always be

interpreted as a realistic one. certain ghosts—such as

catherine’s spirit when it appears to lockwood in chapter iii—may be explained as nightmares. the villagers’ alleged sightings of heathcliff’s ghost in chapter xxxiv could be

dismissed as unverified superstition. whether or not the ghosts are “real,” they symbolize the manifestation of the past within the present, and the way memory stays with people, permeating their day-to-day lives.

i think the novel suggests us that lovers should have a healthy love, and put the needs of the beloved first.

第五篇:Wuthering Heights 读后感

Wuthering Heights is the first english novel which i had read. before that i used to heard jane eyre, and i?m very familiar with its chinese version. therefore when our professor asked me to read an english novel, i chose the Wuthering Heights written by emily bronte who was jane eyre ?s writer-charlotte bronte?s young sister and a genius female writer in britain in the 19th century.

Wuthering Heights was emily?s first masterpiece novel as well as the unique one. moreover emily was an excellent poet. in her novel, i can always feel the mysterious and horrible atmosphere that was reflected not only by the changeable weather but also the cold-blooded and hypocritical people such as heathcliff、joseph、 hindley as well as catherine. emily told a long story about different personality individuals living in two villas on a great sheet of wasteland.

after finishing the novel, i searched it on the internet and curiously found that unlike her sister charlotte emily didn?t have an actual love and marriage experience. all of those vivid figures and complex plots in her novel were imaginary.

usually the literature works mirror out the author?s real life and living environment. emily bronte lived thirty years of british society was the age of turbulence. her family settled down on a remote nook of wilderness (next to the chillingworth industrial estate ) just like the place where the Wuthering Heights located. besides, in her novel she didn?t

mention catherine?mother very much due to emily lost her mother in her early age, and long-term alcohol and drug taking led the death of her brother branwell which was the real model of hindley . what?s more , petrick bronte, emily?s father, who was a radical conservative, opposed luddite movement in his early years, and gave help to the chillingworth workers and supported their strike. relatively the figure of her father in her novel was mr. earnshaw who adopted gypsy foundling--heathcliff and brought him up. it was inherited from their father that emily and her sisters had more mercy on craftsmen.

in emily?s real life, her brother 、 her sisters and she were all educated at home, thus they often killed time by reading books、poetry writing and making up romaunt together. sometimes they went for a walk on the wilderness, it was there emily had a good advantage to be closed to the nature then merged her emotions into her works especially the poems. it was said that emily often alone walked around the wilderness and experienced the instant which the nature and people could extreme meet. all of her those feelings were expressed in her representative poem works such as souvenir 、prisoner and night breeze. britain well-known poet and critic matthew spoke highly of her, “after baron era, nobody could matched----the most outstanding poet”. unfortunately i haven?t read her poem, but i will find some in my spare time.

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