英语名著读书笔记 Harry Potter and The Philosopher’s Stone范文

(作者:jijiang110时间:2021-07-03 05:00:49)

第一篇:Harry Potter and The Philosopher

Harry Potter and The Philosopher’s stone.


j.k.rowling, who is a famous writer in The world ,is famous with The novel --Harry Potter.it is a serious novel that attract numbers of people in all The world .i read The first book--Harry Potter and The Philosopher’s stone. when read The book my first time, i feel very exciting and interesting. so i read it again and again, each time i have different feelings now,let me introuse about this book..

Potter is an 11 year old boy who’s parents died, and he goes to hogwarts. he is a poor orphan who has a thin face, black hair and bright-green eyes. he wears glasses and often wear The worn cloThes.he was adopted by his aunt and uncle.They treat him as a salve,ask him to do all The housework.not just only that, his cousin often play tricks on him ,he felt very unhappy in this home.

all The things started from The platform nine and three-quarters and that’s where our whole story began. Harry received a letter of being admitted to a magic school at his eleventh birthday and came to his new school—hogwarts. people There dressed in cloaks, flicked Their wands and uttered spells;owls are Their messengers; do-it yourself brooms are The means of transportation; all The chess pieces of The chess could think and

move obeying The orders of Their masters. in The school, Harry have two good friends. one was clever and cute hermione granger and The oTher was credible and honest ron wesley. ron weasley is an 11 year old boy who has red fair; hermione is a 10 year old girl who likes learn a lots. Harry is very brave and known by everyone because he is The only person who will not die by devil. hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry is where Harry Potter and his friends learned about magic.

when i read this book ,i felt all The characters in The novel were fantastic; take The hero and his two friends for example: The author portrayed The hero as a real friend to his friends and a gentleman to those jealous people. he held The profound meaning of friendship and understood The value of family relationship. his personal charm was shining all over The novel!

meanwhile, dramatic plots went through The whole novel. i was deeply impressed by many scenes in it and what impressed me most was The valuable friendship among Harry, ron and hermione. when Harry was confronted with The great problem—getting The Philosopher’s stone, ron and hermione try Their best to help him . thanks to Their selfless help, Harry could win The last victory.

‘a friend in need is a friend indeed.’ Their inner love for each oTher presented without reservation. contrary to Them, The evil man in The novel—lord voldemort. although he held power and status, he was still overwhelmed with grief. The main reason was that There was no love with


all in all, Harry and his friends set a good example for us. connecting to our life, we should value our friendships, be with sincere hearts toward oThers and let oThers feel our love. believe me,as long as friendship and love exists in your belief, you’ll have a good harvest on your road.


1.<< The little princess>> was writen by burnett.f.h

2.<<jojo’s story>>was writen by moses antoinette

3.<<alice in wonderland>>was writen by lewis carroll

第二篇:Harry Potter and The Philosopher's stone书评

title: Harry Potter and The Philosopher’s stone

Theme: Harry hero of this novel was in The final victory over vodemort with The help of his friends hermione and ron.

Thesis: The most powerful magic is love and a firm will.

“Harry Potter and The Philosopher’s stone” is The first book in The magic literature novels written by a famous britain author j.k.rowling. as we know, The book prevailed over The world in a large scale as soon as it was published in 1997.even to this day, Harry Potter series have bring The author millions of fans and countless fortune.

The novel introduces an ordinate boy to our readers who parents already left him when he was born. afterwards, Harry was admitted into hogwarts where he met his two best friends hermione and ron. and They had a nice and interesting time togeTher with each oTher until The evil magician voldemort emerged. finally Harry successes in preventing voldemort from getting The Philosopher’s stone accompanied with his friends.

wild imagination runs like fireworks all The way through The whole story. The vivid description of Harry Potter's life in hogwarts is close to kids' campus life yet different in a magic way. with his flaws, Harry Potter's personal growth touches upon The heart strings of many readers. (quotations)

it is no doubt that this novel is extremely successful and popular which tells us The value of friendship. The novel describes The little boy’s magic experience from which we can learn The power of friendship and a firm will. as we know, before Harry came to hogwarts, he was a lonely child who was bullied by his cousin dudley and had almost nothing, no parents’ love ,no broThers and sisters’ help. but it is hogwarts where Harry find his most valuable assets——friendship.

from where i stand, i am exactly a raging fan of The series. i admire Harry and his partners most. The happiness They met and The difficulties They faced had attracted me deeply. moreover, The series of Harry Potter took me to a new realm where i can dream, adventure and do many things beyond myself. it opens a new world to me. The new world only belongs to those who have no doubt of its existence.

j.k.rowling's language is wit and humorous by using lots of puns, figures of speech and parallel.

her creation of characters is vivid and lively as if They are The boys and girls living around us, it is a story of not only magic and european culture, but also growing up---dealing with different kinds of works and relations. and it would also remind me of my own experience and feelings when i was at that age.

i believe The writer loves her characters so much that They seem to be living in her real life when she creates Them. maybe that is The reason

why she wants to protect her originality wherever The book is adapted.it is a story for children, and it is great.

第三篇:reading after Harry Potter and The Philosopher 哈利波特与魔法石读后感

reading after Harry Potter and The Philosopher's stone

i fell in love with Harry Potter when i was a ten-year-old girl,who was interested in all The mystical things.Harry Potter led me to a new world which was full of magic and love,that’s why i was eager to become 11 at that time so that i would know wheTher i was a witch.Then certainly,i’m not.

reading Harry Potter and The Philosopher's stone again in english made me feel more and learn more.The character that most impressed me was courage.

i admire little Harry’s courage to face The future.when he first got on The train to hogwarts,he really did not know what was going to happen,and he knew little about The magic world,but he was not afraid at all.instead,he ‘felt a great leap of excitement.he didn’t know what he was going to-but it had to be better than he was leaving behind.’though Harry alway suffers a lot,he always has trust in The future.

courage is important.every line,every word of this book reminds us of The value of courage.i remember ron encouraged neville not to afraid of malfoy.he said ,‘you've got to stand up to him,neville!he's used to walking all over people,but that's no

reason to lie down in front of him and make it easier.’

Harry,ron and hermione were just first-year students in hogwarts ,but in order to protect The Philosopher's stone,They fought with Their professor and finally They succeed.courage makes people strong.

albus dumbledore once said to Harry that ,‘to ones as young as you,i'm sure it seems incredible,but to nicolas and perenelle,it really is like going to bed after a very very long day.after all,to The well-organized mind,death is but The next great adventure.’professor dumbledore taught me how to face death bravely.

apart from courage,The book told me The importance of love.voldemort is a very powerful wizard,but he was not able to kill Harry and he could not even touch Harry.professor dumbledore once explained this to Harry,‘if There is one thing voldemort cannot understand,it is love.he didn't realize that love as powerful as your moTher's for you leaves its own mark.not a scar,no visible sign...to have been loved so deeply,even though The person who loved us is gone,will give us some protection forever.it is in your very skin.quirrell,full of hatred,greed,and ambition,sharing his soul with voldemort,could not touch you for this reason.it was agony to touch a person

marked by something so good.’The book made me realize that There is nothing that is more powerful than love.love makes us strong.

what make Harry a great boy are many valuable characters,one of which is modesty.because of his legendary experience,he is very celebrated and he has a lot of adorer,but Harry is never arrogant.on The contrary,he is very modest and hard-working.he never thinks himself a ‘famous person’.

in a way,Harry is just an ordinary boy.he laugh;he cry;he wants friends;he needs love.he is just like everyone among us,so sometimes reading his story is just like talking to myself.meanwhile,he leads me to an amazing new world,which is full of adventures,magic and love.

第四篇:高三英语作文:perfect dream Harry Potter

高三英语作文:perfect dream Harry Potter

do you know Harry Potter? if you don't, Then you are out of date. many people love Harry Potter, wheTher children or adults. i love Harry Potter, too. last week, i went to nantong to see The movie "Harry Potter and The goblet of fire".

it was a wonderful movie. in The movie, Harry is The same age as us and he is more handsome than me. Harry's best friends are hermione and ron. The movie tells The story of Harry's fourth year at hogwarts. The goblet of five selects him to compete as one of four champions in The throwizard tournament, despite The fact that he didn't submit his name. The tournament is very dangerous so his friends are all worried about him. hermione and ron try Their best to help Harry to prepare for each task. i think Their friendship is unbreakable. cho chang, who Harry likes, is achinese pretty girl. i liked her but i liked hermione better because she is very clever.

it's very magical! i love magic as much as Harry does. if i lived in a magic world, i could pick up gigantic things easily, i could go to wherever i liked and i could fly on a broom, i could change my hairstyle of any time, i could.

it's a perfect world and it's a perfect dream.

第五篇:sand and stone 英语经典美文

sand and stone 英语经典美文



The story goes that two friends were walking through The desert. during some point of The journey They had an argument, and one friend slapped The oTher one in The face.


The one who got slapped felt hurt, but without saying anything, wrote in The sand: quot;today my best friend slapped me in The face.&quot;


They kept on walking until They found an oasis, where They decided to take a bath. The one who had been slapped got stuck in The mire and started drowning, but The friend saved him.


after he recovered from The near drowning, he wrote on a stone: quot;today my best friend saved my life.&quot;


The friend who had slapped and saved his best friend asked him, quot;after i hurt you, you wrote in The sand and now you write on a stone. why?&quot;


The oTher friend replied: quot;when someone hurts us we should write it down in sand where winds of forgiveness can erase it away. but when someone does something good for us, we must engrave it in stone where no wind can ever erase it.


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